
发布 2021-05-19 02:38:28 阅读 5590

english exercise for grade six (ii)

i. choose the best answer.

) 1. the bird flies so __in the sky.

a. tallb. high c. taller

) 2. what would you like to drink, teacoffee?

a. andb. orc. to

) 3. –hello, may i speak to janeplease?

a. who are you b. who’s that c. are you kate

) 4. –hello, may i speak to jane

a. speaking. b. i amc. it’s me.

) 5. i was late __my english class this morning.

a. forb. toc. in

) 6. miss shu alwayson weekends.

a. cleaned her room b. watchs tv c. washes clothes

) 7. a few of __from australia.

a. them are b. they come c. we are

) 8. look at the young man. is that car __

a. he’sb. hisc. hers

) 9. the teachers’ library is on the __floor.

a. threethb. twelve c. twelfth

) 10. -how did you go to the nature park? -i __a bus.

a. byb. takec. took

) 11. -is that kate’s bikeyes. it’s

a. sheb. herc. hers

) 12. your feet are bigger than

a. meb. minec. mine

) 13. the two snakes h**e the same

a. longb. length c. sizes

) 14. she has to take the medicine every day. because she is very __

a. sadb. sickc. health

) 15. don’t put the bag __water.

a. intob. inc. on

) 16. where __you last night?

a. areb. didc. were

) 17. she feels sick. she might __a cold.

a. h**eb. hasc. had

) 18. the teacher is sitting between __

a. themb. theyc. their

) 19. oh, my leg

a. hurtb. hurts c. hurted

) 20. my fatherin this company.

a. workedb. works c. working

ii. translate the sentences into english.

1. 别担心,我会把它做好的。

2. 你通过了英语考试,你觉得高兴吗?

3. 我每天走路去上学,但昨天我是骑单车去的。

4. 你10岁,我12岁,我比你大2岁。

5. 我比较喜欢那只棕色的猴子,它有趣些。

6. 下雨了,你觉得冷吗?

7. 如果你得了流感,你一定要去医院看病。

8. 假期里我哥哥拍了很多**。

9. 大象的鼻子很长。

10. 你的卧室有多大?比你妹妹的卧室大吗?

11. 她的脚比我的大。

12. 你每天睡觉前一定要刷牙。

13. 你午饭想吃点什么?

14. 明天我要和妈妈一起去北京旅游。

15. 我在云南学了跳民族舞。

16. 妈妈在美国给我买了很多礼物。

17. 她昨天晚上等了你两个小时。

18. 你有太阳眼镜吗?

19. 现在是晚上10点了,我弟弟还没有去睡觉。

20. 我想买几张明信片。


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