
发布 2021-05-17 00:58:28 阅读 9065


第一部分问路(asking for directions)

a: excuse me , could you help me?

b: oh , yes. what's the matter?

a: in a word , i'm a freshman and i just arrived here , i h**en't come to this school before. so , i don't know how to get my department .

would you please show me how to get the seventh department?

b: yes , my pleasure . i'm a senior student , i know our school well .

let's me show you the way . follow the main street about five minutes , then you'll see a canteen on the left side where faces your department . you can ask someone for help if you can't find it .

a: thanks a lot , i really appreciate your help . goodbye .

b: you're welcome.

第二部分见室友(meting roommates)

a: hello , nice to meet you.

c: nice to meet you , too . let's me introduce myself and him .

c , from shanghai , like reading and walking .

d: d , from beijing . i like watch tv and play games.

a: a , like suffering in the internet . oh , how about going to h**ing a lunch together , i guess you're all hungry .

c: good idea , i h**e been told there is a restaurant near our department very famous , how about going there ?

d: ok , i'll call another classmates come out and h**e lunch together .

a: ok .

第三部分吃午饭(h**ing lunch)

e: welcome to our restaurant , there is a seat near the window for four , this way , please . this is the menu , what would you like to drink ?

b: lady first . passing the menu)

f: i'd like a cup of tea , what would you like ? tea , coffee , orange juice , cola ?

a , b , c , d: anything is ok.

f: a cup of tea and cola , orange for two .

e: and what do you want to eat ?

f: what do you recommend ?

e: chicken and fish are delicious.

f: ok , in addition , beef , meat and mushroom soup, that's all .

e: all right . please wait for a moment . i'll be right here .

c: i h**en't seen you before , make a brief introduction .

e: e , from zhejiang and i'm so glad to be your friends , and she is my roomate g .

g , introduce yourself , they all want to know about you.

g: hello , everyone . my name is g , i am the native .

in my spare time , i like reading and singing . i like our school very much , the students are so friendly and the teacher are so kindly . before i come to this school , i'm afraid i can't adapt to the college life , but since i meeting all of you , i h**e feeling that my college life will be wonderful .

thank you .

c: we all hope things will be great .

介绍:a ,b ,c ,d ,e ,f ,g全部是人名。故事是我自己写的,大家检查一下有没有什么错误,大家可以指出并改正。

在第一部分的时候主要的人物是a和b,讲的是大二的b同学给问路的a指明去七栋的路。第二部分讲的是a君和室友b ,c 的见面和介绍,第三部分是a ,c ,d ,f ,g一起去吃饭和老板e发生的事情。在这里没有真正的主角,第一部分主要的是a与b,第二部分的主角是b与c,到了第三部分则是e与b , c。



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小松鼠 软翻上 小猴 围着小松鼠 great great let me h e a try.棒极了!棒极了!让我也来一个。狐狸 追上 hi you two,don t play any more.the forest concert is going to begin.嗨!你们两个,别再闹了。森林 ...