
发布 2021-05-22 11:08:28 阅读 9105


turn out 结果是……、变成……;turn against 反戈一击、反对……,对……不满;

turn back 打退堂鼓,返回;turn down拒绝;把……(音量等)放低,开小;

turn off 关上(收音机、龙头等);离开(公路等);对……失去兴趣,反感;

turn on 开(收音机等),使……感兴趣,吸引,向……进攻,责怪;

turn out 结果是、最后情况是……,关(电灯、煤气等),生产、造就;

turn over 移交,随便翻阅;turn in上交某物,交回;turn into 变为;

turn to sb. 寻救帮助,查阅资料,努力于、加劲干;

turn up 来赴(宴、开会),出现,把(音量)放大,使作呕。

如:①there was no body that i could turn to.当时没有一个人能帮助我。

please turn off the tv set. it’s wasting power.把电视关了吧,太费电啦。

things turned out to be smoothly developing.事情结果正常发展。

our suggestions were turned down at the meeting.会议没有采纳我们的建议。

turn 当名词用时,意为“轮到某人干……,转折;倾向;作风”等意思。如:

she went hot and cold by turns.她一阵热,一阵冷。

by turns轮流;一阵……,一阵……;out of turn不该谁……干,不合时宜;

do good(bad)turn 帮了某人的忙(倒忙)。

turn to 其中to为介词。

1)转向。he turned to me and said hello to me. 他转向我向我问好。


if you are in trouble,please turn to me. 如果你有麻烦,请找我。

2、up 的用法:adv.守全,彻底。

time is up. 时间到了。

h**e you used up you money?你的钱用完了吗?

常用短语:eat up吃光;tear up撕掉;use up用光;lock up锁住;burn up烧光;

get up起床;up and down上上下下,来来往往。

up until…


up until yesterday two sides had agreed on all the items of this contract.


it is a waste of time/money to do sth. 干……浪费时间(钱)

it’s a waste of time to fix this watch.


in the hope of 1 in the hope of 该短语表示 期待,抱有 的希望 后接名词 代词或动名词,可替换成 in the hope that 从句或 hoping to 对比 they got up very early in the hope of catching the ...


like 用法小结。1 like 用法小结。1 like 用做动词 及物 通常表示一般的 喜欢 为口语用词,词意没有love感情强烈,反义词为hate。like n.pron.does li ming like bananas?李明喜欢吃香蕉吗?do you like it?你喜欢它吗?like v...


like 用法小结。1 like 用法小结。1 like 用做动词 及物 通常表示一般的 喜欢 为口语用词,词意没有love感情强烈,反义词为hate。like n.pron.does li ming like bananas?李明喜欢吃香蕉吗?do you like it?你喜欢它吗?like v...