
发布 2021-05-17 00:45:28 阅读 3908

又见“祈使句” 一、定义:



1. be型(即:系动词原形be+表语+其它)。

eg. be careful! don't go too high. 当心!别爬得太高。

be quiet, everyone! 大家请安静!

2. do型(即:行为动词+宾语+其它)。

eg. come in, please! 请进来!

please open your books! 请翻开书!


eg. let me h**e a look.让我看一看吧。

let me help you.我来帮你吧。


祈使句的否定式多以do not(通常缩写为don't)引起,也可用never引起。

1. be型(即:don't+be+表语)。

eg. don't be lazy! 不要懒惰!

never be late again. 千万不要再迟到了。

2. do型(即:don't+行为动词原形+其它)。

eg. don't throw the ball like that.不要那样扔球。

don't worry. i'll soon be all right. 你们不要担心,我很快就会好的。

never do it like that.千万不要那样做了。

3. let型有两种否定形式:


eg. let him not go there.别让他去那儿。

let's not waste time.咱们不要浪费时间了。


eg. don't let her go there.别让她去那儿。

don't let the water run into the room.别让水流进房间。


eg. no smoking! 禁止吸烟!

no fishing! 禁止钓鱼!



1. it's an important meetingnot, be )late.

2not, make) any noise! your mother is sleeping.

3not, speak) with your mouth full of food.

4not, talk) andread) aloud.

5not, le**e) your homework for tomorrow, larry.

6look) out! a car is coming.

7not, let) the baby cry.

8. let'snot, say) anything about it.


1. if you are tired, _a rest.

a. h**e b. h**ing c. to h**e d. had

2. _me go. it is very important for me.

a. do let b. let do c. doing let d. to do let

3. he is not honest. _believe him.

a. not b. don't c. to not d. not to

4. if you want to stay, let me know, _

a. will you b. shall we c. do you d. do we

5. never come late again, _

a. will you b. won't c. do you d. does he

6. _up early tomorrow, or you can't catch the train.

a. getting b. get c. to get d. got

7. _in the street. it's dangerous.

a. not play b. not to play c. don't play d. don't to play、

8. please __me some money, will you?

a. lend b. lending c. to lend d. be lend

9. the film is about to begin. please __seated.

a. be b. are c. is d. being

10. _the boxes. you may use them later.

a. keep b. keeping c. to keep d. kept

11.__straight on and you'll see a church. you won't miss it.

a. go b. going c. if you go d. when going

12.__at the door before entering please.

a. knocked b. to knock c. knocking d. knock

1. don't be 2. don't make 3. don't speak 4. don't talk, read

5. don't le**e 6. look 7. don't let 8. not say



英语祈使句 imperative sentence 定义 用于表达命令 请求 劝告 警告 禁止等的句子叫做祈使句。用客气的语气表示祈使句时,可在句首或句尾加上please,但如果在句尾加please,那在please之前一定要加一个逗号 祈使句因对象 即主语 是第二人称,所以通常都省略。祈使句的动词...


高中祈使句。英语祈使句的职责是用来表示请求 命令 建议 禁止等。它的特点是通常由第二人称you作主语,所以可以省略,其多以动词原形开始。一 分类介绍,看看 六兄弟 的表演吧!1.大哥v 档案 v 动词原形 宾语 其它成分。表演 close the window.关上窗户。help yourself ...


祈使句 要求 请求或命令 劝告 叮嘱 建议别人做或不做一件事的句子。谓语动词一律用原形。句子主语 you 通常被省去,直接以动词或助动词开头。祈使句句末用惊叹号或者句号,用降调。有些祈使句的语气较弱,可以用句号结尾。肯定结构 1 do型 即 动词原形 宾语 其它成分 如 please h e a s...