
发布 2021-05-17 19:19:28 阅读 6226

设备:technician音响师producer总导演microphone麦克风shooting outline拍摄提纲shooting script分镜头脚本panorama全景medium shot中景close up特写props小道具。

stationary microphone桌上固定话筒撰稿人script writer灯光师lighting technician


化妆师make-up assistant服装设计师costume designer

常用语:布置演播室set design

摄像机各就各位let’s go set up the camera.能听到我说话吗?can you hear me?能听到clear/it’s clear.

把人物放在画面中间it’s not centerd. please centre it.一号摄像机能听到吗?

camera 1,can you hear me?调焦距focus the camera lens to make it clear向右侧移摄像机move the camera to the right

将镜头向左移一点adjust the camera lens a little to the right将镜头向右移动(距离较大)adjust the camera lens to the farright

坐得近一点move in closer together坐得远一点move away from each other主持人看一号机host look at the camera 1

告诉嘉宾看二号机tell the guest to look at camera 2全体看三号机everyone look at camera 3导播能听到我说话吗?

把景别拉开zoom out to make it smaller

镜头抬高/压低adjust the camera lens angle up/down告诉主持人试音tell the host we need to do a sound check话筒离你(主持人)近一点move the stationary microphonecloser to you

话筒挪到你(主持人)的左边bring the microphone to the left录制在2分钟后开始,各部门注意准备。

the recording will begin in 2 minutes, pay attention, everyone.倒计时三二一:get ready,get set,action切换2号机shift to camera 1

开始action停cut继续let’s continue/ let’s go on.本条镜头重新录start again from the beginning主持人看嘉宾face the guest

主持人与嘉宾交流the host will interview the guests全部结束that’s a wrap.导播开始录制begin recording

灯光师注意补光please adjust the light on the host.编导注意保存素材make sure to s**e all the recordings.摄像机关机器,关电脑please make sure to turn everything off今天的工作完成了,大家辛苦了。

we are finished for today,you did a good job

movie type



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