
发布 2021-05-23 13:14:28 阅读 6407

必修1 unit 2 复习


1. 电梯;升降机2. 官方的;正式的。

3. 航海;航行4. 汽油。

5. 本国的;本地的6. 公寓;单元住宅。

7. 事实上;实际上8. 基础;以…为基础。

9. 逐渐的;逐步的10. 词汇;词汇量。

11. 拼写;拼法12. 后者的;较后的。

13. 本身;身份14. 流利的;流畅的。

15. 频繁的;常见的16. 使用;用法。

17. 命令;指令18. 请求;要求。

19. 表示;表达20. 非洲的;非洲人的。

21. 辨认出22. 口音;腔调。

23. 笔直的;正直的24. 闪电。

25. 街区;石块26. 东方的;东部的。

27. 东南方的28. 中西部的。

二。 写出下列词组。

1. 官方语言2. 因为;由于。

3. 目前;现在4. 利用;适用。

5. 例如6. 扮演一个角色。

7. 在…末(时/空8. 超过;不仅仅。

9. 比以往任何时候10. 尽管;即使。

11. 以…为基础12. 上来;走近。

13. 信不信由你14. 世界各地。

15. 18世纪晚期16. 与…不同。

17. 许多;大量18. 代替;而不是。

19. 相邻的镇20. 当代/现代/标准英语。

三。 单词拼写。

1. when you hear two n___speakers of english, they may still not speak the same kind of english.

2. by 2008 around 90 percent of beijing’s waste will be treated, compared to only 40 percent at p

3. the report is bon figures from six different european cities.

4. the famous actor is eto meet his fans this afternoon.

5. businessmen play an important rin the communication of different cultures.

6. he has changed so much that i did not rhim at the first sight..

7. tom often breaks the school rwhich makes his head teachers unsatisfied with him.

8. in the 19th ccharles dickens compared the two cities, london and paris, in a tale of two cities.

9. yunnan is a sprovince while liaoning is a northern one.

10. barcelona(巴塞罗那) is a scity which held 1996 olympic games successfully.

四. 完成句子。

1. 在学校的管理中,校长起着重要的作用。

the headmasterin the good running of a school.

2. 他意识到是自己所说的话使得玛丽哭了。

he realized that mary was cryingwhat he had said.

3. 即使你不成功,他们也会支持你。

they will stand by youyou don’t succeed.

4. 一个乞丐走过来向我们要钱。

a beggarto us and asked for money.

5. 他们从领国进口大量的水果,例如橘子、柠檬等。

they import a lot of fruit from neighboring countriesoranges, lemons, etc.

6. 19世纪60年代,美国内战爆发了。

the american civil war


1. i said, “don’t believe his words!”

i told himhis words.

2. she said, “would you please do me a f**or?”

shemea f**or.

3. the doctor said to me, “open your mouth a bit wider.”

the doctormemouth a bit wider.

4. the teacher said to us, “don’t make faces in classes!”

the teacherusmake faces in classes.

5. “don’t tell him what i said yesterday,” alice said.

aliceushim what she


二:略。三:native, present, based, expected, role, recognize, rules, century ,southern , spanish

四:1. plays an important part in 2.

because of, 3. even if, 4. came up 5.

such as 6. in the 1860s, broke out

五: 1. not to believe 2.

asked, to do her, 3. told, to open my 4. told, not to 5.

told, not to tell, had said the day before.


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