
发布 2021-05-23 13:10:28 阅读 7255


unit 1

survive vi. 幸免;幸存;生还 (无被动)(单三survives;过去、过分 survived;现分 surviving)

in search of 寻找 (词组中search不变形)(search for 词组中search为动词,有形式变化)

select vt. 挑选;选择 (selects; selected; selecting)

design n. 设计;图案;构思 vt.设计;计划;构思(be designed for…为…..设计)

fancy adj. 奇特的;异样的 vt.想象;设想;爱好 (fancy doing sth. 喜欢做某事)

decorate vt. 装饰;装修 (decorates; decorated; decorating)

(be decorated with… 用……装饰)

style n.风格;风度;类型 (可数名词)

belong vi. 属于;为。的一员

belong to… 属于…… 无被动,无进行时态)

in return 作为报答;回报 (in return for… 作为对…… 的回报)

at war 处于交战状态

remove vt. 移动;搬动 (removes; removed; removing)

remove a from b 把a从b中移除)

less than 少于

doubt n. 怀疑;疑惑 vt.怀疑;不信 (there is no doubt that +从句毫无疑问……)

worth prep.值得的,相当于。的价值 n.价值;作用

sth. be (well)worth doing. 某事值得做)

take apart 拆开 (took; taken)

explode vi. ** (无被动)(explodes; exploded; exploding)

sink vi. (sank sunk; sunk, sunken )下沉;沉下 (无被动)

think highly of 看重;器重 (thinks;thought;thinking)

unit 2

compete vi. 比赛,竞赛 (competes; competed; competing)

compete for… 争夺…… compete in…参加……(比赛))

take part in… 参加。参与 (后无内容不要in)

stand for 代表;象征;表示 (注意stand的形式变化)

admit vt.&vi.容许,.承认,接纳 (三种形式:admits; admitted; admitting)

be admitted to… 被……接纳;be admitted as… 作为……被接受; admit doing sth. 承认做某事)

as well 也,又还 (放句末) (a, as well as b, 动词形式与a一致)

host vt. 做东,主办,招待 (hosts; hosted; hosting) n.主人

replace vt. 取代,替换,代替(replaces;replaced;replacing) (replace a with b 用b代替a)

charge vt.&vi. 收费,控诉 n.费用,主管 (charge sb. with sth. 指控某人某事)

charge sb. for sth. 因某事向某人收费)

free of charge 免费地)

in charge 主管,看管 (in charge of…主管……)

advertise vt.&vi. 做广告;登广告 (advertises;advertised;advertising)

bargain vi. 讨价还价;讲条件 (bargains,bargaining;bargained) n.便宜货 (可数名词)

bargain with sb. about sth. 与某人讨价还价…)

one after another 陆续地;一个接一个地

deserve vi&vt 应收(报答或惩罚) 值得 (deserves; deserved; deserving)

deserve doing/to be done 值得被做)

unit 3

solve vt. 解决 (solves; solved; solving)

from...on 从…..时起 (from now/then/this year on 从现在、那时、今年起)

as a result 结果 (后接句子) (as a result of + n./pron. 因为……)

so ..that+从句如此……以至于 (so+ adj./adv.)

explore vt&vi 探索。探测,** (三种形式:explores; explored; exploring)

anyhow adv. (anyway) 无论如何,即使如此 (放句首或句末)

human race 人类 (前用the修饰)

signal vi&vt. 发信号 n.信号

type n. 类型 vt&vi 打字 (types; typed; typing)

in a way 在某种程度上

arise (arose; arisen) vi. 出现,发生 (无被动) (arise from…由……造成)

with the help of 在…..的帮助下 ( with the help of them= with their help)

electronic adj.电子的

deal with (dealt) 处理,安排,对付 (注意: how to deal with…)

watch over 看守监视


die out 灭亡,逐渐消失 (died; dying)

hunt v 打猎猎取搜寻 (n. hunting; hunt for… 寻找……)

in peace 和平地和睦的安详的

in danger (of ) 在危险中垂危

in relief 如释重负松了口气 (to one’s relief 让某人欣慰的是,……

burst into laughter; burst out laughing (burst; burst) 突然笑起来大声笑了出来

protect...from 保护 .不受。(危害) (protects; protected; protecting)

contain vt. 包含容纳容忍 (contains;contained; containing)

affect v. 影响感动侵袭 (affects; affected; affecting)

pay attention to 注意 (pays; paid-paid; paying)

appreciate vt. 鉴赏感激意识到 (appreciates; appreciated; appreciating)

appreciate doing sth. 欣赏做某事。

句型:i will appreciate it if+从句如果……我将不胜感激)

succeed vi. 成功( 无被动) vt. 接替继任 (succeeds; succeeded; succeeding)

success n. 成功; successful adj. 成功的) (succeed in doing sth. 成功做某事)

employ vt. 雇用利用(时间精力等) (employs; employed; employing)

harm n&vt 损害危害 (do harm to…;be harmful to…对……有危害)

bite v.(bit/bitten) 咬叮刺痛。

come into being 形成产生 (无被动)

inspect vt 检查视察 (inspects; inspected; inspecting)

according to 按照根据……所说

so that 以至于,结果

unit5roll v. 滚动(使)摇摆 (rolls; rolled; rolling) n.摇晃卷卷形物面包圈

dream of +n./pron./doing 梦见梦想设想 (dreams; dreamed/dreamt; dreaming)

to be honest 说实在地实话说

attach vt. 系上缚上附加连接 (attaches; attached; attaching)

attach great importance to doing sth. 认为做某事很重要。

form vt.(使)组成形成构成 (forms; formed; forming)

earn vt.赚挣得获得 (earns; earned; earning)

perform v 表演履行执行 (performs; performed; performing)


必修三黑体单词。宗教上的 虔诚的。信任 信心 信仰。诡计 窍门 欺骗。获得 得到。搜集 集合 聚集。奖品 授予。赞美 钦佩 羡慕。许可 允许n.9.道歉 辩白。明显的。提醒 使想起。日常饮食 节食。平衡 权衡 天平。油煎 油炸。应当 应该。生的 未加工的。强项 长处 力量。咨询 请教 商量。债务。限...


ambition雄心,野心suitable适合的,适宜的beneficial有益的,受益的adapt使适应,改编conduct行为品行resign辞职辞去congratulate祝贺adequate 足够的access方法通路desire渴望。alarm使警觉惊恐警报sympathy 同情心f ou...

6 9英语黑体词汇表

6 9年级全部黑体单词。aability n.能力 才干。about prep.关于 涉及 在 方面 大约。accident n.事故。across prep.横过 在对面。act v.表演 演戏。active adj.活跃的 积极的。activity n.活动。address n.通讯处 地址。a...