
发布 2021-05-19 06:30:28 阅读 6437


复习过程]一。 重点单词。

unit 4

1. ever adv.曾经;永远2. message n.消息;信息。

3. suppose v.假定;认为;期望4. nervous adj.神经紧张的;不安的。

5. true adj.真实的6. lucky adj.幸运的。

7. copy v.复制;抄袭8. own adj.自己的。

9. village n.乡村10. area n.地区;地域的。

11. meter n.米;公尺12. thin adj.稀薄的。

13. decision n.决心;决定14. husband n. 丈夫。

15. college n.学院;大学16. start n.开始;开端。

17. influence n.影响18. hometown n.家乡,故乡。

19. danger n.危险。

unit 5

1. flower n.花2. against prep.反对。

3. chance n.机会;机遇4. tonight n.今晚,今夜。

5. window n.窗;窗户6. explain v.解释;说明。

7. improve v.提高;改进。

二。 重点词组。

unit 4

1. h**e a surprise party开一个惊喜聚会。

2. be mad at对……非常愤怒,恼火。

3. first of all首先。

4. pass...to把……传给……

5. be supposed to认为必须,认为应该。

6. do well in在某方面做得好;擅长。

7. h**e a cold感冒。

8. be in good health身体健康。

9. get nervous变得紧张。

10. end-of-year exam年终考试。

11. report card成绩报告单。

12. get over恢复;克服。

13. pass on传递。

unit 5

1. let in允许进入,允许参加。

2. remind sb. of sth提醒某人某事。

3. take away拿走,拿开。

4. make money挣钱,赚钱。

5. tr**el round the world周游世界。

6. be famous著名,有名。

7. go to college上大学。

8. make a living谋生,以……为生。

9. all the time一直,总是。

10. all over the world全世界。

11. laugh at sb.嘲笑某人。

三。 重点句子。

unit 4

1. i am mad at marcia. she said she was mad at marcia.

2. i am h**ing a party for lana. she said she was h**ing a party for lana.

3. i go to the beach every saturday. he said he went to the beach every saturday.

4. i will call you tomorrow. he told me he would call me tomorrow / the next day.

5. i can speak three languages. she said she could speak three languages.

unit 5

1. i think i’ll ride my bike. if you do, you’ll be late.

2. i think i’m going to stay at home. if you do, you’ll be sorry.

四。 重点语法。

1. 间接引语。






eg. she said to me, “i like english very much.”

---she said ( that ) she liked english very much.


eg. my friend asked me, “do you like english?”

---my friend asked me if / whether i liked english.


句型:肯定句:tell / ask ..sb. to do sth.

否定句:tell / ask ..sb. not to do sth.

eg. the teacher said, “don’t be late again.”

---the teacher told the students not to be late again.


eg. mary asked me, “who is she?”

mary asked me who she was.

2. 由if引导的条件状语从句。


eg. i will go if he asks me.

if you eat bad food, you may be ill.


eg. we will come to see you if we h**e time.

you won’t be able to pass the exam if you don’t work hard.

五。 知识点讲解。

1. i’m mad at marcia.我生玛茜娅的气。

“mad”在此意为“生气的,愤怒的”,be mad at...意思是“生……的气”,“对……发怒”,相当于be angry with。

eg. the teacher was mad at the boy.

the teacher was angry with the boy.

be mad about意为“对……迷的发狂”

eg. i am mad about collecting stamps.

get mad意为“变疯,变的恼怒”

eg. i got mad yesterday because of his lie.

2. lana said she would bring some drinks and snacks to your house.


eg. please bring the book to school tomorrow.

please take the empty cup away.

3. i’m good at speaking.

be good at意为“擅长于……”在……方面做的好”,相当于do well in,后跟名词,动名词,代词。

eg. she is good at singing.

=she does well in singing.

i’m better at reading than listening.

i can do better in math.

4. i’m sorry to hear that he had a cold last week. i hope you are in good health.



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