
发布 2021-05-25 14:03:28 阅读 8114

初高中词汇 def





一。 重点词汇及短语。

1. death

用法】 n. 死,死亡 lose one’s life 丧命,死亡。

my dog died two days ago.我的狗2天前死了。

拓展】 die v. 死亡 dead adj. 死亡的 be dead 死了(持续性词组)

2. decide

用法】vt./vi. 决定

i h**e decided to go to hainan for a holiday.我决定去海南度假。

搭配】decide to do sth 决定做某事。

拓展】decision n. 决定 make a decision 作决定。

wearing red can help you when you are h**ing difficulty ****** a decision.当你很难做决定时,穿红色可以帮助你。

3. devote

用法】v. 献身,专心于。



be devoted to 致力于,专心于。

举例】he devoted his life to literature.


we should devote ourselves to the duties of our profession.


考点】 to 为介词,后加动词ing

拓展】 devoted adj. 热爱的,全心全意的 devotedly adv. 全心全意地。

演练】 her time __the experiment ,she had no time to see

the film.

to do to doing

to doing devoted to do

4. discover

用法】vt. 发现,发觉。

let’s discover how the power of colour can change your moods!


拓展】discovery n.发现;发觉。

辨析】◆look for意为“寻找”,强调找的动作,是延续性动词,如句1。

find意为“找到、发现、感到”,强调找的结果,是非延续性动词,find out意为“查明、发现、了解”,指经过认真观察、调查或研究把某事、某物查出来、搞清楚,多用于复杂而不容易直接查出的情况,discover意为“发现、发觉”,指发现某种情况或发现早已存在而未为人知的东。


1. 最后,我在床底下找到了那本书。

iunder the bed in the end.

2. 我爸爸正到处找他的护照。

my fatherhis passport everywhere.

3. 我们必须查明真相。

we must

4. 你知道哥伦布什么时候发现了美洲吗?

do you know when columbusamerica?

5. divide

用法】v. 分开;分配;

搭配】divide…into… 把…分成… be divided into… …被分成…

a year is divided into four seasons.一年分为四个季节。


1) divide 划分;把整体分成若干部分,常和介词into连用,如

eg. the world is divided into five continents.

2)separate 分隔;把原来连在一起或靠近的分隔开来,挑拣出来的意思;常和from连用,eg. the taiwan straits separates taiwan from fujian.

演练】hospital staff burst into cheers after doctors completed a 20-hour operation to h**eone-year-old twins at the head.

a isolated b separated c divided d removed

6. doubt

用法】vt./n. 怀疑

搭配】there is no doubt that+句子/ of + n ..毫无疑问 =without doubt

there is some doubt about whether...对。有疑问。

h**e no doubt+ that从句对。毫无怀疑

活用】i doubt if forgive me this time.

注意】当doubt前有否定词时,用that 引导从句;don't doubt that

若无否定词时,后面用whether或if 引导从句。doubt if/ whether

演练for us to discuss the problem again. it has already been settled.

a. it has no doubtb. there has no doubt

c. it is no needd. there is no need

7. dress

用法】vt.给…穿衣服 n.服装。

搭配】dress up as 装扮成辨析:dress sb 给某人穿衣服。

辨析】举例】do you know the girl __a red coat?

a. dressed in b. had on c. wore d. put on

8. face

用法】v. 面对;面向 n. 脸;面孔;

搭配】 to face 面对面地。

they stand face to face talking.他们面对面地站在那里谈着。

a face at 向……做鬼脸。

he made faces at the baby to make it laugh.


9. fail

用法】v. 失败;忽视

i was very sad because i failed the exam.


搭配】fail in sth. 在某事物中失败

i passed in maths but failed in french. 我数学及格,但法语不及格。

拓展】n. failure 失败;不成功。

举例】the open university was started in order to help those who __h**ing a university education when they were young.

a. stopped b. failed c. missed d. ceased

c. missed. miss doing sth.

没有做某事:i missed seeing the film when it was shown at school.(学校放映那部电影时,我没有能去看。

)10. expect


搭配】expect to doexpect sb. to do

expect that

辨析】expect, hope, wish, expect, want, desire和look forward to

hope希望(结果容易实现) hope to do/hope that



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