
发布 2021-05-23 02:25:28 阅读 6555

unit 5 the accident

本单元要求学生更好地掌握过去进行时态的各种句式,并能活学活用;掌握用“had better”等来提出建议的句式,通过做18课的练习2之后,使学生逐渐了解如何进行课文缩写。可以模访第19课的“accident



在第二册第6单元已经学到过用“shall”,“let’s”和“why not”来提出建议,并作简略回答。

如: ①-shall we go at ten?

-good idea!

②-let's go at ten?

-ok! ③-why not go at ten?-all right.

这一单元里,主要学习有关“had better”的用法。“had better+动词原形”表示“最好做某事”,用来向别人提出建议,其形式可以缩写为“d better”。如:

①you'd better do your homework now.

②we'd better go to school.

“had better”的否定形式为“had better not…”如:you'd better not watch tvnow.




i was not washing clothes last night.


—was tom writing a letter at seven yesterday?

—yes,he was.(no,he wasn't.)


①someone knocked at the door when i was cook-ing

② while we were talking,my mother came in.

③ the twins were sweeping the floor when their mother returned.



1. you look tired today. (2.17)(你看上去很累。)

该句中的“look”意为“看起来”,是系动词,而在这种系动词后面常用形容词作表语如look young/hap y/old/…等,另外,“look”也可用作实义动词,并且有许多相关词组,如:look at …(看…)look like… (看起来像……)look the same(看起来很相像),look for…(寻找……)look after…(照料/照看 ……等等。当然,不能再用形容词来作表语或修饰它,如果要修饰,只能用副词。

如:please look after your watch carefull.

2. a woman saw it happen when she was walking past.(l17)


①i’m tired.let me h**e a short rest.

②do you often hear tom sing this song?

③i saw him go out.(我看到他出去了。)


i heard someone laughing. (我听到有人在笑。)

3.the children were le**ing school on tues-day when they saw a truck. (2.18)


①“were le**ing”是过去进行时的形式表示过去将来的动作,即“正要离开……”在英语中,个别动词如:“le**e,go, come,start”等,它们的进行时形式可以表示一个最近按计划或安排要进行的动作。如 :

are you going home next week?

②“le**e school表示“(学生)离校;毕业”;中间不加冠词。又如;go to school/come to school( 上学)。类似的表达法如:

in hospita1(住院),le**e hospital/come out of hospita1(出院)。注意比较下句中冠词的区别;

his mother often goes to __the school to seeher son at __school.

did not see the bag until it was too late: (l18)

“not…until…” 是“直到 ……才……”如:

①. she won.'t go away until you promise, to help her.

②. i didn't go home until i finished cleaning the classroom.

5. it's really nice of you. (l18)

该句相当于“it's very kind of you.”(你真好。)

6. he told her about the accident. (l18) “tell sb.

about/of sth.”意为:“告诉某有关某事或跟某人讲述某事”。

如:please tell me about your family.

另外, “tell sb. sth./tell sth. to sb.” 告诉某人某事”, tell sb. todo sth. ”叫某人做某事”。如:

① i told him my name.

② my grandfarther often told us stories when we were children.

③ she told the happy news to everyone.

④ tell him to wait for me at the school gate.

7. please hurry up! (l18)

miss zhao hurried off to look after the man.(l18) “hurry up”; 赶快”;“hurry off”; 匆匆离去”如:

① hurry up, or you'll be late for school.

② tom finished the work and hurried off.

8. give short answers to these questions.(l20)


① 's: 通常在表有生命的事物后,以“s”结尾的复数名词只加“’”即可。如:

tom's coat. teachers' day, children's day等。


tomorrow's meeting, the city's streets, etc.

② of:通常是与无生命事物的名词相连。如:

parts of china, a photo of my family

③ to:一些表达法已成为习惯,有时我们可理解为配套的事物。如:the key to thedoor, answers to t he questions.

④形容词性物主代词置于名词前。如:my book.

unit 6. in the library



2、主要用法:(一)动作发生在过去,对现在留有影响,可以与到现在为止的时间状语these days, up

to now, recently, in the last two years连用,也可以与一些表示强调的副词aleady,yet,just, before, ever…eg.连用:i h**e (already) seen the film.

h**e you ever been there (before )?






b.现在完成时与一般过去时的区别在于:一般过去时只单纯表示过去的动作和状态,与现在无任何联系 ,时间状语常为:yesterday, last week,3days ago, in 1990; 现在完成时则强调动作与现在的联系、影响和结果。

eg. h**e you seen the film? yes, i h**e.

when did you see it? i saw it last week.


h**e got=h**e

1.i think i've got one. {

has got=has

2.here you are.这是一种倒装语序,常用在口语中。

can i use yourpen for a while?

eg.{ you are.

类似的还有:there goes the bell.

here comes the bus.

3.h**e you seen it anywhere?

anywhere常用于疑问句和否定句;some where表示某个地方,常用于肯定句;no where=not anywhere, e verywhene, 是处处、到处的意思。

eg. i can't find my pen anywhere.

he has borrowed some money somewhere.

i h**e looked for my lost bike everywhere.

where likes them to borrow them.


4.she also likes them to borrow them.

borrow : 借来,借进,与form连用。

词组:borrow sb.


{lend sb.

eg. whom h**e you borrowed the bike from?

can you lend me your bike?

wifh sb.

5.she is very strict, be strict{

in sth.

eg. she is strict in her job.

our teacher is strict with us.

6.please be more careful from now on.

from now on:从现在起,还有from tomorrow on, from then on, from next weekon.

7.i h**e never lost a book before. ago与before都是副词,前者用于过去时,后者用于现在完成时 ,泛指以前。

eg. i lost my pen three days ago.

i h**en't seen such a good film before.

8.we must both thank lucy !注意both,all,each作同位语的位置:1.放在be动词后;2.放在行为动词前;3.放在助动词与谓语动词中:

eg. we are all students. they h**e both gone there.

we each h**e an english book.

9.you must always return your library book on time.

return表示give back, 故后面不再跟back.

on a train

10.{ by train不能加冠词或任何修饰词,类似的有:in a car,on my bike,

by trainby bus,by bike,by air…

11.you must pay for it. pay for sth.“付…的钱,赔偿…”

eg. i paid two yuan for the book.


1.区分spend,cost,pay for,cost的用法。2.感叹句的句型。3.作文经典句型 随你套 1.主语 is the 最高级 名词 that i h e ever seen known heard had read is more important than to do sth.没什么...


unit1 by 的用法 by v ing unit2 used to be 是重点意思是 过去常常 unit3 被动语态 sb should be allowed to do sth 某人应该被允许做某事。unit4 虚拟语气 if i were i would unit5 sth belong ...


unit1 i.1.定期复习。2.复习这个材料。3.全神贯注于。4.入睡。5.学习风格。6.一件实物。7.而不是,宁愿 而不愿 8.两人一小组学习。9.小组学习。10.把知识和他们自己联系起来。11.和 交流。12.和其他人讨论这个主题。13.比起来更喜欢。14.弄懂语法规则。15.练习发音。16....