
发布 2021-05-23 16:57:28 阅读 9545


匯違簡祉 邪譜 hypothesis, hypotheses(pl.)

才 sum

受 minus(prep.),subtract(v.),subtraction(n.)

瓜受方 minuend

受方 subtrahend

餓 remainder

核 times(prep.),multiply(v.),multiplication(n.)

持 product

茅 divided by(prep.),divide(v.),division(n.)

瓜茅方 dividend

茅方 divisor

斌 quotient

吉噐 equals, is equal to, is equivalent to

方 number

徭隼方 natural number

屁方 integer

弌方 decimal

弌方泣 decimal point

蛍方 fraction

蛍徨 numerator

蛍銚 denominator

曳 ratio

屎 positive

減 negative

巣 null, zero, nought, nil

汽塀 monomial

謹塀 polynomial, multinomial

狼方 coefficient

吉塀圭殻塀 equation

匯肝圭殻 ****** equation

屈肝圭殻 quadratic equation

眉肝圭殻 cubic equation

音吉塀 inequation

竣核 factorial

峺方竹 exponent

核圭 power

屈肝圭峠圭 square

眉肝圭羨圭 cube

n肝圭 the power of n, the nth power

蝕圭 evolution, extraction

屈肝圭功峠圭功 square root

眉肝圭功羨圭功 cube root

n肝圭功 the root of n, the nth root

痕方 function

協吶囃 domain, field of definition

嗤尖方 rational number

涙尖方 irrational number

糞方 real number

倡方 imaginary number

泣 point

line 中 plane

悶 solid

粁 segment

符 radial

峠佩 parallel

住 intersect

叔 angle

叔業 degree

察業 radian

費叔 acute angle

岷叔 right angle

緊叔 obtuse angle

峠叔 straight angle

巓叔 perigon

久 base

円 side

互 height

眉叔侘 ********

費叔眉叔侘 acute ********

岷叔眉叔侘 right ********

岷叔円 leg

弍円 hypotenuse

拘紘協尖 pythagorean theorem

緊叔眉叔侘 obtuse ********

音吉円眉叔侘 scalene ********

吉劈眉叔侘 isosceles ********

吉円眉叔侘 equilateral ********

膨円侘 quadrilateral

峠佩膨円侘 parallelogram

裳侘 rectangle

曹侘 rhomb, rhombus, rhombi(pl.),diamond

屎圭侘 square

杢侘 trapezoid

岷叔杢侘 right trapezoid

吉劈杢侘 isosceles trapezoid

励円侘 pentagon

鎗円侘 hexagon

鈍円侘 heptagon

伊円侘 octagon

湘円侘 enneagon

噴円侘 decagon

噴匯円侘 hendecagon

噴屈円侘 dodecagon

謹円侘 polygon

屎謹円侘 equilateral polygon

垈 circle

垈伉 centre(bre), center(ame)

磯抄 radius

岷抄 diameter

察 arc

磯垈 semicircle

蛭侘 sector

桟 ring

蓉垈 ellipse

垈巓 circumference

巓海 perimeter

中持 area

貌 similar

畠吉 congruent

謹中悶 polyhedron

説弑 pyramid

説庠 prism

傴廬 rotation

垈弑 cone

垈庠 cylinder

白 sphere

磯白 hemisphere

久中 undersurface

燕中持 surface area

悶持 volume

腎寂 space

恫炎狼 coordinates

恫炎已 x-axis, y-axis, z-axis

罪恫炎 x-coordinate

忿恫炎 y-coordinate

圻泣 origin

褒爆 hyperbola

砺麗 parabola

眉叔 trigonometry

屎碗 sine

噫碗 cosine

屎俳 tangent

噫俳 cotangent

屎護 secant

噫護 cosecant

坪伉 incentre(bre), incenter(ame)

翌伉 excentre(bre), excenter(ame)

都伉 escentre(bre), escenter(ame)

換伉 orthocentre(bre), orthocenter(ame)

嶷伉 barycentre(bre), barycenter(ame)

坪俳垈 inscribed circle

翌俳垈 circumcircle


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一般词汇。假设hypothesis,hypotheses pl.和sum减minus prep.subtract v.subtraction n.被减数minuend 减数subtrahend 差remainder 乘times prep.multiply v.multiplication n.积p...