
发布 2021-05-23 11:11:28 阅读 5820


1. invent v. 发明


edison invented the light bulb. 爱迪生发明了电灯泡。

invention和inventor都是名词, 前者意为“发明”, 后者意为“发明家”。

discover, invent和find都是动词, 它们的词义相近, 但是有区别:

★discover意为“发现”, 指发现某种本来存在,但以前未被发现或未为人所知的事物或现象。

the lost bike was discovered at the bus stop. 丢了的自行车发现在公共汽车站那儿。

later i discovered that he was so kind. 后来我发现他如此善良。

★invent 意为“发明”, 指发明以前不存在的东西。

do you know who invented the computer? 你知道谁发明的电脑吗?

★find 意为“找到, 发现”, 指偶然发现或几乎没有困难地发现。

i found some old photos in that drawer. 我在那个抽屉里发现了一些旧**。

2. be used for ..被用来……

是由“use sth. for sth. /doing sth.”结构转变而来, 介词for在这里表示用途或作用, 后面可以接名词、代词或动词-ing形式。

this machine can be used for cutting grass. 这个机器可以用来割草。

★ be used as意为“被用作……,被作为……使用”

english is used as a foreign language in china.

★ be used by意为“被……使用”

rubbers are often used by students to correct mistakes.

★used to do sth.意为“过去常常做某事”。

i used to smoke when i was young.

★use sth. to do sth.意为“使用某物来做某事”, 其被动结构为“sth. be used to do sth.”。

these knives are used to cut pies.

3. can you help me think of an invention?

my pleasure.

my pleasure也可说成it’s a / my pleasure.或 a pleasure ,意思是“我的荣幸;愿为你效劳;这是件愉快的事”。

— will you please help me take the books to the classroom?


— my pleasure. /it's a pleasure. 愿为你效劳。

pleasure n. 愉快;高兴。

she took nopleasurein her work 她觉得自己的工作毫无乐趣。

i will remember this meeting withpleasure. 我会愉快地记着这次的会晤。

it is apleasureto work with you. 和你一起工作真是件乐事。

★ at (one's) pleasure 随便。

you are free to come and go at your pleasure. 来去自由, 悉听尊便。

★ take pleasure in以某事为乐,喜欢做某事。

★ with pleasure 愉快地, 高兴地, 没问题。

4. well, you do seem to h**e a point …

you do seem to h**e a point … 是个强调句,用“助动词do +谓语动词原形”的结构。

he does look well. 他的确看起来气色很好。

you did give me a fright. 你真把我给吓了一跳。

h**e a point 有道理。

i admit (that) youh**e a point.我承认你有理。

i guess youh**e a pointthere. 我想你说的有道理。

5. …it mentioned that the zipper was …

mention v. 提到;说到。

don'tmentionthis problem this evening. 今晚别提这个问题。

nobodymentionedthe real purpose of this meeting.


1) mention表示“提到;提及”,是及物动词,其后接名词或代词作宾语时,无需用任何介词;另外注意不接双宾语。如:

he never mentioned his girl friend to me.

/ he never mentioned to me that he had a girl friend.


2) 若后接动词,要用动名词,不能用不定式。

whenever i mention playing football, he says he’s too busy.


3) not to mention意为“更不用说; 还不算”

he can speak french, german and japanese, not to mention english.


4) 口语中说 don’t mention it. 主要用来回答感谢,有时也用来回答道歉。如:

a:thank you very much. 多谢你了。

b:don’t mention it. 不客气。

a:i’m sorry to h**e troubled you. 对不起打扰你了。

b:don’t mention it. 没关系。

6. by accident 偶然;意外地。

the little girl knocked the glass offby accident. 小女孩不小心碰落了玻璃杯。

we metby accidentat the railway station. 我们在火车站偶然相遇。

by now 到如今; 至此bythen到那时。

byhand用手; 亲手; 靠手做bythe way顺便说; 顺便问一下。

bythe time到 ..的时候by chance 偶然。

7. some time 一段时间;一些时间。

i'll stay here for some time. 我将在这儿呆一段时间。

we lived in the country for some time. 我们在农村住过一段时间。

sometimes, sometime, some time, some times 都与时间相关。


sometimes i h**e lunch at 是个副词,意为“某时”,指时间上不确定的某一点,常用于过去时或将来时。

i saw him sometime in july.

they will comesometimenext week.

some time是名词短语, 意思是“一段时间”, 在句中常与for、take等词连用。

some times是名词短语,意为“几次(倍)”,对它提问用 how many times。

— how many times do you watch tv every week?

— some times.

sometimes, sometime, some time, some times是常用的几个词,它们形似而含义不同。


分开是“一段”, 相连为“某时”;

分开s是“倍、次”, 相连s是“有时”。

8. a nice smell


thesmellmade him sick. 这气味使他感到恶心。

thesmellof the paint will pass off in a few days. 油漆味几天后就会消失。



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