
发布 2021-05-25 02:49:28 阅读 2895

1. cultural

2. relic

3. rare

4. valuable

5. survive

6. vase

7. dynasty

8. in search of

9. amaze

10. amazing

11. select

12. honey

13. design

14. fancy

15. style

16. decorate

17. jewel

18. artist

19. belong to

20. in return

21. troop

22. reception

23. at war

24. remove

25. less than

26. doubt

27. former

28. worth

29. rebuild

30. local

31. apart

32. take apart

33. painting

34. trial

35. evidence

36. explode

37. entrance

38. sailor

39. sink

40. maid

41. think highly of

42. informal

43. debate

44. ancient

45. compete

46. take part in

47. medal

48. stand for

49. mascot

50. magical

51. volunteer

52. homeland

53. regular

54. basis

55. athlete

56. admit

57. sl**e

58. nowadays

59. gymnastics

60. stadium

61. gymnasium

62. as well

63. host

64. responsibility

65. replace

66. motto

67. swift

68. similarity

69. charge

70. in charge

71. physical

72. fine

73. poster

74. advertise

75. glory

76. bargain

77. foolish

78. goddess

79. pain

80. one after another

81. deserve

82. calculate

83. pc

84. laptop

85. analytical

86. universal

87. simplify

88. sum

89. operator

90. logical

91. logically

92. technology

93. technological

94. revolution

95. artificial

96. intelligence

97. intelligent

98. solve

99. from…on

100. reality

101. designer

102. personal

103. personally

104. tube

105. transistor

106. chip

107. as a result

108. total

109. totally

110. so…that…

111. network

112. web

113. application

114. finance

115. mobile

116. rocket

117. explore

118. anyhow

119. goal

120. happiness

121. human race

122. supporting

123. download

124. programmer

125. virus

126. signal

127. teammate

128. type

129. in a way

130. coach

131. arise

132. with the help of

133. electronic

134. appearance

135. character

136. mop

137. deal with

138. watch over

139. naughty

140. niece

141. spoil

142. wildlife

143. protection

144. wild

145. habitat

146. threathen

147. decrease

148. endanger

149. die out

150. loss

151. reserve

152. hunt

153. zone

154. in peace

155. in danger of

156. carpet

157. respond

158. distant

159. fur

160. relief

161. in relief

162. laughter

163. burst into laughter

164. mercy

165. certain

166. importance

167. faithfully

168. rub

169. protect…from

170. mosquito

171. insect

172. contain

173. powerful

174. affect

175. attention

176. pay attention to

177. appreciate

178. succeed

179. secure

180. income

181. employ

182. harm

183. bite

184. extinction

185. county

186. come into being

187. inspect

188. unexpected

189. incident

190. dust

191. according to

192. disappearance

193. fierce

194. so that

195. ending

196. classical

197. roll

198. rap

199. folk

200. jazz

201. musician

202. dream of

203. pretend

204. to be honest

205. attach

206. attach…to

207. form

208. passer-by

209. fame

210. earn

211. extra

212. instrument

213. perform

214. performance

215. pub

216. cash

217. in cash

218. studio

219. millionaire

220. play jokes on

221. actor

222. rely

223. rely on

224. broadcast

225. humorous

226. familiar

227. be/get familiar with

228. or so

229. break up

230. reunite

232. 3、月球是距离地球最近的星球直径大约是地球的1/4,质量大约是地球的1/80,月球体积大约是地球的1/49,月球引力大约是地球的1/6。attractive

233. addition

234. in addition

236. sort out

237. excitement

239. 4、小苏打和白醋混合后,产生了一种新物质——二氧化碳气体,这种气体能使燃着的火焰熄灭,这样的变化属于化学变化。overnight

240. dip

241. confident

243. 答:①我们每个人要做到不乱扔果皮,不随地吐痰,爱护花草树木,搞好环境卫生,保护好身边的环境。②力争做一个环保小卫士,向身边的人宣传和倡议环保。brief

245. 4、如何借助大熊座找到北极星?(p58)briefly

247. 23、我国是世界上公认的火箭的发源地,早在距今1700多年前的三国时代的古籍上就出现了“火箭”的名称。devotion

248. afterwards

250. 1、世界是由物质构成的。我们身边的书、橡皮、电灯、大树、动物、植物包括我们自己都是由物质构成的。invitation

251. beard

252. sensitive

254. 答:水分和氧气是使铁容易生锈的原因。painful

256. above all



unit rayawfulinsurancequestionnaireunitunit unitunit 5headline unitunit 1饮食 日常食物。n.照医生的规定饮食。vi.脂肪。n.健康的 强健的。adj.流行 冒。n.稀少的 罕有的。adj.牙痛。n.不健康的 有碍健康的。adj...


word格式。unit 1 cultural文化的。relic遗物 遗迹 纪念物rare稀罕的 稀有的 doubt n.怀疑 疑惑vt.怀疑 不信。mystery神秘 神秘的事物former以前的 从前的worthprep.值得的 相称于的magical adj巫术的 魔术。的 有。魔力的。volu...


words and expressions in each unit 第一单元。survey 调查 测验add up 合计 upset adj 心烦意乱的 不安的,不适的 ignore不理睬 忽视 h e got to 不得不 必须。be concerned about 关心 挂念 walk the...