高一英语寒假专题 重点单词短语回顾知识精讲

发布 2021-05-20 07:43:28 阅读 1774


一。 教学内容:


词条1]realize v.了解,认识到;实现。

拓展]realize后可接名词和宾语从句。realization n.实现reality n.

事实;真实realistic adj.现实主义的;现实的realizable adj.可实现的。

例句]he didn’t realize his mistakes.

词条2]destroy v. 破坏,毁坏。

拓展]destroyer n.破坏者;驱逐舰damage & destroy damage “损坏”,意味着损坏后价值或效率降低,一般是部分性的。destroy 指十分彻底的“破坏”,常含“不能或很难修复”的意思。

例句](1) the flood destroyed many houses.

2) smoking can damage your health.

词条3] argue v.争论,辩论argue 用作及物动词时,其后常接the matter, the point, the question, the case之类的名词作宾语,也可以接that 引导的宾语从句。

拓展]argue about / on / over 为……争论argue against为反对……而争论argue for为赞成……而争论argue with与……争论。

例句](1) we h**e been arguing on this problem for two hours. (2) you shouldn’t argue with your mother about this matter.

词条4]reduce v. 减少reduce ..by ..把……减少/缩小…… reduce ..to ..把……减少/缩小到……

拓展]反义词:increase, 也常和by / to 连用。increase (.by...增加了……increase (.to ..增加到……

例句](1) the shop reduced the prices of the clothes by one-third.商店把服装**下调了三分之一。

2) the shop reduced the prices of the clothes to two-thirds. 商店把服装**下调到原来的三分之二。

词条5]alive adj.有活力的,有生气的。

拓展]alive & living & live在词义上,三者都有“活着;活着的”的意思。在用法上,alive只作表语和后置定语,多用于人;live只作定语,只用于物;living既可作表语,又可作定语,既可以用于人,又可以用于物。

例句]but anyone who is alive in the world of the living has some hope; a live dog is better off than a dead lion. 的确,任何人只要与活着的人在一起就还会有一丝生的希望。所以,比起死了的狮子,活着的狗要好得多。

词条6]attitude n.态度;看法attitude常与介词to / towards连用。

拓展]opinion n.常与介词of / on / about连用。idea n.常与介词on / about连用。

例句](1) her attitude towards him has changed.

2) he asked his father’s opinion / idea about his plans.

词条7]feed v.喂养,饲养。

拓展]feed on 动物以……为生live on 意为“人以……为食,以……为生”,也可以指“动物以……为食”。如:

the people in the south live on rice, while the people in the north live on wheat.

词条8]offer v.& n.提供;出价。

拓展]offer sb sth 向某人提供某物offer sb some money for sth给某人出价买某物offer to do sth 主动提出做某事on offer 削价**。

词条9]impress v.留下印象。

拓展]1) impress 的常见搭配有:impress sb (with sth) 给某人留下深刻印象impress sth on / upon sb 使某人铭记某物;使某人意识到某物。

2) impression为impress的名词形式,常见的搭配有:impression of sth / doing sth / that想法;感觉be under the impression that ..有某种(通常是错误的)想法le**e a good (bad) impression on sb 给某人留下好(坏)的印象。

词条10]break vi.破裂;休息。

拓展](1) break in 意为“破门而入”,与break into 同义,不同的是:break into后要求接宾语,而break in后不必接宾语。

2) break的相关短语有:break out 爆发;突然发生break through 进展;突破break up **break down出故障;失灵break away from脱离(政党);打破(陈规)

词条11]congratulation n.祝贺。

offer (send) one’s congratulations to sb on sth 向某人祝贺……

accept one’s congratulations 接受某人的祝贺。

拓展]congratulate vt.祝贺。

congratulate sb on sth / doing sth 祝贺某人……

例句]we offered our congratulations to kate on her passing the exam.


i congratulated myself on my narrow escape. 我庆幸自己死里逃生。

词条12] aboard prep.在船(飞机、火车等)上常与aboard搭配的名词有ship, bus, aircraft, train等。

拓展]aboard也可以用作副词。如:the plane crashed, killing all 180 people aboard.飞机坠毁了,机上180人全部遇难。

词条13]observe v.观察;专心地看常见的用法有:

observe + n.;

observe + n./ pron.+ doing sth / do sth;

observe + that ..

拓展]observation n.观测observer n.观测者observing adj.注意的;留心的。

例句]did you observe anything special in his beh**ior?

词条14]found v.建立,创立。

拓展]founder n.创始人,奠基者foundation n.基础,根基同义词:build, construct, establish

例句]we are planning to found a hospital.我们计划建立一所医院。

词条15]belief n.信念;信条。

拓展]believe v.相信believe in sb信任某人;

believe in sth 相信某物的存在believe sb相信某人说的话;

believe sth 相信某事(物)是真的。

例句]he stated his belief that failure is the mother of success.


he is a man to believe in.他是一个可以信赖的人。

i believe the news to be true.我相信这消息是真的。

短语1]fall asleep入睡。

[拓展]be asleep & fall asleep fall asleep 表动作,不能和表示一段时间的词连用;be asleep表状态,可以和表示一段时间的词连用。类似用法的还有:fall in love with, be in love with; fall behind, be behind等。


拓展]add ..to & add to & add up to add ..to 把…加到……上add to 添加,增添(其宾语多为困难、欢乐等抽象名词)add up to 合计达(后面多指合计起来的数字)


[拓展]concentrate on & focus on指“集中精力”时两词可以互换。

使用,但focus on一般不以具体事物作宾语,而concentrate on 则可以。如:concentrate on my new task;focus on this point。

短语4]put up修建。

[拓展]put up的常见意思有:

修建;搭建。如:put up a building

挂起;张贴。如:put up new pictures

举起;抬起。如:put up his hand

短语5]consist of由……组成。

[拓展]consist of = be made up of,但consist of不用于被动语态。如:our class consists of fifty students.

=our class is made up of fifty students.


unit 13 healthy eating 本单元重点单词 decision n.决定junk n.垃圾 废物 毒品 俚语contain vt.包含 容纳vitamin n.维生素。stomach n.胃hurt v.疼痛 伤害 patient n.病人cough v.n.咳嗽pain n.vt....


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