
发布 2021-05-23 12:52:28 阅读 2669



同义词) 二.翻译短语。







1.2024年)they同意) us on some matters yesterday afternoon.

could swim在…岁时) six.

order to improve english, i read it___大声)every day.

is always微笑).

are many美国人) in china now.

6. we knew what had happenedthey told us about it.

a. whenb. untilc. afterd. though

7. mr. brown always makes his class __and keeps his students __in class. 【镇江中考】

a. alive; interesting b. lively; interesting c. alive; interested d. lively; interested

8. i tried several jackets on, but __of them looked good.

a. bothb. allc. noned. neither

9.—look at the sign on the right.—oh,parking___here.

allow allow allowed

10.--would you like some coffee? -no, thanks.

i __drink coffee. coffee is bad for my stomach.

a. almostb. alreadyc. hardlyd. still

11. his grandparents live __in a small house, but they don’t feel2011雅安】

a. lonely; alone b. alone; lonely c. lonely; lonely d. alone; alone

12. either eve or herb _ been invited by lucy’s parents already.

a. h**eb. hasc. wasd. were

don't like the same colours and i don't like them___

14. _he is seventy, _he is **tive.

a. although,but b. becausec. although ,/



1. 在三餐前不用冠词 (breakfast,lunch,supper如这些词前有形容词修饰可用不定冠词)。

例:1). tom went to school without breakfast this morning.

2). ihadalight breakfast yesterday.


例:playfootball(basketball,volleyball), play chess

3.名词前有物主代词(her,my),指示代词(this, that,those,these),不定代词,名词所有格修饰时不加冠词:

例:this is her first time to go to japan.


例:on children’sday,in march,onsunday,,in autumn,5.国名,人名,地名前不加冠词。

例:1). china is an old country with a long history.

2). tom is my best friend.3).

my parents lives in shanghai.



7.学科名词前不加冠词。 例:tom’s f**orite subject is math.



1). a useful book a university a european country a ufo

2). h**e a swim/walk/talk/look/drink/rest/cold/headache

3). a large number of a lot of a few a bit(of) a little

4). h**e a good /wonderful/great time give a hand=help sb.

5). make a noise take a seat (坐下) in a word(总而言之)

6. there is an a/e/h/i/l/m/n/o/r/s/x in the wordan hour

7). such an honest boy an island an important meeting

8). an interesting story an exciting match an american boy

9). an eleven-year-old boy an apple /orange tree an exam


1). in the morning/afternoon/evening in the daytime

2). all the sameat the age of at the end of

3). at the same time in the end in the open air

4). at the moment at the beginning of by the way

5). on the way to on the one/other hand the great wall

6). the united states in the east /west/south/ north of china


at school/home/work at first/last at noon/night at once at breakfast/lunch/dinner in trouble/danger

in time(及时) in surprise read in bed in fact on time(准时) on foot on duty on holiday(在度假)

by bike/train/bus/air/plane/car by mistake by accident


单选。1.(2024年)there is __apple tree in my garden. it’s over 10 years old.

a. the b. a c. an d.不填。

2.(2024年woman in a purple skirt is betty’s mother.


语法和词汇考点详解 名词与冠词。命题依据 名词是中学英语的主要词汇之一,也是历年高考的重要考点。综合近几年高考对名词的考查,单项填空题中,每年都出现1 2道题。常考点主要为 名词的可数与不可数 抽象名词具体化 名词的普通格 所有格以及双重所有格作定语 名词固定习语等。冠词主要考查其基本用法,包括定冠...

英语2级词汇 2

gain v.获得 增加,进展 钟表等 走快 受益。n.增加 常用复 收益。game n.游戏 运动。garage n.汽车库 汽车修理厂。garden n.花园。gate n.大门 门。gather v.集合,聚集 收集 逐渐增加 猜想。n.集合,聚集。gay adj.快乐的,欢快的 艳丽的。n....

六年级 冠词 6 25 2

1 冠词分类 冠词是一种虚词,本身不能单独使用,通常放在一个名词的前面,帮助说明该名词的词义。英语中冠词有不定冠词和定冠词两种,常放在名词的前面,用来限定名词的意义,起泛指或特指的作用。在学习冠词的用法时,必须明确特指与泛指的概念,特指是大家都知道的所指的事物或内容 泛指是指不明确 不特别指明的或者...