
发布 2021-05-19 15:10:28 阅读 1156


一. 字母。

1. 五个元音字母是:

2. there is an “s

3. there is __u” in the word “useful”.

4. 按读音归类可以分为:

1)a2) b

3) f4) i __

5) u二、 be 动词。

am is are

1. i __a boy. my name __peter . i __13 and i __in class three , grade one .

2. look at the girl. her name __lucy . she __my good friend. we __in the same class.

3. look at the boy over there . his name __john.

he __tom’s brother . he __good at ( 擅长) running .

4. _you mr. green? i am here to meet you . i __jack from new oriental ( 新东方) .

5. tom and i __good friends . we __in the __school but we are in differentclass ).

6. lucy and alice __both my friends. _are good at singsing .

but i __not. i like sports.

7. -what __this in english ? it __a pen.

8. –what __these in english ? they __english books.

9. -this your jacket ? yes , it is .

10that his eraser ? no, it’s mine. his __in his pencilbox.

11. the pen on the desk __jim’s. where __mine ?

二. 名词。


1. 一般a pen --some __

2. 以s x sh ch 结尾的单词 + es a bus

a boxa watch---a fish --

3.以 o 结尾 + es potato tomato

zoo radio photo kilo 加 s

4.以辅音加 y 结尾的单词把y 变i ,+es

a family --some

5.以 f 、fe 结尾的单词把f、 fe变成v 加 es

a knife --some

6.特例:1) man2) woman --

3) child4) mouse --

5) tooth --


a man doctor --some

a woman teacher --some

an apple tree --some


1. 单数所有格 lucy的书包。

2. 复数所有格儿童节。


lucy_ and lily_ bags


lucy_ and lily_ father

5. 双所有格。

a friend __my father___


the key __the car the answer __the question


a map __china

三. 句子变复数。

thisthathe、she、 it--

am、is-- i--

名词变复数,指示代词变复数(this that),人称代词变复数(i you he she it ),物主代词不变(my you’re his her its).

1. this is my english book.

2. that is lucy’s pen.

3. what is this ?

4. where is peter’s jacket ?

5. it is his apple tree.

love its color.


主格 i宾格 me

物主代词。形容词性 my

名词性 mine

1. this is your geography book ,where is __

2. the book must be (一定是)jim’s. _name is on it.

3. -alice, is this __eraser ? no, it’s not __

4. -eric , is this english yours ? oh, no. you can ask alice , maybe it’s __

5. this classroom is ours . the small one is他们的)

6. hello , everyone . my name is peter.

_am 13. _am in class three , grade one. _h**e a good friend .

name is d**id . is 13, too. _has a sister .

_name is **a. _is a beautiful girl.

7. hi, i am a lovely girl ._name is diana .

am a middle school student. _am 14. _mother is an english teacher .

likes english very much . is also good at (擅长) playing volleyball. my father is a doctor (医生)。

_likes reading news*****s . is also good at swimming.

五、介词 in on a t for of to under after before behind

1. _2013 __may 2013 __august

___8:00 __may 2the morning of june 1

___a winter morning __monday __sunday, _december 08, 2013

2. a map __china a photo __my family

the name __the cat

六.动词。be 动词情态动词 (can) 实意动词 (一般现在时)

1. i can

a. swim b. to swim c. swimming

2. _you __a book ?

a. can , to read b. can , read c. can , reading

3. i like orangeslike oranges ?

4. jim likes runningjim __running ?

5. i often __basketball on sundays.

often __shopping with his mother.

often does his homework at home .

___anna often __his homework at home ?

annahis homework at home.

8. i h**e some apples. i __h**e __apples.


七年级上英语总复习知识点总结。一 字母。1.五个元音字母是 2.there is an s 3.there is u in the word useful 4.按读音归类可以分为 1 a2 b 3 f4 i 5 u二 be 动词。am is are 1.i a boy.my name peter i...


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初一英语复习资料。一 48个国际音标及26个英文字母的正确书写。要熟练掌握元音和辅音,5个元音字母 a,e,i,o,u 字母的正确占格及单词间距。二 be动词的用法。be动词有三种变形,分别是 am,is,are。记忆口诀 我 用am,你 用are,is用于 他 她 它 单数全都用is,复数全部都用...