
发布 2021-05-19 21:02:28 阅读 1092

形容词(adjective )


a tall tree, clever boys; 就其构成,可以分为简单形容词和复合形容词。

1) 简单形容词由一个单词构成,如:good 好的;asleep 睡着的;interesting 引起兴趣的。

2) 复合形容词由两个以上的词构成,如:good-looking; well-known(众所周知的); five-year-old等。

3) 少数以a-开头的形容词只用作表语,又称作表语形容词。如:awake, afraid, alone, alive, aware, alike, ashamed等。请比较:

1)is the baby awake or asleep?

2) here is a sleeping baby.

4) “the +某些形容词”指某一类人,具有复数意义,他(她)们作主语时,用复数谓语动词。如:the rich, the poor, the poor, the young, the sick, the wounded(伤员们), the living, the dead, the blind等。

the old in our country are taken good care of.


the good(美德)in him overweights the bad.


1) 用作定语。

he is a very strong sportsman.

the old man takes a walk every morning.

2) 用作表语。

he is very strong.

i’m glad to see you.

3) 用作宾语补足语。

the police thought it impossible to find the thief.

we found the room empty.

4) 用作主语补足语。

the room is kept warm in winter.

he was found dead.


1) 形容词的位置一般在它说修饰的名次之前,如:a lovely girl等。

2) 表语形容词作后置定语。

the baby asleep is aunt huang’s daughter.

there is no fish alive in the river.

the boat afloat(漂浮着的) didn’t belong to me.


a river two hundred miles long

a dictionary(字典) three inches thick

a street fifty miles away

a well(井) ten metres deep


a 200-mile-long river

a five-year-old boy

a fifty-mile-wide street

a ten-metre deep well

4)修饰something, anything, nothing, anybody 等不定代词的形容词后置。如:

tell me something important.

anyone intelligent(聪明的) can do it.

5) 形容词短语作定语一般须后置。

he had a face thin and worn (疲倦的), but eager and resolute (坚决的).

it’s hard for me to find a man suitable for the job.

a man easy to pleased must be easy to work with.

all these are matters worthy of(值得的) attention.

6) 形容词 present, possible 常作后置定语。

all the people present 所有出席的人。

by all means possible 通过一切可能的手段。





a little nice swiss(瑞士的) gold watch

the first strong big young man

your little nice red box


it is a vast (广阔的) and beautiful land.


指示代词(this/these)+数词(first/two)+表示大小的形容词(big/small)+表示性质的形容词(fine/nice)+表示颜色的形容词(red/green)+表示长幼的形容词(old/young)+由专有名词转换来的形容词(chinese/american)+表示本质特征的形容词(wood/stone)+名词,如:these two big quiet grey old british castles. 这两座灰色的、古老而宁静的英国大城堡。


新世纪教育培训辅导材料 中考英语语法专项复习7 形容词详解及专练。形容词修饰名词,说明事物或人的性质或特征。它有级的变化,可以用程度副词修饰,在句中可作定语 表语和补语形容词,是历年各省市中考必考知识点。从考查形式看,一般有单项选择 完形填空 词语运用等。从命题意图看,侧重考查考生在具体语言环境中使...


positive adjectives 1 good 好的 2 clever,聪明的。3 beautiful 美丽的。4 lovely 可爱的 5 delicious 美味的 6 nice 美好的 7 honest 诚实的。8 trustful 信任的。9 br e 勇敢的 10 generous ...


1.hypocritical 虚伪的。2.stingy吝啬的,小气。3.excessive过多的 surplus剩余的。4.promising 有希望的,有前途的。5.mighty强大的。6.striking显著的,惊人的,印象深刻的 impressive 7.compassionate富有同情心的...