
发布 2021-06-03 16:30:28 阅读 8961


campus life校园生活(短对话及长对话重点)

12年12月出现的重要表达:take turns to make presentation (轮流做演示)12年6月真题**现的新考点:tuition学费。

1、作业词汇:assignment/assigned book (指定书目10年6月第11题)***** essays(07-6听写答案) book/research report composition作文textbook教科书/reference book参考书(07-6听写答案) copy副本搭配作业的一些常见表达:

be through with sth结束,完成(四次考到)due到期。

h**e sb's hands full with sth忙于做某事(两次考到)narrow down the topic细化题目(两次考到)2、课程形式词汇:


原句:do you h**e the seminar schedule with you? (你有研讨会的日程表么?

)optional course/elective (选修课) evening/day course (晚间/白天课程09-12词汇)

compulsorycourse/requirement (必修课) presentation(多次考到,展示或演示课)搭配词汇:

hardly/barely stay awake (无法保持清醒。三次考到,最新10-6考点)tutoring service一对一辅导课程最新课程名称。


biology生物statistics统计学课程psychological counseling心理咨询。

3、名称。freshman(大一) sophomore(大二) junior(大三) senior(大四)(05年考点)graduate(毕业生) undergraduate (在校生,本科生)postgraduate(多次考到,研究生)

tutor(导师) graduate school (研究生院)


overweight=out of shape胖dieting节食lose weight**slim苗条larger waist腰有些肥(可以指人也可以指服装) physical training身体锻炼weight-lifting举重。

job hunting求职(长对话重点)recommendation推荐(11-12)

short list候选人名单(2010-12) job vacancy职位空缺(2010-12)

job applicant candidate候选人(多次考到) apply for application (2008/09/10)position/post (多次考到。职位) resume (简历,注意发音,多次考到)recruit (连续考到。招聘) reputation(多次考到)resign (辞职,多次考到)

benefit (package) (福利,两次考到) paid vacation (带薪假期)social security (美国的社会保险) relocation expenses (异地补偿费用)phased retirement (08-12阶段性退休) be laid off (解雇09-12考点)hotel consultant (08-6酒店咨询) sales manager(08-12销售经理)administrative work (08-12行政工作)2008-6

the job will involve much train tr**el (工作中会经常有火车旅行的机会)tell me about your present job...

was down to three of us, but the other two seemed better qualified(合格).(20个候选人竞争销售经理的职位。最后就剩我们三个了,不过那两个人看起来胜算更大。


i heard about your promotion, you must be thrilled.(我听说你升职了,你开心死了吧)

not really, the new office is huge,but the work load has doubled.(也不见得,新办公室挺大的,但是工作量也翻倍了)

2009-12 aren’t you disappointed that you didn’t get the promotion?2010-06 it enables him to apply theory to practice能够让他把理论应用于实际。

getting along well with colleagues与同事和睦相处。

2010-12 25 c) send in a written applicaon as soon as possible尽快发来书面申请。

2011-6 25 b what does the man say contribute the success of the business?(男士说是什么造就了他商业的成功)

2011-12 what position in the company appeals to you most?职位最吸引你的是什么?

2012-12 he is tied up in meetings.他忙于开会机场(飞机上)次重点1.机场地点。

security check(安检处) gate(登机口) terminal (航站楼)check-in counter (换票柜台) customs (海关)


airhostess/stewardess (空姐) steward (空哥、空少) flight attendant (飞机乘务员)


take off/land (起飞、降落) ascend/descend(上升、下降)postpone/delay/cancel (推迟、延迟、取消)最近题目例句:(2007-12)

i hope you are packed and ready to le**e. (我希望你已经打包完毕准备出发了)i h**e packed my passport in one of my bags. (我把护照装在一个包里了)餐厅。


recommendation推荐be allergic to过敏1.点菜:

order menu wine list (酒单) alcohol steak french fries (薯条)2.埋单:

check the bill please!(埋单) treat (请客) split the bill (分开付)酒店。

2010-6 washing-up洗碗工作2007-6/12

reservation (高频词,预定) honeymoon suite (07年6月词汇,蜜月套间)

hotel clerk (07年6月词汇,等于receptionist) discount (07年6月词汇,折扣)continental breakfast (07年6月词汇,免欧式早餐)图书馆次重点。


原句:did you check the pile of the journals you borrowed for the library theother day?


volume卷current/back issue现/过刊periodical期刊2.人物:librarian图书管理员。


精品文档。听力场景词汇 身体状况in good shape身体健康in a fit state健康状况良好out of shape身体不好as fit as a fiddle身体非常好in poor shape身体状况不佳。feel under the weather身体不舒服听力场景词汇 图书馆s...


英语四级听力场景词汇 上课及选课 take the course选课credit学分register注册。drop the course退课。introductory course初级课程advanced course高级课程rank排名。syllabus教学大纲curriculum课程semina...


6 重新使用是指多次或用另一种方法来使用已用过的物品,它也是减少垃圾的重要方法。答 火柴燃烧 铁钉生锈 白糖加热等。第四单元环境和我们。答 当地球运行到月球和太阳的中间,如果地球挡住了太阳射向月球的光,便发生月食。3 我们在水中发现了什么微生物呢?p18 12 淡水在自来水厂中除了沉淀和过滤之外,还...