大学英语1补考复习 完成

发布 2021-05-18 09:11:28 阅读 6053

复习资料 part i 语法。

section a

1. not for a momentthe truth of your explanation about the event.

a) we h**e doubted b) did we doubt c) we had doubted d) doubted we

2. thousands of productsfrom crude oil are 补考复习资料(完成)

复习资料 part语法。

section a

1. not for a momentthe truth of your explanation about the event.

a) we h**e doubted b) did we doubt c) we had doubted d) doubted we

2. thousands of productsfrom crude oil are now in daily use.

a) to makeb) be made c) ****** d) made

3. mary is the kind of person who always seems to be __a hurry.

a) onb) inc) withd) for

4. this time next week i’ll be on vacation. probably ion a beautiful beach.

a) am lyingb) h**e lain c) will be lying d) will h**e lain

5. there are so many dresses there that i really don’t knowto choose.

a) whetherb) whenc) whichd) why

6. li lei did not meet the famous american professor __he was on holiday in america last year.

a) unlessb) untilc) ifd) whether

7. _how to deal with the trouble of the computer,martin had to ask his brother for help.

a) not knowing b) not known c) not to know d) not know

8. the harder i tried, _it seemed to solve that math problem.

a) the impossibleb) most impossible

c) the most impossibled) the more impossible

9. to workwith the machine,you must read the instructions carefully.

a) firstlyb) naturally c) efficiently d) generally

10. they had to give up the plan because they hadmoney.

a) come up to b) got along with c) run out of d) taken charge of

11. if you check the electrical system, you’d better __the electricity.

a) shut upb) stopc) cut offd) cut up

12. during the rush hour, buses are __people.

a) crowded of b) fulled ofc) filled with d) covered with

13. he wrote a __report.

a) two-thousand-wordb) two-thousand-words

c) two-thousands-wordsd) two-thousands-word

14. we are going to send __to your place within two days.

a) many furnituresb) some furnitures

c) the furnituresd) the furniture

15. it is __****** an effort.

a) worthb) usefulc) used) worthy

16he can speak english very well.

a) as he is a childb) a child as he is

c) as is he a childd) child as he is

17. my hometown __a lot so far since 1980s.

a) has changedb) has been changed

c) changedd) had changed

18. i prefer playing football __to music.

a) listening b) to listenc) to listeningd) to be listening

19. i got to the railway station __than mary.

a) 20 minutes earlyb) 20 minutes earlier

c) early 20 minutesd) earlier 20 minutes

20. a story __real life is always welcome.

a) based onb) basingc) is based ond) was based on

section b

21. the business was __acquired___acquire) from owen four years ago.

22. ever since basketball was invented, its __population___popular) has become increasingly higher.

23. this kind of exercise is most __challenging___challenge), and therefore is a good test of students’ ability.

24. the __prospects___prospect) of finishing the work soon are very good.

25. something should be done about this as a matter of __urgency___urgent).

26. we need to find a __knowledgable___knowledge) person to give us some advice on this matter.

27. the secretary dreamed of h**ing some kind of software to organize her files __intelligently___intelligent).

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