
发布 2021-05-23 17:56:28 阅读 3340

21、be good at/ do well in

. be good at / in 意思接近于 do well in. “在(某方面)出色;擅长……”be good at / in 强调一种笼统情况,而do well in 可表示一种情况,也可指在具体的一次活动中表现出色。

be good at 的反义词组为:be poor (weak) at (in). do well in 的反义词组为:do badly in. 如:

1 mary is good at / in maths. =mary does well in maths. 玛丽数学很好(指情况)。=玛丽数学学得很好。

2 tom did well in (不宜用be good at.指具体一次)that english test / sports meeting.汤姆在那次英语考试中(运动会中)考得很好(表现出色)。

3 wu dong does badly in his lessons. =wu dong is weak / poor / at / in his lessons.吴冬功课不好。


4 mei ying did badly in the high jump 梅英在跳高比赛中成绩不好。(具体一次,不宜替换。)

5 mei ying is weak / poor in / at high jump.梅英不善于跳高。(指笼统情况)

. do well 和do badly可单独使用,表一种情况;而be good / weak / poor 一定要借助于介词in 或at, 强调在某一个方面,才能表达一个完整的意思。如:

he does well / badly at school. 他在学校里功课很好/很差。

22、be made of / be made from

. be made of “由……制成/造”成品看得出原料。如:

the desk is made of wood. 这张桌子是木头制成的。

. be made from “由……制造/成”成品看不出原料。如;

***** is made from rags.纸是由破布做的。(已看不出原料)

23、be surprised/ in surprise

. be surprised 为“动词+形容词”结构,在句中作谓语,意为:“感到吃惊”. be surprised at 表“对……感到吃惊”

. in surprise为“介词+名词”结构。在句中作状语。意为:“吃惊地”。如:

1 she was surprised. 她感到吃惊。

2 everybody was surprised at you. 大家都对你感到吃惊。

3 john turned round and looked at him in surprise. 约翰转过身去,吃惊地看着他。

24、be used for/ be used as/ be used by

. be used for “(被)用来做……”强调用途或作用。

. be used as “(被)作为……而用”,强调被当作工具或手段来用。

. be used by “被……使用”,by后跟人物,强调使用者。如:

1 keys are used for opening locks. 钥匙是用来开锁的。

2 “swim” can be used as a noun. “swim”可作名词用。

3 recorders are often used by english teachers. 英语教师经常使用录音机。

4 wood can be used for ****** *****. 木材能用来造纸。

25、both/ either / neither


. 作代词时:both “两者都”.

either “两者中任何一个”. neither “两者中任何一个都不”。 作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式,可作同位语。

而either 和 neither 则用单数形式,不可作同位语。如:

1 both of us are teachers.

2 either of you can do it.

3 neither of the answerws is right. 两个答案都不对。

4 they both skate well. 他们两人都会滑冰。

. 作形容词时:both 修饰名词的复数形式。neither 和 either修饰名词的单数形式。如:

1 neither film is very long.两部电影都不长。

2 you may use either pencil. 你可用这两支笔中的任何一支。

3 both pencils are blue. 两支铅笔都是蓝色的。

. 作连词时: neither 与nor 连用,“既不……也不……”either 和 or 连用:

“或是……或是……”要么……要么……”连接两个主语时,谓语动词遵循就近原则。而both 却与and 相连。连接主语时谓语动词用复数。

如:1 neither jack nor i h**e seen the film. 杰克和我都没看过这影片。

2 either you or i am wrong.不是你错就是你错。

3 both john and mike are good at swimming. 约翰和麦克都擅长游泳。

26、because/ because of

. because 是连词,后接句子, 是主句的直接原因,常用来回答由why 引导的特殊疑问句。如:

1 because he is ill, he is not here today. 因为他病了,所以今天没来。

2 --why are you in a hurry?

-because i want to catch the first bus.

.because of 是复合介词,后接名词或代词,相当于名词词组。如:

he can’t come because of illness. 他生病了,所以没来。

27、forget to do / forget doing

. forget 如:

1 i forgot to tell him about it.我忘了把事告诉他。

2 i forgot telling him about it. 我忘了,我曾把这事告诉过他。


1 try 如:

1. let’s try knocking at the back door..让我们敲敲后门试试看。

2. we will try to go home tomorrow. 明天我们争取回家。

2 remember regret doing sth/to do sth 与此亦同。

3 go on

4 need

28、but/ however

. 都有“然而,但是”的意思。however 比较正式,可以放在句首、句中或句尾;其前面或后面要加逗号隔开,如在句中,其前后都要加逗号,不能与but 连用;而but只放在句首。

如:1 i’d like to go swimming with you, but i h**e to tidy the garden now.


2 it’s raining hard, however, they’re still working in the field.


later, however, she decided to buy it. 可是后来她决定去买下它。

he said it was so, he was mistaken, however.

29、cause/ reason


1 the cause of the fire was carelessness. **的原因是不小心。

2 what was the cause of it? 发生这事是原因何在?

3 there’s no cause for anxiety. 没有理由要焦虑(不必焦虑)。


1 i h**e no reason for it. 我没有理由这样做。

give your reason for changing the plan. 把你改变计划的理由讲一下。

30、close/ near/ nearby/ next to

. close “接近的,靠近”;还有“亲密的,密切的”含义,用法与near 类似,可指距离上、时间上或次序上紧接。也可用于引申含义,表关系或感情上的“亲近的”,可用作形容词或副词。

如:1 mother’s day is close (=near) .母亲节快到了。

2 they are sitting quite close(=near) to each other. 他们坐得很靠近。

3 she and i are close friends.她和我是亲密的朋友。

注]:near 当作形容词时,与close含义和用法相同,表距离近,都用be near / close to +地点。 但close 只能作形容词,而near 还可作介词使用,此时near不可再与to搭配。

如:i live near (=close to) the factory.

. nearby 主要指空间上的附近,一般指较大范围。可用作形容词、副词或介词。如:

1 they live in the nearby village. 他们住在附近的村庄。

2 there was a traffic accident nearby. 在附近发生了一起车祸。

. next to 意思是“与……相邻,紧靠着”与be close to 很接近,但next to 强调距离上“紧邻”。

1 our school is next to a supermarket. 我们学校紧挨着一家超市。

2 our school is close to a supermarket. 我们学校距离一家超市很近。


二 单词。1.matter 2.酸痛的 3.胃痛 4.脚,足 5.脖子 6.发烧。7.喉咙 8.躺下。9.放松 10.咳嗽。11.牙痛 12.头痛 13.受伤 14.乘客 15.击打 16.问题,苦恼 17.她自己 18.生病的 19.膝盖 20.登山者 21.危险 22.情况,状况 23.岩石 2...


词组总复习6 a c nameclass number score1 照顾 喜欢。2 着凉 伤风。3 对 感到满意。4 对 感到惊奇。5 对某人很感激。6 习惯于。7 整天。8 到处。9 行了 好吧 病 好了。10 还是,仍然。11 到达某地。12 也 又。13 在家 里。14 至少 至多。15 立...


初中版2011年中考英语词汇。out of 用完 用尽。例句 we ve run out of petrol.我们的汽油用完了。v.储存。例句 he stored foods in his cupboard.他把食品存放在碗橱里。n.蛋糕 糕,饼类食品。例句 we soon dispatched t...