
发布 2021-05-23 14:24:28 阅读 9044


1. wonder v. 想知道。

i wonder if he's eating well every day. 我想知道他是不是每天都吃得好。

i wonder what they call those flowers. 我想知道他们叫那些花儿什么。

i wonder whether they will arrive on time. 我不知道他们能不能准时到。

wonder n. 惊奇;惊愕;奇迹。

there was a look of wonder in his eyes. 他眼中露出惊奇的神色。

they were filled with wonder at the new waterfall. 他们对新瀑布感到非常惊奇。

2. i’m going to chiang mai in two weeks.

in two weeks在这句话里的意思是 “两周之后”

he'll be back in two weeks. 他两周后回来。

“in+ 一段时间”和将来时连用,表示“在某段时间之后”。


i finished my homework in 2 hours. 我两小时内做完了功课。

3. sounds like fun. 听起来很有趣。

省略了it这个形式主语,完整的句子是:it sounds like fun.

sound like 听起来像。

it sound like a nice room. can we take a look at it?


their love story sounds like a fairy tale. 他们的爱情故事听起来像童话。

感官动词 + like

feel like 摸起来像

smell like 闻起来像

look like 看起来像。

taste like 尝起来像。

4. similar to 跟 ..类似; 与 ..同样的。

my problems are very similar to yours. 我的问题与你的差不多。

his dress is very similar to mine in colour. 他衣服的颜色和我衣服的颜色很相似。

be similar to 的反义短语是be different from …(与……不同)

5. chinese people h**e been celebrating the mid-autumn festival and enjoying moon-cakes

for centuries


+助动词(h**e / has) +been + 动词的现在分词+其他成分。

i h**e been living in shanghai for ten years. 我在上海已经生活了十年。

jack has been practising tai chi for more than a year. 杰克练太极一年多了。


1) 现在完成时强调完成和影响,现在完成进行时强调未完成和动作。

he has painted the room. 她已经粉刷过房间了。(影响:墙壁是干净的)

he has been painting the room. 他一直在粉刷房间。(还未粉刷完)

2) 现在完成时陈述事实,现在完成进行时表感**彩。

what h**e you done? 你做什么了?(仅是问问)

where h**e you been? i h**e been waiting for you in the rain for two hours.


6. is the most touching

touching adj. 动人的;感人的。

this is the most touching story i h**e ever heard. 这是我听到过的最动人的故事。

his farewell speech was very touching. 他的告别演讲非常感人。

touch v. 触摸;感动;触及;接触。

don't touch the paint until it's dry. 油漆未干, 切勿触摸。

his sad story touched our hearts. 他的悲惨的故事深深打动了我们的心。

the peak seems to touch the sky. 山峰似乎已触及天空。

7. whoever drank this could live forever, …

这句话里的主语是whoever drank this

whoever pron. 无论是谁;任何人。

whoever wants the book may h**e it. 谁想要这本书都可以拿。

i'll take whoever wants to go. 谁要去我就带谁去。

8. steal v. 偷;窃取。

she stole an umbrella for him. 她给他偷了一把雨伞。

he stole something from me. 他偷了我的东西。

辨析:steal / rob 从意思上讲steal表示偷窃的意思,而rob表示抢劫的意思;从搭。

配上来讲,steal sb. /sth. ;而rob则用rob sb. /sth. of sth.。

he stole money from the rich to give it to the poor.

they robbed the bank of one million dollars.

9. lay out 摆开;布置

don't lay out your clothes on the bed. put them away.


i lay out the map on the ground and search the route to lassa.


they laid out the hill as a park. 他们把这座小山布置成了一座公园。

lay v. 放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)

you may lay it on the table. 你可以把它放在桌子上。

you can't feed a hen in the morning and expect it to lay in the afternoon.

你不能期望上午喂鸡, 下午就生蛋。

lay, place, put, set这些动词均有“放”之意。





10. admire v. 欣赏;仰慕。

they stopped for a while to admire the scenery. 他们停下一会儿来欣赏风景。

he was very successful in his business and all his friends admired him.


we admire (him for) what he has done. 我们对他所做的事很钦佩。

通常的结构是admire sb., admire sth., admire sb. for sth.。

我钦佩她的勇气。误:i admire for her br**ery. 正:i admire her for her br**ery.

11. dress up 打扮;穿上盛装。

mother helped her to dress up for the party. 妈妈帮助她打扮参加晚会。

they all dressed up to take part in the parade. 他们都穿上盛装去参加游行。

mr. green dressed up as a policeman in dark glasses.


put on / wear / be dressed in / dress up

1) put on 表动作,“穿上、戴上”,宾语为衣物;

2) wear 表状态,“穿戴着”;

3) be dressed in 也表状态,强调一种呈现的结果;

4) dress up 有“盛装、乔装、打扮”之意,表动作。dress常与介词搭配。

the boy wears a new coat today. 这男孩今天穿着一件新大衣。

it’s cold outside. put on more clothes. 外面冷,穿多一点衣服。

the girl is dressed in a red coat today. 小女孩今天穿着一件红外衣。

she has dressed up in a red skirt for the party. 为了参加这舞会,她穿了一条红裙子。


赵儒尧。1.invent v.发明 指经过认识和实践创造出前所未有的事物。edison invented the light bulb.爱迪生发明了电灯泡。invention和inventor都是名词,前者意为 发明 后者意为 发明家 discover,invent和find都是动词,它们的词义相近...


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