
发布 2021-05-25 14:01:28 阅读 7554

初高中词汇 nop





一。 重点词汇及短语。

1. need

用法】 vt.& 需要 n. 需求;需要;要求

搭配】1. need do sth 需要做某事 (是情态动词)

you don’t look well, i think you need see a doctoe.


2. need to do sth 需要做某事 (是实意动词)

we need to help the poor students go to college


3. need doing sth 需要做某事。


the flowers need watering .花需要浇水了。

举例】the compositionany more.

a. need not to be correctedb. doesn't need to be corrected

c. doesn't need be corrected d. need not correct

2. no

用法】adv. &adj. 不;没有;

搭配】 longer 不再。

i’m no longer a child.我已不再是一个孩子了。

more than 不多于。

3. no more 不再。

4. no sooner 刚……就……;

no sooner said than done. 说了就做。

way 不行,没门。

辨析】none, no one/nobody, nothing



1)no one like a person with bad manners.

2)——who is in the room?

——no one.

3)——is there anyone in the room?

——no one.

1)可与of连用;2)谓语动词用单或复数;3)具体指什么人或物;4)一般用来回答how many +n,how much +n及含any+n引起的疑问句。

1)none of us h**e/has seen him.

2)——how many students are there in the room? —none.

3)——is there any water in the thermos? —none.

4)——how much money do you h**e on you? —none.


1)——what is in the box? —nothing.

2)——is there anything in the sky? —nothing.

3)——can you see anything without glasses? —nothing.

举例of the reasons was true.

a. none b. no one c. nothing d. all

3. north

用法】adj. &n. 北的 ;北方的;北方;

搭配】 the north 在……北部(内部):

shenyang is in the north of china .沈阳在中国的北方。

2. to the north 在……北方(不相接)

japan is to the north of china.日本在中国的北面。

the north 在……北方(相接)

jilin province is on the north of liaoning province.

拓展】northern adj. 北部的;北方的。

考点】in the north of +地点= in the northern part of +地点。

4. notice


搭配】notice sb do/doing sth注意到。做。

辨析】see,look,watch ,notice


what can you see in the picture?在图画中你能看到什么?


look !how happily they are playing!看!他们玩得多高兴啊!


he watched tv for over five hours last sunday.



he noticed a purse lying on the road.他注意到地上有个钱包。


1.__they are flying kites over there.

'm__a football game now.

wants to__her friend.

is__a letter now.

many pictures can you_on the wall?

6._me carefully.

the picture.

likes_a book.

答案: 6. watch

5. offer

用法】vt.&提供;主动提出; n.主动提议;减价。

搭配】offer to help sb. 表示愿意帮助某人

offer sth to sb./offer sb. sth.提供某物给某人。

辨析】offer, supply, provide

supply sth to sb/supply sb. with sth

provide sb. with sth./provide sth for sb.

6. order

用法】v.要求;订购;(n. 顺序);

搭配】 order to 为了……;so that /so as to /for

she got up early in order to catch the bus.为了能赶上车她起得很早。

sb to do sth命令某人某事。

they ordered him to stop.他们命令他停下来。

7. pass


搭配】1. pass the message to sb 传递某人信息。

on 传递。

sb sth =pass sth to sb 传递某人某物。

辨析】past prep. walk past, half past six

举例】1. if there is no further discussion, let’s

2. the great man __in 1998.

3. the old house has been __for four generation.

8. point

用法】v.指点;指出;(n. 点;);

搭配】1. point to 指向,(较远之物)。

he pointed to the woman under the tree and said,she is our new teacher.”


2. point at 指向(较近之物)

beijing is here.” he pointed at the map and said .


3. point out 指出:

the teacher pointed out his mistakes. 老师指出了他的错误。

举例】— any suggestions?

you’d better __the last sentence as it is rather misleading.

a. put outb. le**e out c. point outd. pick out

9. practice

用法】n. 习惯行动;练习;

搭配】 into practice 实施,实行。

makes perfect. 熟能生巧。

拓展】practise v.经常做;练习;实践;

practice doing sth 练习做某事。

i often practice speaking english at home .我经常在家练习说英语。

10. prefer preferred preferred

用法】v. 更喜欢,相当于“like…better…”,后可接不定式,动词ing, 名词和代词。

举例】i prefer music that has great lyrics.


精选500词 1 23 日期姓名教师。1.absent 缺席,缺勤。2.accept 接受。3.achieve 完成 达到。4.address 地址。5.advantage 优势,优点。6.afford 支付得起。7.agree 同意。8.alive 活泼的 活着的。9.already 已经。10....


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