
发布 2021-06-03 20:41:28 阅读 7843


module 1

1. she is so fat that the doctor asked him to be on a节食).

2. i am担忧)about the parcel because it hasn't arrived.

3. the old man opened the door and (呼吸in some fresh air.

4. “no pains, no gains” and “time is money ” are (谚语。

5. you will iyour health by smoking too much.

6富有的) men are not always happy.

7. he put on his coat and向…行进 ) for the door

8. he was队长 ) of the football team for five years.

module 2

1. he is可能to come to the party.

2. i认出him by his voice.

3. they禁止 smoking in public places.

4. he __不同意 to go there by train.

5. he was sent to hospital to receive**。

6. it is clear that the fire was started by a burning香烟 end.

7. deeply影响 by his death, she felt life meaningless.

8. the movie was intended for**only.

9. is there a关系 between the sun and the seasons?

10. the judge sent those罪犯to prison for four years.

module 3

1. three thousand观众) crowded the concert hall.

2. the prisoner was brought to法庭)for trial.

3. the boy has a天赋)for mathematics.

4. the girl likes music and can play 3**的) instruments.

5. my parents considered my friend to be a bad影响) on me.

6. the doctor keeps a __记录) of all the serious illnesses in the village.

7. i __鼓励) her to work hard and to try for the examinations.

module 4

1. boys like to __模仿their parents’ voices.

2. i like传统的chinese paintings.

3. qi baishi观察 the world of nature very carefully.

4. xu beihong is more famous for his生动的paintings of horses.

5. some of the children’s paintings are on展览at the school.

6. the fire毁坏 the whole forest.

7. i don’t like his singing风格。

8. he often enjoys the beautiful景色 from his office window.

9. if you find anything不寻常, please let me know.

10. it was just an普通 saturday morning.

module 5

1. with the development of our country’s经济), our life has greatly improved.

2. you can find名人) news in news*****s and magazines.

3. both news*****s and websites h**e标题) and pictures.

4. as a young man, lincoln showed great interest in政治).

5. after he finished school, he became a水手).

6. a摄影师) is a person who takes photos, especially as a job..

7. the man-made satellite was launched into its轨道).

8. he worked very hard and at last gained great成就).

his eighteenth birthday profession li received many messages of __祝贺).

module 6

1. the海报of an exhibition was put up on the wall.

2. he doesn’t like喜剧very much.

3. i偶尔go to the movie with him.

4. i __争论 about the government’s new economic policy with him.

5. the movie can’t使感兴趣 me, it’s so boring.

6. the story has only a few角色。

7. he is as勇敢as a lion.

8. what a优雅的 dancer she is!

9. let’s see what’s on on the other频道。

10. luxun’s pen was more powerful than the __剑 in his time.


a good tooth



9.也,不仅10.对…… 留下印象。

11. the rest heart attacks



17.不能忍受 fond of



1. you should eat up其余的) food and don’t waste it.

2. water can be变成) ice when the temperature is below zero.

3. he can play tennis和) football.

4. he过去常常) get up late but now he gets used to get up early.


词组归纳 unit 1 look into 调查。2.insist on upon sth doing 坚持做,坚决做。3.belong to属于。4.get be lost be missing迷路,丢失。5.do with 处理 对付。6.in search of in the 高中英语必修二 ...


高一英语必修3 units 1 5 短语。班级 高一 7 班姓名 林慧璇。unit 1 1.be meant to do 意在做 mean to do 打算做 mean doing 意味着 2.take place 发生。3.starve to death die of starvation 饿死。...

人教版高一英语必修一 必修二单词默写表

必修一。unit 1 调查 测验 adj 心烦意乱的 不安的 不适的 vt.使不安 使心烦。ignore 使 平静 使 镇定 adj.平静的 镇静的 沉着的。松的 松开的。vet连续 系列。在户外 在野外。spellbinding dusk v打雷 雷鸣 n雷 雷声。entire 完全地 全然地 整...