人教版高中英语必修4 词组整理

发布 2021-05-25 03:14:28 阅读 7578

必修4 词组整理。


1.。。的成就/实现: the achievement of….

2.发起:一场战役:start a compaign (huaihai compaign)



4.使举止规矩:beh**e oneself

5.在。。。的阴凉处:in the shape of….

6.使。。。黯然失色:put+n in the shade

7.给。。。遮挡来自。。。的光线: shade +保护对象 from/against +光线**。

shade (阴凉处)--shadow(阴暗处,影子)

8.出发:move off=set off=set out

9.观察某人做某事:observe sb do/doing sth

指说理---quarrel 指口角之争。

说服某人做某事:argue sb into doing sth---argue sb out of doing sth

11.就某事与某人争执:argue with sb about sth

12.支持…:argue for---反对 argue against (doing) sth

13.过着一种…的生活: lead/live a ….life

14….涌入心头: crowd in (on sb)

15.支持某人做某事: surrpot sb in (doing) sth

16.支持…:in support of…=in f**our of…

17.支持某人:support sb=give/lend/offer/provide support to sb

18.轻视…:look down on +sb---钦佩:look up to…

19.到处看看:look about /around…

20.退缩,停滞:look back

21.回忆起…:look back on…=recall…

22.在 b中期待a:look for a in b

23.顺便拜访某人:look in +sb

24.顺便到某处看看:look in at +sp=come by=come over

25.调查某事:look into +sth=investigate=survey=research

26.展望未来:look ahead

27.把…看作…:look on …as…=refer to …as…=see/view…as….=take…as…


28.参考:refer to…=turn to…=look up…

29.谈到:refer to…

30.涉及:refer to…=be concerned with…

31.发生:come about

32.偶然遇见:come across (走过来),讲解清楚。

33.紧跟:come winter+n

34.一起来:come along (进展)

35.出现:come across+n=come along (with+n)(主动)

36.变化不断;come and go

37.攻击,向。冲去:come at+sb

38.了解:come at+n=know about+n

39.比…重要:come before+n =be more important than…

40.被提交:come before=be handed in…

41.分开:come between+n

42.干涉:come between+n

43.阻碍:come between+n

44.记起…come back (to sb) 主动。

45.重新流行:sth +come back

46.得到:come by+n =get+n

47.倒塌:come down

48.脱离,举行:come off

49.喜欢…:care for…=be knee on…=take delight in…=be into…=go in for…

50.照顾。care for…=see to…=attend to…

51.打算让某人做某事:intend sb for sth=intend sb to do sth

52.为了做…:be intended to do sth=be intended for…

53.被用作…:be intended as…

54.本打算做…;had intended=intend to h**e done (同类词:hope,think,expect,mean)

55.忽视…:le**e…into consideration

56.考虑到…:take…into consideration

57.作为…的回报:in consideration of….=in return for…

58.生下…;give birth to…=be delivered of…

59.递送…给…:deliver sth to sb =pass sth to sb

课内。1. 共有:in common

2. 与…一样…: in common with…

3. 不平常的,非凡的:out of common

4. 有很多共同之处:h**e a lot/much in common (with…)

5. 没有很多共同之处:h**e little/not much in common (with…)

6. 有共同之处:h**e sth in common

7. 没有共同之处:h**e nothing in common

8. 判处某人死刑:put sb to death=sentence sb to death

9. 把某人打死:beat sb to death

10. 鼓励某人做某事:inspire sb to do =encourage sb to do

11. 实施…:carry out

12. 继续做某事:carry on (doing/with) sth

13. 使渡过难关;carry through

14. 几乎:as good as=almost=nearly

15. 给…准备…:prepare sb sth=prepare sth for sb

16. 为…做准备;prepare for…

17. 准备…:prepare…

18. 对…谦虚:be modest about…


1. only+介词短语、状语,状语从句 ;放名首时,用部分倒装。

2. inspire---inspiration(灵感)

inspired 受到鼓舞的, inspiring 鼓舞人心的。

3. 受到…的鼓舞:be inspired by…

4. 主谓一致:


引号中的词或句子=1 “they”

看数量词的量词短语:a pair of shoes=1, a series of…

the+adj>2, the+语言=1

集体名词:指物=1; 指人》2


none,neither of+n =1;>2

分数或百分数+of+n不=1: +ns>2

the +n and n=1

every,each,no,many a+n and every,each,no,many a+n=1

就远原则。a+as well as,as much as,rather than,but,besides,like,including,with,together with, along with +b ,要看a部分的主语。

a +n单+or two=1---one or two +n复》2

many a +n单=1---more than one+n单=1

one and a half+n复》2


1. struggle for… 为。。。而斗争。

struggle with/against… 与…作斗争。

struggle with 与…并肩作战。

sruggle to do sth 努力做某事。

2. expand 面积扩张, extend 长度延伸。

3. rid a of b:使a摆脱 b

get rid of +对象 :摆脱…

be rid of+对象 :摆脱…

4. be satisfied with…=be content with…:对…满意。

5. 对…表示满意: express one’s satisfaction with…

6. 满意地: with satisfaction

7. would rather +句子 …did (现在,过去虚拟); had done (过去虚拟)

8. prefer that+句子(虚拟句式;ved/ (should)+v原)

9. 后悔做某事:regret doing sth

10. 遗憾去做某事:regret to do sth

11. 建立:build up=set up

12. 增强某人的体质:build sb up

13. 增强…:build up…

14. 导致做。:lead to doing

15. 引导某人做…:lead sb to doing sth

16. 使某人得出…lead sb to +n

17. 集中注意…:focus on…

18. 减少到…:reduce to…

19. 减少了:… reduce by…

20. …沦落为。:be reduced to…= reduce …to…

21. 保护…免受…: keep …from doing sth=keep …free of doing sth

prevent/stop sb (from) doing sth

protect/defend/preserve/free/s**e sb from doing sth

22. 对…作出评论:make comments on/about+对象。

人教版高中英语必修4 词组整理

必修4 词组整理。unit1课后。1.的成就 实现 the achievement of 2.发起 一场战役 start a compaign huaihai compaign 3.举止 beh e misbeh e beh ior misbeh ior 不良行为 4.使举止规矩 beh e one...


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