高考英语重点词汇归纳形容词 with复习剖析

发布 2021-05-19 18:50:28 阅读 2969


be pleased with sb. /sth. 对……满意;be satisfied with 对……满意;

be busy with sth. 忙于某事;be careful with 对……注意、细心;

be connected with 与……有联系;be lined with 排列,站队;

be patient with sb. 对某人有耐心;be popular with 受欢迎;

be strict with sb. 对某人严格要求;be wrong with 出毛病,不顺心;

be disappointed with 对……失望;be angry with sb. 生某人的气。


as a teacher you shouldyour students.


every roadtrees.


our teacher is not only stricthis work but also___his students.


both husband and wifetheir work,so theyh**e no time to care for the child.

key: ①be, patient, with ②is, lined, with ③in, with ④are, busy, with

2、year by year/year after year

year by year(=every year)强调逐步转变的过程,“逐年(变化)”。

they liked the cold wet weather there and their number increased year by year.


the population increasing year by year.


year after year(=for years)强调“逐年不断、重复,年年(重复)”。

don’t plant the same crop in the same field year after year.



what ,how, when, where, whether, which等疑问词+ 不定式构成的短语相当于名词从句,多用在ask, decide, know, tell, explain, find out, consider, wonder后作宾语,可以改换成相应意义的宾语从句对比:

please show us how to use it./please show us how we will use it.


we don’t know whether to accept his invitation./

we don’tknow whether we should accept his invitation.我们不知道是否应该接受他的邀请。

填空。there’re so many kinds of tape-recorders on sale that i can’t make up my mind___to buy.(met’92)

a what

last summer i took a course onmet’90)

to make dresses

dresses be made

to be made dresses

dresses to be made

key:①b ②a

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