
发布 2021-05-18 19:15:28 阅读 1462


engine 发动机 vehicle交通工具 stroke冲程,行程

spark 火花 flywheel飞轮crankshaft 曲轴

piston活塞 cam凸轮camshaft凸轮轴

valve 气门lifter挺杆fan 风扇

battery 蓄电池 tire车轮wheel 车轮

venturi 吼管,吼道 carburetor 化油器 radiator 散热器 thermostat 节温器 lubricant 润滑剂 distributor 分电器

clutch 离合器 suspension 悬架carcass 轮辋。


internal combustion engine 内燃机。

spark plug火花塞。

timing gear正时齿轮。

valve train气门系统。

fuel filter燃油滤清器。

cooling system冷却系统。

ignition system点火系统。

starting system启动系统。

power train动力传动。

front axle前桥。

drive shaft传动轴。

rear-wheel drive后轮驱动。

steering system转向系。

brake system制动系。

drum brake鼓式制动器。

disc brake盘式制动器。

brake shoe制动蹄。


hp 马力。


u-joint 万向节。


简答题:1. list the four strokes of a four-stroke engine.

intake stroke compression stroke

exhaust stroke power stroke

2. list the two types of cooling systems used in automobile engine.

air-cooled engine and water-cooled engine

3. what are the two types of piston rings?

compression and oil control ring

4. what are the two independent brake system used in vehicles for safety?

the main brake system is hydraulically operated and is called the service brake system.

5. list the three types of spring.

types include leaf springs, coil springs and ail springs.


1. in the internal combustion engine, an air-fuel mixture is introduced into a closed cylinder where it is compressed and then ignited.


2. excessive friction in the engine, however, would mean rapid destruction.


3. the larger the steering wheel diameter, the more torque is generated from the same amount of drive effort


4. oil filter are placed in the engine oil system to remove dirt and abrasives (研磨粒) from the oil.


5the radial ply tire differs greatly in construction from the bias ply tire.



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