高中英语词汇排查表 13

发布 2021-05-24 23:24:28 阅读 4517

1. depth n beyond one’s depth: 超出…的理解力。

2. describe v. 描述,描写describe sth as 描述。

3. description n描述,描写。

4. desert vt&n舍弃; 遗弃;沙漠。

5. deserve v应得,值得he deserves a punishment/ to be punished/punishing.

6. design n,v&n设计,策划图案,图样,样式h**e design on: 对…别有用心be designed for/to do .

be intended for/to do. these exercises are designed to strengthen muscles

7. desire v&n要求;期望desire sth desire for 渴望得到。

8. desk n

9. desperate a绝望的 desperate 不顾一切的,绝望的be desperate for/to do 渴望,急需。

10. despite prep. =in spite of 不管, 尽管despite/in spite of / regardless of+ 名不管despite the he**y rain, he still went out.

in spite of the fact that it was raining he**ily, he still went out. although/though + 从 although it was raining he**ily, he still went out.

11. dessert n甜点。

12. destination n目的地。

13. destroy v破坏,毁坏。

14. detective n侦探。

15. determine v决定;决心determination n. 决心determine to do determine the cause of the accident.

确定事故的原因the amount of rainfall determines the size of the crop.雨量决定收成的好坏。determine the date of the meeting 确定开会日期be determined to do = make up one’s mind to do = make a decision to do stha determined boy 一个有决心的男孩。

16. develop v(使)发展;(使)发达(使)发育;开发 vt. 冲洗(**) development n develop a habit of doing develop an interest in...

养成 develop a film 冲洗胶卷chicago developed into a big city in the late 1800s

17. devote v devote oneself to: 致力于, 奉献 be devoted to a devoted friend 一个忠实朋友。

18. devotion n奉献,奉献精神。

19. diagram n图表,图样。

20. dial v拨(**号码)dial the wrong number 拨错了号码。

21. dialogue (am dialog) n

22. diamond n diamond cut diamond: 强中更有强中手。

23. diary n keep a diary 记日记。

24. dictation n

25. dictionary n

26. die v die away: 平息according to a recent survey, four million people die each year from diseases linked to smoking.


27. diet n on a diet 吃某种特殊饮食, 节食。

28. differ v differ from (be different from)…in 与…的区别在于they differ widely in the taste在口味上不同。 it makes no difference whether/that无足轻重。

29. difference n make a difference: 有影响。

30. different a. (from)

31. difficult a.

32. difficulty n get into difficulties: 陷入困境in difficulties…有困难,处境困难。

33. dig(dug,dug) v

34. digest v[da'dst]vt. 1. 消化(食物) 2. 领悟,融会贯通 3. 整理,做。的摘要 4. 忍受(侮辱等。

35. digital a ['ddt!]a. 1. 指的;指状的 2. 数字的。

36. dignity n keep one's dignity 保持尊严。

37. dilemma n [d'lm]n. 1. 困境,进退两难 2. 【逻】两难推理,两刀论法。

38. dimension n [d'mnn]n. 1. (长、宽、厚、高等的)尺寸2. 面积,容积;大小,规模[p1] 3. 重要性。

39. dinner n

40. dinosaur n ['dan,sr]n. 1. 【古生】恐龙。

41. dioxide n

42. dip v

43. diploma n

44. direct a&v can you direct me to the post office? 指引 one's thinking directs one's action.

思想决定行为which is the most direct way ? 哪条路最近?a direct fight from shanghai to sydney ?


45. direction n. in the direction of 方向 in all directions in every direction follow these directions 遵循指示。

46. director n

47. directory n

48. dirty a eat dirt: 忍辱dirty one’s hands: 干不正当的事。

49. disability n

50. disabled a

51. disadvantage n

52. disagree v. (with/on/to)

53. disagreement n

54. disappear v

55. disappoint v sth disappoint sb 使失望 to one's disappointment 使某人失望的是。

56. disappointed a sb be disappointed to do/at sth

57. disaster n

58. discount n

59. discourage v discourage sb from doing 阻止。

60. discover v

61. discovery n

62. discrimination n

63. discuss v

64. discussion n. a heated discussion 热烈的讨论 be under discussion 在讨论中。

65. disease n

66. disgusting a

67. dish n

68. disk= disc n

69. dislike v

70. dismiss v the class is dismissed. 下课了 you are dismissed.

解雇 dismiss the idea of doing 打消。

71. distance n a long distance call: 长途**in the distance: 在远处。

72. distant a. a distant village distant relative远亲。

73. distinct adj. (be) distinct from ( be different from) 与…截然不同

74. distinction n [d'stkn]1. 区别,分清[(+between)] 2. 差别;对比[(+between)] 3. 不同点;特征,特性。

75. distinguish v distinguish between (=make or recognize differences) 辨别distinguish…from 把…与…区别开some distinguished scientists 杰出的。

76. distribute v

77. district n

78. disturb v. may i disturb you for a while ? disturb peace

79. disturbing a

80. dive v

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