
发布 2021-05-18 04:15:28 阅读 5722




1. pennosebag

2. faceeyeorange

3. handbookruler

4. monkeymouthdog

5. waterteathree



i h**e some water,please? b. h**e some water.


hungry. i’d like some bread, h**e some bread.


you. b. you’re welcome.


too. some cake,too.


a. hello! i’m wu hi! this is wu yifan.


a. good morming, miss white! miss white!


a. my name is chen jie. your name?


a. welcome! b. thank you!

) 约john 一起上学时,应该说:

to school. b. let's go to school.

)10.当你与新朋友john 遇到sarah时,你应该对sarah 介绍说:

a. look ! i h**e a new friend. b. this is john.

)11. 你有一个新文具盒,你想让同学知道,你会说:

a. i like pencil-case. b. i h**e a pencil case.


a. may i h**e a look? b. it’s nice.


a. no. b. thank you .

)14. 当别人请你吃东西,你不想吃,可以说:

a. no ,thanks b. i don’t eat chicken.


a. thank you !b. you’re welcome.


a. hello! b. thank you! c. how are you?

( )17. 你要告诉你的好朋友你爱吃鸡肉,你会说:

a. i like hot dogs. like chicken! c. i like apple!

( )18. 别人向你道谢,你该说:

a. thank you. b. i’m sorry. c. you’re welcome.

( )19. 下午,你在校园里遇到了你的英语老师,该说:

a. good afternoon. b. good morning. c. good evening.

( )20. 你要把钢笔拿给你的朋友,该说:

a. here you are. b. thank you. c. ok.

四、 选答句,把正确答案的序号填在提前括号里。(10分)

)1、what’s your namea、i’m 9.

)2、nice to meet youb、my name’s john.

)3、how are youc、great.

)4、let’s make a puppetd、here you are.

)5、this is mikee、nice to meet you, too.

)6、what’s thatf、fine, thank you.

)7、can i h**e some juice,please? g、ok.

)8、how many pearsh、it’s a duck.

)9、how old are youi、nice to meet you.

)10、let’s go to schoolj、10.

五、 连线,把英语句子和相应的汉语意思连线。 (5分)

this is my nose我喜欢它。

like some bread, please这是什么?

am eight years old看!这是我的鼻子。


like it我八岁了。



a、good idea! b、goodbye. c、thanks.


a、look at me. b、this is my arm.

)3、你的同桌说:“i h**e a book.” 你也有一本,可以说:

a、me toob、i h**e a ruler.


a、this is my hand. b、this is mike.


a let’s make a puppet. b、i see a puppet.


a、let’s go to school. b、let’s play.


a、me too. b、you’re welcome.


a、what’s this? b、what’s that?


a、how are you? b、how old are you?


a、happy birthday! b、goodbye.

)11、--what’s your name

a、my name’s mike. b、look at mike.

)12、--chen jie, this is mr. li

a、goodbyeb、nice to meet you.

)13very well, thank you.

a、hellob、how are you?


a、let’s go to school. b、make a puppet.

)15、i h**e eraser.

a ab、an c、the

)16、--happy birthday

a、thank you. b、ok.

)17、--how old are you

a、i’m fine. b、i’m nine.

)18、--how are you

a、i’m fine, thank you. b、i’m nine.

)19、--let’s make a puppet

a、good idea! b、goodbye.

)20、--can i h**e some juice, please

a、okb、sure, here you are.


a、sure! here you areb、hi.

c、i’m fine, thank youd、you’re welcome.


how are you?

can i h**e some juice, please?


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