
发布 2021-05-16 05:04:28 阅读 9304




设问涉及多个方面,多个角度,采用where-, when-, why-, how-, what-等多种疑问句。

第一节。(text 1)

w: excuse me. this is the address. how do i find it?

m: right, you’ll need a street map. here is one, and i will show you where it is.

1. what does the woman want to do?

a. find a place. b. buy a map. c. get an address.

分析】考查考生理解说话者意图的能力。从对话中女士说 “this is the address. how do i find it?”可知女士想找个地方。 【答案】a

(text 2)

w: oh, my. my car broke down, and i h**e to meet my aunt at the railway station before noon.

m: you’re lucky. i can drop you off on my way.

2. what will the man do for the woman?

a. repair her car. b. give her a ride. c. pick up her aunt.

分析】考查考生对所听内容的简单推断能力。由对话中男士说“i can drop you off on my way.”可知,男士将送女士一程。 【答案】b

(text 3)

w: did you hear that mr. peterson is coming next week, gordon?

m: yes. so i called all of the department heads to my office this morning.

we need to give him reports on our program.

3. who might mr. peterson be?

a. a new professor. b. a department head. c. a company director.

分析】考查考生对所听内容的简单推断能力。对话中男士说今天早上已经叫了各部门负责人到他办公室,他们需要向mr. peterson汇报工作。

由此可知,mr. peterson 是公司负责人。 【答案】c

(text 4)

w: i hope you like the book i lent you. i wasn’t sure if you’d be interested.

m: i had the same doubt at first, but once i started i simply couldn’t put it down.

4. what does the man think of the book?

a. quite difficult. b. very interesting. c. too ******.

分析】考查考生对说话者观点的理解能力。由对话中男士说“… once i started i simply couldn’t put it down”可知男士认为书很有趣。 【答案】b

(text 5)

w: what is going on? it’s may. and we still h**e to wear warm clothes.

m: well, there’s some good news on the radio. you probably can wear shorts tomorrow.

5. what are the speakers talking about?

a. weather. b. clothes. c. news.




(text 6)

w: harry, let’s play some ping pong today.

m: i’d love to play a set or two. but my right arm hurts.

i’ve decided to stop playing ping pong until it feels better.

w: well, how about going skating?

m: i’d like to, but my knee hurts too.

w: harry, stop ****** excuses. you’re just lazy.

m: no, i’m not. you know there is a basketball match on tv today.

let’s just stay home and watch it.

w: ok, you stay, and i will play with helen.


6. why is harry unwilling to join the woman?

a. he has a pain in his knee. b. he wants to watch tv. c. he is too lazy.

分析】考查考生对具体信息的理解能力。由男士说“you know there is a basketball match on tv today. let’s just stay home and watch it.

”可知男士想要看电视,所以拒绝加入女士。 【答案】b

7. what will the woman probably do next?

a. stay at home. b. take harry to hospital. c. do some exercise.

分析】考查考生对具体信息的理解能力。女士邀请男士一起打乒乓球,男士不想参加,女士最后说她和海伦一起打。女士接下来会做运动。 【答案】c


(text 7)

w: what do you want to do tonight?

m: how about going to the cinema. i should be home from work at 5:

45, then we can go out and eat before we see a film.

w: what do you want to see?

m: there is a good art film at the green house cinema.

w: let’s see. it starts at 6:

15. i don’t think we can get there in time to see the beginning. how about the action film at the new state cinema?

it starts at 6:50. perhaps the 7 o’clock one at the ume cinema is even better.

it stars jacky chan.

m: ok, that’s fine. i like him too.


8. when will the man be home from work?

a. at 5:45. b. at 6:15. c. at 6:50.

分析】考查考生对具体信息的理解能力。由“i should be home from work at 5:45,”可知答案。 【答案】a

9. where will the speakers go?

a. the green house cinema. b. the new state cinema. c. the ume cinema.

分析】考查考生对具体信息的理解能力。女士说也许ume电影院七点的电影更好,jacky chan 主演的,男士说可以,谈话者要去ume电影院。 【答案】c


(text 8)

m: hey, lucy! do you h**e some time to talk about next week’s trip with me?

w: sure, d**e.

m: ok. so we’re le**ing on monday from hartsfield international airport and returning on friday.

do we take ourselves to the airport? maybe we need to book a taxi, or just go by bus.

w: no, we don’t h**e to. the company car will pick us up and take us there.

m: oh, that’s good. when?


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