
发布 2021-04-22 00:38:28 阅读 4129



四级听力的短对话和长对话部分,其话题范围是以校园生活(campus life)为主题,主要是学习打工,衣食住行。


where does this conversation most likely take place?

where is the man probably going?


what’s the relationship between the two speakers?


常见职业:advisor, carpenter, dentist, driver, doctor, electrician, landlady, tenant, librarian, manager, nurse, physician, surgeon, plumber, receptionist, repairman, salesman, shop assistant, tutor, waiter, waitress

1. 学习学习场景(teacher and student )

课程:optional/selective course 选修课。

required/compulsory course 必修课。

day course 白天的课 evening course 晚上的课

credit 学分。

register 注册。

科目或专业: mathematic 数学, history 历史, chemistry 化学, literature 文学,考试:semester/term 学期,final exam 期终考试, middle exam 期中考试, make up 补考, test测验,pop test/off-hand 事先没有说好的测验, quiz 小测验, oral test 口试drawing near/approaching/looming考试临近, 考试延期或取消 delay / be off / hold up / postpone / put off the test be up all night cramming for the history midterm.

整夜未眠准备历史期中考试burn the midnight oil 开夜车。

学校:primary school 小学, junior/senior middle school 初中/高中;public school 公立学校, private school 私立学校, religious school 教会学校。

学校中的人: president 校长, dean 院长, professor 教授,associate professor 副教授lecturer 讲师,doctor 博士, master 硕士, bachelor 学士,freshman 大一新生, sophomore 大二学生, junior 大三学生, senior 大四学生, supervisor 导师。

上课:h**e/attend a lecture 上课cut a class/play truant 逃课miss a class 错过了课,make up for the missed class 补课。

其他:scholarship 奖学金, hand-out,分发的资料, thesis proposal 开题报告, the assignment is due 作业快交了 --is overdue 期限已经过了 deadline 最后期限。

defend ***** 毕业答辩 dormitory 宿舍 tuition fee学费 graduation ceremony 毕业典礼


strict, punctual, fascinating/interesting严格准时有趣

boring/clock-watcher, doze off/take a nap, easy无聊昏昏欲睡简单

hard/difficult, fast/not slowly, enough can’t follow/catch困难速度快跟不上。


*****/essay, article, research report**文章学习报告

reading assignment, theory, a copy of阅读作业理论一份

paragraph, typing errors, correct段落打印错误纠正

proofread, be through with, polish仔细校对完成润色

rewrite, topic重写话题

2.图书馆场景 (librarian and reader)

借书 lend / borrow / check out, 参考书 reference book, 续借 renew the book

过期 overdue,还书 return, 罚金 fine,

图书管理员librarian,期刊阅览室periodical room,参考阅览室 reference room

现刊current issue,过刊back issue

已借出on loan/ in circulation

放回原处 replace the book 放错了 misplace the book


best-seller 畅销书 order 定书

in stock 有货。

out of stock 缺货

out of print 脱销,绝版。

edition/version 版本。

3.交通运输场景 (driver and passenger, conductor and passenger)

garbage 车库。

fare 车票, license 驾照, rush hours 高峰时间, traffic jam 交通堵塞。

overtake 超车, one way street 单行道, over speed 超速。

ticket/bill 罚单 express way 高速公路 police officer 交警。

beat ticket 逃票 conductorless bus 无人售票车。

交通工具plane / train / bus / bike / walk / taxi/subway(美) /underground (英) 地铁。

light train 轻轨, flyover 人行天桥。

used car 旧车, afford买的起, give sb a ride/life 搭车。

taxi/cab出租车, break down抛锚, get a flat tire暴胎。

pick up sb 用车接人 pick down sb 把某人放下 pull over 停车

break down 抛锚。

4.**场景 (operator)

mobile phone 手机, pay phone 公用**, telephone box/booth **亭》

yellow page 黄页, extension 分机, dial/ press(拨/按**号码)

operator 总机, put through 接通, wrong number记错号码。

hold on 不要挂断, take / le**e a message 留言, hang up / get off 挂断。

answering machine自动答录机, collect call 对方付费**

long-distance call 长途**,overseas call 越洋**,

mobile / cell phone 手机 give sb a call / ring 给某人打**。

the line is busy / engaged 占线。


plane 飞机, book 订票, timetable 时间表, destination 目的地。

safe landing 安全着陆, board 登机, take off 起飞, departure 离港。

safety / sect belt 安全带,security check 安检, see off 送行, keep in touch 保持联系。

one way ticket 单程票, round trip ticket 来回票,

non-stop / direct flight 直航 , boarding card 登机牌。

transfer / lay over / stop over 转机,

first / business / economy cabin 头等 / 商务 / 经济舱。

confirm the flight 确认航班, check in 登记, boarding ticket

the flight bound to /heading for 开往。。。的航班。

aisle seat, window seat过道座位靠窗座位。

do you h**e anything to declare? 你有需要报税的物品吗?

6.打工/面试场景 (hr and candidate)

job vacancy 有空缺职位, letter of application , cover letter求职信, resume 简历。

resume包括:basic / personal info. 基本信息/个人资料。

academic background 教育背景。

work experience 工作经验, certificates证书。

interview 面试, offer 聘用信, work overtime 加班,

wage 周薪, salary 日薪, bonus奖金,

allowance 津贴, annual income 年收入。


听力词汇。1.abundant adj.丰富的,充裕的,丰富,盛产,富于。2.accelerate v.加速,促进。3.accompany vt.陪伴,伴奏。4.accommodation n.住处,膳宿,车,船,飞机等的 预定铺位,眼睛等的 适应性调节,社会集团间的 迁就融合。5.accumula...


英语四级听力词汇。acclaimed受欢迎的。apprentice学徒。artist艺术家。authentic逼真的。ant garde前卫派。biographer自传作家。cheerless无精打采的。choreographer舞蹈编排家。classic经典的。clumsy笨拙的。contempo...


四级听力最新场景词汇。交通场景。a 机场场景。送别 airway,airport,sad place,keep in touch,see sb.off.询问 flight,fly direct flight,transfer arrival,departure,destination one way...