
发布 2021-05-19 10:53:28 阅读 9139



oh,pretty well. don’t be worried.

a. what does your father do

b. what’s wrong with your father

c. how is your father doing

d. how do you like your father

2. with mountains __the village on three sides, there’s only one road leading to the village.

a. surround b. h**e surrounded c. surrounding d. surrounded

3. a beginner’s painting can’t be compared to __of an expert.

a. any b. that c. it d. one

4. the attitude people take __cloning varies widely from country to country.

a. of b. to c. in d. on

5. henry has written many children’s booksi think the latest one is the best.

a. of that b. of which c. to which d. on whom

6. our teacher couldn’t stand any student __to her.

a. lied b. lie c. lying d. to lie

7. sandy is a bad---tempered fellow, but he __be quite charming when he wishes.

a. should b. can c. must d. shall

8. susan didn’t finish the job on time. mr.

brown realizes now that he __too much of her then.

a. expects b. is expecting c. expected d. would expect

9 .this is the third time i___by that person; i shall never trust him again.

a. had been cheated b. has been cheated c. h**e been cheated d. was cheated

10 .justin bieber’s latest movie covers his childhood and his rapid rise to fame, _his fans a closer look at his personality. a.

g**e b. giving c. given d.


11. i’d been proud of the fact __we had enough food to last until my husband came home with his salary.

a. which b. that c. what d. if

12. he received a set of china yesterday from his parents __sixty pieces.

a. make up of b. consisting of c. to consist of d. consisted of

13. the dictionary __last year was intended for middle school students.

a. punishing b. punished c. to be punished d. to be punishing

14.--how did john get fired?

---he went to sleep __his work..

a. via b. over c. from d. while

new stadium being built for the next asian games will be __the present one.

a. as three times big as b. three times as big as

c. as big as three times d. as big three times as

16.the___girl sat in the corner

a.frightening;cryingb.frightening;to cry

c.frightened;cryingd.frightened;to cry

17.ten years ago the population of our village was___that of theirs.

a.twice as much asb.twice as large as

c.as twice large asd.as twice much as

18.__impressed me most was the scenery of the beihai park.

a.what b.it c.that d.while

19.__in a long queue,we waited for the store to open to buy a new ipad.

a.standing b.to stand c.stood d.stand

20.—can i help you,sir?

yes,i bought this radio here yesterday,but it

a.didn't workb.won't work

c.can't workd.doesn't work

答案:1—5 ccbbb 6-10 bbccb 11-15 bbbbb 16—20 cbaad


1.过得快乐2. 以有趣的方式。

3. 犯错误4. 保持安静。



8. 挣钱;赚钱9.是….的缩写。

10.习惯于做某事11 集中精力做某事。

12. 换句话说,女生是男生的三倍。


特点及突破策略: ⑴表顺序关系词,递进、强调关系词用的频率比较高。

顺序的关系:for one thing, for another thing, in the end, at last, first, second, then, next, finally… 递进,强调关系:besides, also, what’s more, in addition, moreover, above all…

语气上以建议为主,所以情态动词用的频率高:should, may, had better等。

突破策略: ①相关谚语欣赏: a.

an apple a day keeps the doctor away. 一天一苹果,医生远离我。 b.

health is better than wealth. 健康胜过财富。 c.

early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. (benjamin franklin, american president) 早睡早起会使人健康、富有和聪明。 (美国**本杰明。

富兰克林) d. we should get into the habit of keeping good hours. 我们应该养成早睡早起的好习惯。

开头应尽量开门见山,直入主题。如: health is more important than any other things in the world.

so we should keep healthy. here is some advice.

主体部分要注意逻辑性,所以衔接词及状语从句的使用是关键: a. first,firstly,secondly….then,after that,in the end.finally, meanwhile ..b.

you should keep on… make sure that… remember (not) do

结尾要注意简洁,总结到位,通常可用if 引导的条件句。 if you can do so, you will…

我们都知道保持身体健康是很重要的,请写一篇“how to keep healthy”为题的文章。 字数不少于120.

高一英语必修 1

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