英语句子成分 定语讲解什么是定语?句子成分英语语法

发布 2021-05-14 14:58:28 阅读 9933





i am reading a book. 名词作动词read的宾语。)

im going to beijing with my father. (名词作介词with的宾语。)

we couldnt finish the work without his help. (同上)

in the past, many parents couldnt afford education for their children.


yesterday, tom mother looked after him at home.(代词宾格him作短语动词look after的宾语。)

please look it up in the dictionary. (代词宾格it 作短语动词look up的宾语)

i h**e something to tell you.(不定代词短语作动词h**e的宾语)

what would you like? (疑问代词作动词like的宾语。)

yesterday my father bought me a new bike. (分别作动词bought的间接宾语和直接宾语)

we got lost and couldnt find each other. (反身代词)


give me three, please! (数词作直接宾语。)


ilike to play basketball. (作动词的宾语。)

glad to meet you. (作形容词的宾语。)

nice to see you again!(同上)

im sorry to trouble you. (同上)

i think it impossible to climb the mountain. (it作形式宾语,动词不定式短语作真正宾语。)

i dont want to there again.

i really like/hate to go shopping.


i enjoy listening to music very much. (作动词的宾语)

nice meeting you here today! (作形容词nice的宾语)


we must help the poor. (作动词的宾语)

the new always takes place of the old. (作介词of的宾语)


he knows who is right. (作动词的宾语)

i want to know what color is her f**orite. (作动词不定式to know 宾语)

im sure that shell come soon.(作形容词sure的宾语)

im thinking of where i should go during the vacation. (作介词of的宾语)

△几个常见加the后可以名词化的形容词是:poor, rich, young, old,happy, blind, beautiful等。


△少数能跟宾语的形容词有:happy, glad, nice, sure, certain, surprised, pleased, aware, afraid, proud, sorry, worried, ashamed等。


英语中,一些及物动词如:give, pass, show, send, bring, tell, teach, buy, lend等,可以带两个宾语。一个指人,叫间接宾语;一个指物,叫直接宾语。


he g**e me an interesting book.=he give an interesting book to me.

please bring me some snacks.=please bring some snacks to me.

mother told me a story last night.=mother told a story to me last night.

my uncle often teaches me english songs.

=my uncle often teaches english songs to me.

jim bought me a beautiful present.

=jim bought a beautiful present for me.


give it to me, lily. 不能说 give me it, lily.

there two pencils on the desk, pass them to me. 不能说 pass me them.




we must keep our classroom clean. (形容词,classroom和clean之间存在着逻辑上的主谓关系,即:our classroom is clean.

)we call the bird polly.(名词)

(the bird和polly之间存在着逻辑上的主谓关系,即:the bird is polly.)

our teacher told us to do exercise one. (动词不定式短语)

(us 的主格we 和to do exercise one之间存在着逻辑上的主谓关系,即:we should do exercise one.)

she always thinks others above herself. (介词短语)

(others is always above herself.)

i brought my dog here. (副词,my dog was here.)

i saw jack playing under a tree. (现在分词短语,jack was playing under a tree.)

in one place i saw children working for a cruel boss.

常见的可带复合宾语的动词有:call, find, believe, think, see, feel, make, keep, hear, name, tell, ask, want, invite, let, make, h**e等。因此我们常用到以下短语:

ask( tell / want / invite ) sb. to do sth.;

let ( make / h**e / get ) sb. do sth.

see ( hear / watch / feel ) sb. do sth.

see ( hear / watch / feel ) sb. doing sth.

其中,感官动词(see, hear )和使役动词 ( let, make, h**e )后,如果是动词不定式短语作宾语补足语,则习惯上去掉不定式符号 to ;但是,当把这类句子转换成被动语态时,又须将去掉的 to 加上。试比较:

my father made me stay at home last night.

i was made to stay at home last night by my father.

tom saw me come back today.

i was seen to come back today by tom.

英语句子成分 定语讲解什么是谓语

句子中用来说明主语的动作或存在的状态的部分,叫谓语。谓语一般位于主语之后,谓语中最重要的部分是谓语动词,它有时态 语态和语气的变化,并受主语人称和数的影响 既然谓语是以动词为中心的,那么,我们研究谓语就从动词入手。附 动词 一 动词的意义 表示动作或状态。二 动词的用法 1 作谓语动词 2 可以有自...

英语句子成分 谓语讲解什么是谓语

句子中用来说明主语的动作或存在的状态的部分,叫谓语。谓语一般位于主语之后,谓语中最重要的部分是谓语动词,它有时态 语态和语气的变化,并受主语人称和数的影响 既然谓语是以动词为中心的,那么,我们研究谓语就从动词入手。附 动词 一 动词的意义 表示动作或状态。二 动词的用法 1 作谓语动词 2 可以有自...

英语句子成分讲解 详细

数词 num.用来表示数量或顺序。表示数目多少的数词叫基数词 表示顺序的数词叫序数词,序数词表示排列的顺序。感叹词 int.表示说话时的感情或口气。2.句子成分 主语 主语表示句子主要说明的人或事物,主语一般由名词 代词 名词化了的动词 形容词 分词 副词或数词等 动词不定式或不定式短语 从句 某些...