
发布 2021-05-19 13:09:28 阅读 1860

1. -what horrible(可怕的) weather we are h**ing!

议论天气)a. don’t worry.

b. hope it will be fine tomorrow.

c. i don’t think so.

d. yes, you are right.

2.- sorry i couldn’t help overhearing(偷听)? were you speaking about f1?


a. who are you?

b. no, we didn’t.

c. yes, we were. also interested in the topic?

d. what do you know about f1?

3. -may i introduce myself? i’m calvin smith.

结识)a. hello. nice to meet you.

b. oh, great to see again.

c. can you call calvin?

d. hi, calvin. how are things with you?

4. -would you mind changing seats with me?


a. yes, you can.

b. no, not at all.

c. certainly, please do.

d. of course, i’d like to.

5. -good morning. can i help you, sir?

购物)a. oh, that’s all right.

b. yes, i want to buy some oranges.

c. no, i don’t need help.

d. sorry, you can’t.

1) with trembling hands(颤抖的双手), the old lady __the bottle of poison(毒药).

a. put up (举起、抬起。

b. turned up (开大、出现)

c. picked up (拿起、捡起。

d. ate up (吃光、耗尽)


2) silver is the best conductor of electricity, with copper(铜) _it closely(密切,紧紧地).


a. following (跟随)

b. competing (竞争)

c. drawing (拖、拉)

d. examining (检查、考核)


3) we were outraged(愤怒) by the __he treated(**、对待) his poor wife.


a. method(方法。

b. way (方式)

c. beh**ior (行为。

d. manner (态度、礼貌)

分析: 固定搭配 the way…

4) his remarks(备注) brought me to the sudden(突然、忽然) _that we had made a terrible mistake(可怕的错误).

a. moment (时刻。

b. knowledge (学问、了解)

c. information (信息。

d. realization (意识)


5) he has a large vocabulary(词汇) because he __a good precise memory(精确、准确的记忆).

a. owns (拥有。

b. trains (训练)

c. realizes (认识。

d. possesses (具有)

分析:意义连贯,possess与抽象名词固定搭配,如possess …memory/ character

6) there are strong __强有力的论证) for and against(反对) euthanasia(安乐死).

a. debates (辩论) ~on

b. arguments (争论)

c. objections (反对) ~to…

d. views (观点)~ on…


7) it’s a smart car, but it’s not worth(值得、价值、意义) the __they are asking.

a. price (**)

b. cost (成本)

c. bargain (协议 )

d. value (价值)


8) life becomes(成为、变成) possible(可能) when food is converted**换) into energy and the energy in turn(反过来) _seek(寻求、谋求) more food to grow(生长、成长).

a. used to (过去常常。

b. tended to (倾向于…)

c. is used to (被用来…)

d. is accustomed to (习惯于)


9) our teacher seems content __our school performance(性能、表现、表演).

a. aboutb. at

c. withd. in


10) remember to(记住、记得) _after finishing using the computer.

a. close down (使停业, 使停产)

b. switch off (关闭)

c. turn on (打开。

d. shut up (闭嘴, 关严)


11) the old lady __worrying(担心) about her son’s safety since her son went tr**eling alone last month.

kept worrying about——>一直担心。

a. kept(保存b. mentioned(提到)

c. stoppedd. concentrated(集中、专一)


12) whoever breaks the law will be __


a. picked(采摘b. selected(选择)

c. punished(处罚、惩罚) d. announced(宣布)


13) the school picnic is on friday, and the kids are __a sunny day.

a. looking forward (期待)

b. praying for (祈求)

c. living on (靠…为生。

d. betting on (打赌 )


14) miss smith has many faults(过失、过错), but her employees are all __her.

a. annoyed at (恼怒。

b. surprised at (吃惊)

c. angry with (生气)

d. fond of (喜欢)


15) unless(除非) you work hard, you are not __to be promoted(促进、提拔).

a. possible(可能、可以。

b. probable(可能)

c. probably(可能。

d. likely(可能、或许)


1. choose the best answer for the following 10 sentences (p.19-20)

1do they charge(收费) for the service?

- only $12.

a. how much b. how many

c. what money d. what price


2h**e you waited outside the door?


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