
发布 2020-01-03 13:12:28 阅读 1183



x,z, q,y, j,k, v,)、u,n, o, g, h,i, w,l)、(f, m, e, r, b, d, t) 、a,p,c,s,)的顺序背,其中a,p,c,s每个都要分三部分背。


识记过程:周一早晨xzqy;中午j, 睡前复习74w

周二早晨k; 中午v;睡前复习88w

周三早晨u; 中午、睡前复习本周216w




his excellent educational background __him for the job.

a. qualifies b. promises c. encourages d. leads

词组】 qualify sb for sth. /qualify sb. to do sth.


a large __of beer is sold.

a. number b. quantity c. size d. volume

词组】 a large quantity of / large quantities of 大量的。

** large quantities of his money h**e been spent on books.


the couple had __about money last night and almost came to blows.

a. an argument b. a quarrel c. a debate d. a discussion

词组】 quarrel with sb. over (about) sth.


the judge __everyone who was present at the spot of the accident.

a. asked b. questioned c. begged d. scolded

词组】 out of question / out of the question


mary is __playing table tennis.

a. keen on b. keen in c. fond on d. fond to

词组】 be keen on (about); be keen to do sth.;be fond of


since the storekeeper will be on vacation, he asked me to __the store and his children.

a. keep track of b. keep up with c. keep on at d. keep an eye on


hearing the humorous story, i could hardly __laughing.

a. keep from b. keep back c. keep at d. keep on


would you slow down a bit, please? i can’t __you.

a. keep up with b. put up with c. make up to d. hold on to

词组】keep (on) doing, keep sb. from doing, keep back, keep down, keep off, keep out of, keep to, keep up, keep up with


the __to the settlement of the question lies in the unity.

a. point b. answer c. key d. tie

词组】 key to; answer to; reply to; entrance to; notes to


the mistake has __his future.

a. murdered b. killed c. massacred d. assassinated

词组kill time; pain killer;my feet are killing me.


the high building will be __to make way for the new road.

a. put downb. knocked down c. knocked up against d. knocked over


___at the door before entering please.

a. knocked b. to knock c. knocking d. knock

词组knock down; knock at; knock over; knock up against


i don’t __the writer, but i __him.

a. know of, know b. know, know of c. know, learn d. learn, know of


a man is known __the company he keeps.

a. as b. by c. for d. to

词组】know about/of; be known as; be known to; be known for


i h**e only a limited __of computer.

a. knowledge b. learning c. scholarship d. know-how

词组】a knowledge of; to one’s knowledge

其它词组:up and down 上下打量。

upset the balance of 打破平衡。

in use 正在使用中/ make use of 利用。

used to do 过去常做/ be used to doing习惯于做某事。

as usual 和往常一样。

a variety of 各种各样。

vice versa 反过来也是一样地

go on a voyage 在水上航行

be visible/(invisible) to 看(不)得见

vary from person to person 每个人都不一样。

ex1. 指出下列句子中划线部分的成分。

1. a man’s concept of liberty is different from a woman’s.

2. can you give me further details, please?

3. the dentist told him not to forget to brush his teeth before going to bed.

4. she has just finished reading the first two chapters of the book.

5. that she ever said such a thing i simply don’t believe.

6. hemingway and steinbeck are excellent writers, but i prefer the latter.

7. they are using new machinery in their industry.

8. john, as well as his brother, is coming the party.

9. he flunked (不及格) biology. now he wishes he had studied more.

10. whether he is right or wrong does not concern us.

11. the school will be closed until further notice.

12. i don’t know why you want to meet that lady. she’s such a snob (自负傲慢的人) .

13. he looks as if he were sick.

14. he asked if he could smoke a cigarette.

15. he punished the little boy who put salt in his coffee.

16. it was raining hard when we left the office.

17. my life was rather dull until i decided to move to the city.

18. margaret proudly showed her mother the prize she had got in the competition.

19. h**e you picked up my car key by mistake?

20. she lied about her experience in order to get that job.

21. the hens aren’t laying any eggs this week.


1 用形容词 very single 等表示强调。e g red army fought a battle on this very spot 红军就在此地打过一仗。not a single person has been in the office this afternoon 今天下午竟然没有一...


a bit of 有一点,一会儿。a few 一些,少量。a great deal 大量,许多。a good great many 大量,许多。a kind of 一种,一类。a little 一点,少许。a lot of 许多,大量。a number of 一些,许多。a pair of 一双,一...


marine a.海的 海产的 mutual a.相互的 naked a.裸露的 negative a.否定的,消极的 neglect vt.忽视,忽略 origin n.起源,出身 oval a.椭圆形的 n.椭圆形 outset n.开始,开端 presumably ad.大概,可能prevai...