
发布 2021-05-23 03:19:28 阅读 4597


1. 我喜欢把自己的房间刷成蓝色的。(paint)

i like to paint my room blue./ i like painting my room blue.

2. 圣诞节的时候孩子们常用气球装饰房间。(decorate)

at christmas the children often decorate their rooms with balloons.

3. 他通常在星期天去理发。(haircut) he usually has a haircut on sunday.

4. 你们打算下个周末去观光吗?( go sightseeing)

are you going to go sightseeing next weekend?//are you going sightseeing next weekend?

5. 火车什么时候到达北京?(arrive) when will the train arrive in beijing?

6. 你打算在那里待多久?(how long) how long are you going to stay there?

7. 在他八岁的时候,他开始学英语。(age)

at the age of eight, he began/ started to learn english.

8. 我出生在一个小村庄。(born) i was born in a small village

9. 我们正在享受好时光。(enjoy) we are enjoying ourselves.

10. 当你还是个小男孩的时候,你骑自行车去上学吗?(ride)

did you ride a bike to school when you were a boy?

11. 明天的天气如何?(like) what will the weather be like tomorrow?

12. 我妈妈对我很严格。(strict) my mother is strict with me.

13. 公主死后变成了一只鸟。(change into)

the princess changed into a bird when she died.

14. 刘翔是中国最著名的明星之一。(one of…)

liu xiang is one of the most famous stars in china.

15. 学生们正在为考试做准备。(ready) the students are getting ready for the test.

16. 骑自行车比体操更有趣。(more)

cycling is more interesting than gymnastics.

17. 和孩子们一起玩是非常有趣的。(interesting)

it is very interesting to play with children.

18. 导游昨天带着他们四处参观。(take around)

the guide took them around yesterday.

19. 上学期王老师教我们英语。 (teach)

mr. wang taught us english last term.

19. 多吃蔬菜对我们的健康有益。(good)

eating more vegetables is good for our health.

21你隔多久去看你的祖父母一次? (how often)

how often do you go to see your grandparents?

22.你的启蒙老师怎么样? (like) what was your first teacher like?


it is more difficult for the old people to learn english.

24.你认为昨晚电视上关于詹天佑的那部电影怎么样? (think of)

what did you think of the film about zhan tianyou on television last night?

25.明天将会有雨。(rain) it will rain tomorrow,//there will be rain tomorrow.

26. 请代我向你的父母问好。(hello) please say hello to your parents.

27.你比他大2 岁。 (old) you are two years older than him.

28.下个星期天气将会变暖和吗? (get warm)

will it get warm next week?

29. 今天下午我有许多事情要做。(lots of) i will h**e lots of things to do this afternoon.

30.你们将什么时候到达这里?(get) when will you get here?

31.他住得离学校最近。 (close) he lives the closest to school.

32. 没有吃早饭,他就去上学了。 (without)

he went to school without h**ing breakfast.

33.他们正匆忙往车站赶。 (hurry) they are hurrying to the station.

they are going to the station in a hurry.

34.香港是个比上海新的城市。 (new)

hong kong is a newer city than shanghai.

35. 他决定成为一名飞行员。 (decide) he decided to be a pilot.


i spent an hour walking home./ i spent an hour going home on foot.

37. 我希望你一切都好。 (hope) i hope you are well.


1 could you 你 你们 好吗?句型多用来表示请求,这里的 could 比 can 语气更加委婉 客气和有礼貌,肯定回答多为 ok all right certainly of course 否定回答常是 sorry i we can t 不用couldn t 如 could you len...


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