
发布 2021-05-25 04:32:28 阅读 5172

terms about driving:

1 ) car models:


公共汽车bus双层巴士double decker bus

大客车coach/ motor coach 计程汽车 taxi/ taxicab

无轨电车trolleybus有轨电车 tramcar/ streetcar

地铁 subway/underground/tube

特别快车 express train快车fast train

直达快车through train慢车stopping/slow train


慢(快)车道 slow(quick) lane

单行道 one way only / single lane

双车道 two-way traffic

高速公路 freeway(fwy) /motorway/ expressway /thruway


过境公路through highway

收费站 toll station

高架道路 elevated road

高架桥 viaduct

入口 entrance

出口 exit

由此而入 enter here

绕路而行 detour

大路 **enue

林荫大道 boulevard(blvd)

小路 path

人行道 p**ement ,sidewalk

三岔路road junction

宁静区 silent zone

徒步区 walking area

拱桥 arch bridge

停车处 parking lot(zone)



3)warning devices警示标志。

禁止进入,禁止掉头no entry, no turns

红绿灯 traffic signal lights

窄路 narrow road

滑路 slippery road

弯路 curve road

此路不通 blocked / road closed

修路 road works ahead

改道 diversion / detour

险陡 dangerous ahead

危险弯路 dangerous curves

三岔路 road junction

十字路 cross road

回车道 loop road

左(右)弯 left (right) curve

弯曲路 winding road

之字路 double bend road

分车道公路divided highway

平面交叉路口highway grade crossing

让车道 passing bay

小心火车 rr crossing / railroad crossing

前有工程 men working

前有狭桥 narrow bridge ahead

塌方 landslide

当心行人 caution pedestrian crossing

p**ement markings 路面标线。

railroad crossbuck signs 路口指示牌。

stop signs 停车指示标。

stop line停车线。

you are approaching a curve to the left, then to the right.


sharp turn to the left ahead 前方向左急转弯。

proceed with caution谨慎行驶。

emergency vehicles紧急车辆。

(4) relevant expressions:

倒车出库back the car out of the garage、

直线行驶drive in a straight line/go straight/keep going straight

换档操作shift gears

路口左转弯turn left at the crossing

超车 overtake other vehicles、

掉头 turn around、

靠边停车pull over to the curb

靠右停在路边stay close to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway

在这里停车stop the car here

偏离车道drive off the roadway

偏右行驶drive on the right half of the roadway

偏左行驶drive left-of-center

穿越轨道cross the track

车辆同一方向行驶vehicle is proceeding in the same direction

开车头灯illuminate the headlights

开雨刮器turn on the wind shield wiper

红灯亮turn on a red traffic signal

发出转弯指示灯give a turn signal

打开黄灯activate amber lights

按喇叭sound the horn

打闪光灯,发出有声信号display flashing lights and an audible signal

闯红灯 run red traffic lights

打火turn on the engine(car)

阻断车主视线obstruct driver’s view

系好安全带wear/fasten safety belts

装有安全气囊equip with air bags

看盲点 watch for the blind pots

倒后退 back up


下坡泊车down hill parking

上坡泊车up hill parking

平行泊车parallel parking

right-hand lane 右边行车线。

parking brake手刹车。

step on the gas 踩油门。

zebra crossing 斑马线。

steering wheel 方向盘。

the traffic flow交通流。

traffic jam/congestion/bottleneck 交通阻塞。

traffic control 交通管理。

the cargo storage area货物储存区。

manual transmission手动变速箱。

right of way优先权。

yield the right-of-way让出路权。

block intersections 阻塞交叉路口。

clear the intersection

cross the intersection 横过交叉路口。

left turn on red 在红灯时段内进行左转行驶。


take your foot off the clutch after changing gear.


unlawful to operate a vehicle with a blood-alcohol concentration (bac) of .08 percent or higher.


take the blood-alcohol test 测试血液酒精含量。

confiscate your license 没收执照。

administrative license suspension/refusal驾照吊销。

defensive driving 防守驾驶。

hit-and-run drivers 肇事逃跑司机。

a tire blows out轮胎爆裂。


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