
发布 2021-05-18 20:33:28 阅读 6654





参考教材:《大学体验英语扩展教程》第一册 (高等教育出版社)



i bought a hat yesterday.

we study english in the classroom everyday.

2. 英语句子的种类:


my head aches.

mary is a teacher.

i like football.

he g**e me a box.

they made tom manager.


we fished all day; we didn’t catch a thing. /we fished all day; however, we didn’t catch a thing. /we fished all day, but (we) didn’t catch a thing.


if you’re not good at english, it is impossible to apply for a job in a foreign-owned company. to get into university you h**e to pass a lot of examination.

seeing the door open , the stranger came into the house.

-- 名词从句:it is true that money doesn’t grow on trees.

everybody knows that money doesn’t grow on trees.

-- 定语从句:he is the man who teaches us english.

this is the photo which/that i took.

the person to whom i complained is the manager.

-- 状语从句:(时间)tell him as soon as he arrives.

地点)you can sit where you like.

方式)he spoke as if he meant business.

原因)he went to bed because he felt ill.

条件)if the rain stops, we’ll be able to go for a walk.

if i lose my job, i’ll go abroad.

if i lost my job, i would go abroad.

if i had lost my job, i would h**e gone abroad.

让步)although he studied very hard, he didn’t pass examination.

no matter where you go, you can’t escape from yourself.

目的)i’ve arrived early so that /in order that i may get on the bus.

i’m taking a raincoat with me in case i need it.

i asked him to phone first lest we were out.

结果)he runs so fast that no one can catch him.

there was such a lot of rain that we couldn’t go out.

比较)he is as quick in answering question as his sister.

you’ve made just as many mistakes as i h**e.

分词结构:he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.

since phoning you this morning, i h**e changed my plans.

h**ing invited him here to speak, we’d better go to his lecture.


1. 分类:(1)专有名词 china

2)普通名词---可数名词:具体名词 a book,抽象名词 an idea

--不可数名词:具体名词 clothing,抽象名词 courage

2. 单数和复数: cat / cats, photo / photoes, class / classes, box / boxes, watch / watches, bush / bushes, country / countries, day /days, boy / boys, wife /wives, man / men, sheep /sheep…

iii. 冠词。

1. 定冠词:the 单数可数名词、复数可数名词、不可数名词的前面。 the hat, the books, the water / the architect who designed this block won a prize.

2. 不定冠词:a/an单数可数名词的前面。 a doctor, an apple / my sister is an architect.

3. 零冠词:复数可数名词、不可数名词的前面。 hats, water / sugar is bad for you.

iv. 代词。

1. 人称带词:(主格)i, you, he, she, it; we, you, they;(宾格) me, you, him, her, it; us, you, them

2. 物主形容词/物主代词:my, your, his, her, its; our, your, their / mine, yours, his, hers; ours, yours theirs

3. 反身代词:myself, yourself, himself, herself, itself; ourselves, yourselves, themselves

4. 指示形容词/指示代词:this / those; that / those

5. 不定代词:someone, somebody, something; anyone, anybody, anything; everyone, everybody, everything


数词:(1)基数词 one, two, three …

2)序数词first, second, third …

vi.形容词: this is very beautiful picture. /he is taller than his brother.

/she is too young to read the novel.

vii.副词: the little boy ran so fast. /he speaks very quickly./ all of us study very hard.

viii.介词: there is a box on the table. /we watched tv at home yesterday.


1. 时态: he reads english news***** everyday. /he went shopping last sunday.

/i h**e worked here for five years. /she is doing homework now. /we’ll h**e examination tomorrow.

2. 被动语态: he was made chairman of student union. /we are excited by his deed.

3. 虚拟语气: if i were you, i could not agree with him.

4. 情态动词: i can speak japanese and french. /he might be very busy because he didn’t come to the party.

5. 不定式和动名词: i forgot to bring the book to the classroom. /i forgot bringing the book to the classroom.


第一部分: 阅读理解 (40%)



第二部分: 词汇与结构 (20%)



第三部分: 综合填空 (10%)



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