H5 1英语听力材料

发布 2021-05-16 10:27:28 阅读 7656


ii. listen and draw a line. 听录音,在图上连线,并将答题卡上相应序号涂黑。第一个是例子。

例:mary is a pretty girl. she is good at playing the drums.

2. bob’s hair is short and curly. he’s good at dancing. he is the tallest in the three.

3. tony has freckles. he is quiet, but he plays the guitar best in our class.

4. ann’s hair is black and curly. she is friendly. she is dancing with boys.

5. helen is a smart, lovely girl. her hair is black. she likes art and singing.

6. martin is a hardworking boy. he plays the piano best in our class.

. listen and write letters in the boxes. 听录音,选择两侧图的序号填入电视报中节目的方块里,并将答题卡上相应序号涂黑。第一个是例子。

例:the three children like bi laoye. they want to go home to watch the game show after boating.

7. nina and li hong like animals. they are watching nature shows on the computer.

8. in the living room sam and nina are in the sofa. they are talking about a cooking show, jim’s kitchen.

9. my brother wants a new bike. he watches commercials for a cheap one.

10. “it’s time for football match. don’t talk.

” the grandpa wants to watch the sports world.

11. they are going to tr**el. so they want to watch the weather report.

. listen and tick the box. 听录音,在图下的方块里划勾,并将答题卡上相应序号涂黑。第一个是例子。

例:which girl is sally?

the first girl is sally. her hair is black and straight.

12. who is susan?

susan is the tallest in our class. her hair is long. she runs fastest.

13. what time is children’s show?

oh, it’s on at 5:30.

14. what do you want to make?

i want to make a sandwich. so i need eggs, bread and vegetables.

15. what does peter want to buy?

he wants to buy some folders for himself and his friends.

16. what can lily buy?

lily can only buy the t-shirt because she just has 40 yuan.

. listen to the story and number the pictures. a is an example.


today is mother’s day. tina and tim want to cook some food for mom. they are going to wash some vegetables.

dad helps them to find some meat in the fridge. dad finds some chicken. he washes, cuts the chicken and puts it in the pot.

tina cuts the vegetables and puts them in the pot. dad puts the pot on the hob. later, dad takes the lid off the hotpot.

“it looks good,” tina says. it’s time for dinner. the family sits at the table.

“look, a delicious hotpot for you…” tina says to mom. “thank you very much!” mom says happily.

. listen, colour and write. a is an example. 听录音,涂颜色,并在答题卡上相应位置上写信息。第一个是例子。

例:the girl is tall. her eyes are big and her hair is black. colour her hair black.

22. the girl likes this green dress. colour it green.

23. the green dress is beautiful and cheap. it’s only 80 yuan.

please write the price: 80.

24. look. here are a grandma and a grandpa.

the grandma’s hair is blond. colour her hair blond.

25. colour the hat red. the grandma likes the red hat. she wants to buy it.

26. how much is the red hat? it’s 100 yuan. please write the price: 100.

. listen and write. 听录音,在答题卡相应位置写出所缺的信息。如有数字可以用阿拉伯数字表示。第一个是例子。

my best friend is mary smith. she is 10 years old. she is slim and taller than me.

her eyes are big and blue. her f**ourite food is salad, fish and rice. her f**ourite tv shows are animal world and news.


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