2019高考英语常考高频词汇举例解析 十四

发布 2021-05-22 16:05:28 阅读 1693

◆ fall off;fall down;fall onto;fall into

◇ fall off用作及物动词,表示“从……上落下,掉下,摔下”。如:

the house moved and a few pictures fell off the wall,but that was all.


he had fallen off a ladder and hurt his leg. 他从梯子上摔下来,伤了腿。


i watched all the glasses that were on the table fall off. 我看着桌子上的杯子全掉下来。

his supporters were falling off. 支持他的人越来越少了。

◇ fall down通常用作不及物动词,表示“(人)跌倒,摔倒,绊倒”或“(房屋等) 倒塌”。如:

the old lady fell down in the street and broke her leg.那老太太在街上跌倒了,摔坏了腿。

◇ fall onto意为“掉到……上”,其中onto为介词,也可用to。如:

the books fell off the desk onto/to the ground. 书从桌上掉到了地上。

◇ fall into意为“掉到……里陷入(困难)”等,into是介词。如:

fall into the river 掉进河里。

◆ fasten; tie

◇ fasten意为“栓住、捆牢、扎紧”,常用作及物动词(用于fasten ..to...结构时,可以与tie互换,但语气上fasten比tie重);也可用作不及物动词,意为“(把目光、思想、注意力)集中于……”

◇ tie意为“系、栓、扎”,常用作及物动词,后接其同源宾语tie, knot等;用作不及物动词时,意为“打领带、打领结”。

◆ feed...on;feed...to

◇ feed...to 指“将……喂给……”feed 后跟表示食物的词;

◇ feed...on 指“用……喂……”feed 后接表示人或动物的词。如:

what did you feed to the baby just now? 你刚才给婴儿喂的什么﹖

i feed the dog on meat. 我用肉喂狗。

festival,holiday,vacation ◇ festival指盛大的节日,或定期在某地举行的主题节日;如**节等。



a.the spring __is the most important day in china.

b.will you spend your __abroad this year?

c.while i’m away on __mr smith will take over my job.

answers:a. festiva◆

finally;at last;in the end 本组词语均有“终于”之意,但有区别。

finally的用法有二:ü 用来表示某一动作发生的顺序是在“最后”。例如:

finally,turn off the lights and lock the door.最后关上灯锁好门。 ü是用在句中动词前,表示等了好久“终于……”例如: we waited and waited,and finally they arrived.我们等了又等,(最后)他们终于来了。

at last是表示经过一番曲折或努力之后某事才发生,强调其结果,其语气和感**彩较强。at last the project has been completed and we can rest.这项工程终于竣工了,我们可以休息了。

in the end用法有二:*表示经过若干周折或努力而“最后”发生了某事。例如:

we did experiment after experiment,and in the end we got a good harvest of rice in africa.我们作了一个又一个实验,(最后)终于在非洲获得了水稻丰收。 *表示**未来(而finally和at last无此用法)。例如:

he hopes that his son will be a fine teacher in the end.他希望他儿子最终成为一名优秀教师。

find/found/founded◇ find意为“发现、找到”,为动词原形。

found既是不规则动词find的过去式和过去分词,本身又是一个动词原形,意为“建立、成立、创办”。如: he has already found his watch. 他已经找到了手表。

founded为动词found的过去式和过去分词。如: the school was founded ten years ago. 这所学校是十年前创办的。

◆ fit; be fit for; be fit to

◇ fit可用作及物或不及物动词,意为“适合”,“合身”,主要指大小适合。如:

this cap fits me well.这顶帽子很适合我。

the coat doesn’t fit me well. 这件大衣不太合身。

◇ 另外,fit还有“安装”、“试穿”之意。如:

you can fit this skirt on your daughter.你可以给你的女儿试一下这条裙子。

i will fit my new house with a telephone.我要在新房间装**。

◇ be fit for意为“适合;能胜任”。其中,fit是形容词,意为“适合的;能胜任的”,for后面接名词或-ing形式。如:

the water in the well is fit for drinking.这口井里的水可以喝。

the man is not fit for his office.那人不称职。

your shoes are not fit for tr**eling.你的鞋子不适合旅行。

◇ be fit to意为“适合;能胜任”。在这个短语中,fit也是形容词,to为动词不定式符号,因此后面只能接动词原形。如:

the food is not fit to eat. 这食物不可以吃。

the girl is easy to get angry,so she is not fit to be a nurse. 这女孩容易发脾气,因此她不适合当**。

◆ forbid ban prohibit都含“禁止”的意思。

◇ forbid系常用词, 指“命令某人不做某事”, 如:

the doctor forbids him to smoke. 医生禁止他吸烟。

◇ ban 语气较重, 指权威机关“正式禁止”, 含“严厉谴责”之意,只能用事物作其宾语,如:ban atomic and nuclear weapons! 禁止原子**和核**!

◇ prohibit指“通过法律或**法令禁止”, 如:

the soldiers were prohibited from le**ing camp after dark. 天黑后士兵不准离开营房。

◆ suit;fit;suitable

◇ fit用作及物动词,意为“与……相符、符合;合……身”;用作不及物动词,意为“适合、合身”。多指衣物等尺寸大小合身、合脚。

◇ suit意为“适合”。多指衣物等的颜色、款式、质地等适合,穿起来协调、好看;合乎需要、口味、性格、条件和地位等。如:

this coat doesn't suit you.这件外套不适合你。(比较:this coat doesn't fit you.这件外套不合你的身。)

◇ fit直接可用作形容词,常构成be fit for意为“适于;称职”;suit的形容词为suitable,be suitable for相当于be fit for。另外:suit常用作名词,意为“一套/副(衣服等)”:

a man's suit包括外套 jacket,背心waist coat和裤子trousers,a woman's suit包括上衣coat和裙子skirt; fit还可作“安装”解。

for example;such as;like

such as用来举例说明,通常放在被列举的事物的前面以及需要说明的事物的后面。

for example常用来补充说明,表示在众多的例子中仅仅取。




1.many books on english study,__school english are popular among school students.

2.some students,wang lin,__like country music very much.

3.i’m going to be a pop star __michael jackson.

answer:1.such as 2.for example 3.like

for the first time;the first time

for the first time 首次;第一次。表示有生以来或一段时间内第一次做某事,在句中一般单独作状语。例如:

the two girl students talked for the first time at the beginning of the term. 两位女生开学初首次交谈。

the first time 首次;第一次。常引导时间状语从句,其重点不是讲第一次做什么,而是说明另一动作或情况;也可以作表语,强调到说话为止某一情况或动作的次数。例如:

i knew we would be good friends the first time i met her. 第一次见到她,我就知道我们会成为好朋友。 this is the first time i h**e been to the great wall. 这是我第一次去长城。

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