高考英语常考基本词汇讲解讲义系列 十

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1.determine vt.(使)下决心;(使)做出决定;确定;测定vi. 决定;决心(on / upon)

determine to do sth 决心 / 决定做某事。

determine sb to do sth 使某人下决心做某事。

determine on / upon sth / doing sth 决定 / 决心做某事。

determined adj.有决心的。

be determined to do sth 决定 / 决心做某事。

be determined + that 从句 (从句中谓语动词用虚拟语气)

1)theywhere the new hospital will be built. 他们已经决定在何处建医院。

2)my teacher's encouragement___me to go on with my english. 老师的鼓励使我下决心继续学习英语。

3)weon an early start. 我们决定早点出发。

4)i left hernever to set foot in that house. 我离开了她,决心不再走进那房子。

5)wethat this should never be allowed to happen again. 我们下定了决心不让这样的事情再发生。

答案】1)h**e determined 2)determined 3)determined 4)determining 5)were determined


1)it's often difficultthe meaning of a word without a context.

2)she is a very __woman.

3)the boyto be a soldier for a long time.

答案】 1)to determine 2)determined 3)has been determined


he was determined that his childto the best school **ailable.

a.should go b.went c.ought to go d.would go

答案与解析】 a 在require, order和be determined从句中,应该使用虚拟语气。题意:他决心让他的孩子上最好的学校。

2.concern n. 关心;关切;关注 vt. 涉及;关系到;使担心

be concerned about / for / over sb / sth 关心某人 / 某事。

be concerned with sb / sth 与某人(事)有关;牵涉到某人(事)

concern oneself with sth 对……感兴趣。

so / as far as...be concerned 就……而论;就……来说。

as concerns...关于;涉及。

concerning prep. 关于。

1him, i h**e nothing to say. 关于他,我无话可说。

2)the casewith me any longer. 这件事不再与我有关。

3the qualitythe coat is worth buying. 就质量而言,这大衣买得值。

4)a good teacher should always __himself __his students. 一个好老师应该时刻关心自己的学生。

答案】 1)as concerns 2)is not concerned 3)as / so far as;is concerned 4)concern;with


1)please don't let my illnessyou.

2)in short, the writing stylenot what a writer says but how he says it.

3)we shall h**e to consult with the other countries

4)our mainis that the boy is in poor health.

答案】 1)concern 2)concerns 3)concerned 4)concern


1) i'll publish my results only when i h**emy research.

a.concernedb.connected c.conducted d.concluded

答案与解析】 d 题意:只有在我结束研究之后,我才会公开我的结论。concern “关心;有关系”;connect“联系”;conduct“处理;指导”;conclude“完成;结束”。

2) the speech which he made __the project bothered me greatly.

a.being concerned b.be concerned c.concerned d.concerning

答案与解析】 d 题意:他做的有关那个课题的演说使我非常厌烦。concerning 介词,表示“关于”之意。

3.annoy vt. 打扰;干扰;使恼怒

annoyed adj.感到烦恼的;恼怒的。

annoying adj.令人烦恼的;令人生气的。

be annoyed with sb 对某人生气。

be annoyed at / about sth 为某事生气。

annoyance n.生气;烦恼。

to one's annoyance 让某人恼火的是……

1)the way he constantly orders us to do this or that really __us all. 他不断命令我们干这干那的方式的确使我们都很恼火。

2)it's __to be asked about some personal affairs. 被查问私事是令人恼火的。

3)what are you getting __about? 你为什么事生气?

4)she was much __to see that all the guests had left. 看到所有客人都走了,她非常生气。

答案】 1)annoys 2)annoying 3)annoyed 4)annoyed


1)she is annoyed __the man often calls in the middle of the night.

2)__greatly annoyed the boy to be kept standing outside the classroom so long.

3)it really __me when you don't listen to what i'm saying.

4)__the teacher's annoyance, the boy was late again.

答案】 1)that 2)it 3)annoys 4)to


recently peter __to do his homework, and instead insists on wasting his time playing computer games, which extremely annoys his father.

a.had been refusing b.has been refusing c.was refusing d.refused

答案与解析】 b 题意:最近彼得一直拒绝做作业,相反坚持把时间浪费在打电脑游戏上,这让他爸爸非常懊恼。此句是用现在时,且强调的是现在这一情况未改变。

4. aware adj.知道的;意识到的;明白的;察觉到的

be aware of sth 从句发觉……;注意到……

be aware that 注意到……;发觉……

1)i was not __of her presence until she spoke to me. 直到她跟我说话我才发现她到场了。

2)are you __of the dangers of your position? 你有没有意识到你的处境很危险?

3)she is far too __to believe these lies. 她很明智不会相信这些谎言了。

4)he is __of a sense of guilt. 他感觉到内心有愧。

答案】 1)aware / sensible 2)aware / sensible 3)sensible 4)conscious

aware, conscious和sensible用法辨析。

conscious 有知觉的;清醒的;蓄意的。

sensible 明智的;合情理的;切合实际的。

高考英语常考基本词汇讲解讲义系列 十三

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