
发布 2021-05-22 22:32:28 阅读 1459


1、i'd like to/i 'd love to,but...表否定,重点放在but后面。如:—the students'english club is h**inga party on saturday night.can you come?

—i would like to,but i work at a restaurant on weekends.(2023年1月)又如:—shall we eat in the school dining-room tonight?—i'd like to,but the western food doesn't agree with me.let's go to a chinese restaurantfor achange.


if the traffic wasn't so bad,i could h**e been home by 6:00.—what a pity!john was here to see you.(2023年1月)(意思是如果早到家的话,就可以见到约翰了,但是事实是因为交通堵塞,没能及时回家)又如:

—do you like physics?

well,i wish it were interesting.(意思是事实上物理一点也没有趣)—i need a bike today,but mine has a flat tyre.—i'm sorry to hear that.i would h**e lent you if bill hadn't taken it away.(意思是不能借给你)3、i'm sorry,..这种句型是委婉的否定,其后一般接原因。如:—hello,may i speak to john smith,please?

—i'm sorry,nobody by that name works here.(2023年1月)(意思是说没有叫约翰·史密斯的人)4、由形容词last构成的特殊句型。这种结构的字面意思是“……是最后一个”,但真正的意思是“……是最不可能的”。如:

would you like to go mountain climbing with us?—that's the last thing in the world i want to do.(字面意思是爬山是这世界上我最后想做的事,反过来讲就是根本不想去爬山)

i heard tom was the man who robbed mr.smith's house.—but i think he is the last one to do sucha thing.(意思是他根本不可能做这件事)5、anything but句型。如:

everyone is helping out with dinner.could you make the soup?—anything but that.(意思是我不可能做汤)

6、由一些特殊短语构成的句型。这种短语很多,因此就需要学生平时不断地积累,如:—you're not much of a rock and roll fan,are you?

it's far from being my f**orite kind of music,that's for sure.(这里的be far from短语意思是“远非”,可理解为“这根本不是我所喜欢的**”)—can you possibly lend me$10until pay-day?—it's out of the question.(这里整个对话的理解就取决于对out of the question这个短语的理解,而通过以往的知识我们知道它的意思是“不可能的”,因此这里应理解为“我不可能借给你”。)二、形否定意肯定的句型:

1、why don't you/why not...这种句型相对来说比较简单,意思是“为什么不呢?”,但我们还是应该注意它真正表达的是一个肯定概念,即“建议做某事”。如:

john,i don't know what to get for your father.he has just about everything,doesn't he?do you h**e any suggestions?

why don't you get him a pocket calculator?(2023年6月)2、do you mind...问句的回答用no,of course not.或者not at all.。虽然字面上是否定的,而且也理解为“不介意”,但考虑到具体的语境,通常都应理解为肯定的,意思是对方。


do you mind if i borrow your note?

no,of course not.they are on my desk.(2023年1月)(从侧面讲可以使用)3、not...until...句型。此句型一般都应理解为“直到……才”,因此是肯定的。如:

—when can the doctor see me?—he won't be free until tomorrow.(2023年1月)(意思是直到明天才能见你)4、not...more/better构成的特殊句型。


i think it's high time we turned our attention to the danger of drunk driving now.

i can't agree with you more.you see countless innocent people are killed by drunk driverseach year.(2023年6月)(意思是说后者非常同意第一人的观点)—how is your business,bob?—sales h**e never been better.(意思是说生意相当不错)

5、without a doubt;don't mention it;no problem等作为回答的否定句型。这些我们常用的作为回答的句型,其实在语境中通常是用作肯定的回答,意思是“没问题”,肯定是这样的。如:

do you think we h**e to review the chapter of industrial revolution?—without a doubt,it will be on the exam.

do you think you could h**e this skirt ready by thursday morning?—no problem.you can come and fetch it.


我从未想过我会 表达兴奋的高级句型 i never thought i would be working for an international company.我从未想过会在一家跨国公司工作。11.what do you say to 你说 怎么样?征询他人意见的高级句型 what do you...


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