
发布 2021-05-12 14:06:28 阅读 5294

unit 1famous university

assign vt

an assignment to (a place) a post,or assign a task to (a person)what did the teacher assign us to do at home? out or allot(分配)

she was assigned to a new sb sthto△eligible


john isn't eligible( to apply) for the scholarshipjohn isn't the eligible candidate for a ..

位于。locate,lie,be seated,be situated

at large

adv.详细地at length,in detailadj.整个的as a whole

在逃的h**ing escaped,especially from

we talk about the world,we meant the world at the murderer was at large,people were afraid to go explain at large how to operate the computer.

distinct (distinctive)adj.1)分明,清楚的。


the picture is distinct from that.

you should make your writing distinct.你应把字写清楚。distinctiveadj.表示差别的,有特色的。

in hk h**e distinct badges(徽章) on their uniforms.

of the distinctive features of this book is its distinct illustrations(插图,**).

of the club is restrict to men only.

aimto doaim at

the subject aims primarily at promoting student's oral ability.


a(n) minimum/maximum/**erage/total of ..

if you want to apply for this kind of credit card,you'll need a minimum deposit(储蓄) of 500 yuan.


such a sudden transition must affect her.这样的一个突然变化一定会影响她。

we hope there will be a peaceful transition to the new system.我们希望能够和平过渡到新的制度。transfer

vt. [from/to)]1.搬;转换;调动。

she has been transferred to another department.她已被调往另一部门。

at the port the goods were transferred onto a ship.货物在港口被转移到一艘船上。2.使换车;使转校。

her father transferred her to a better school.她父亲把她转到了一所更好的学校。3.改变,转变。

within a few years they had transferred barren wastes into fertile fields.几年之内他们就把荒地变成了良田。4.


to preserve the farm intact, he transferred it to one heir.为了保持这个农场的完整,他将它移交给一个继承人。vi.


the company has transferred to the west coast.公司已迁往西海岸。2.换车,转车。

you can take the subway and then transfer to a bus.你可先乘地铁然后转乘公共汽车。3.转校,转学科。

june transferred to an american college in 1990.琼在一九九○年转学到一所美国的大学。transform =>transformationvt.



the greggs h**e transformed their garage into a guest house.格雷格一家把他们的车库改成了客房。


the situation has been greatly transformed.形势已经大大好转。3.使变换。

a generator transforms mechanical energy into electricity.发电机将机械能变成电。a tadpole is transformed into a frog.



a tadpole transforms into a frog.蝌蚪变成青蛙。2.变换;转换transmitvt.


i will transmit the money by special messenger.我将专门派人送这笔钱。2.传(光、热、声等);传动。

they are trying to find a better way of transmitting energy.他们正试图寻找一种更好的输能方法。


genes are transmitted from one generation to another.基因代代相传。4.发射;播送[(+to)]

the message was transmitted by radio.这情报是用无线电发送的。5.传播;传染[(+to)]

rats transmit disease.老鼠传播疾病。vi.播送信号;发报。

engage in

engage in you/your interest

more so than

butthesouthernsoldiersaremoresothan those.

> though both religious,the southern…are more so than…

humanity,humans,human beings,man






facultyn. [c]

1.(身体、精神的)机能,官能[(+of)]he has lost his faculty of memory.他失去了记忆力。2.能力;技能[(+for/of)]

he has a great faculty for mathematics.他具有很强的学数学的才能。3.(大学的)系,科;院。


she has recently joined the faculty of yale university.她最近当了耶鲁大学的教授。



精读二 unit9 1.quitter n.轻易停止的人,懦夫 ex.quit v.放弃quit smoking.离开 退出he quitted paris 2.standpoint n.立场,观点,看法 viewpoint 3.tender adj.tender flowers 柔弱的花朵 a t...


unit 2 in,attend与take part in 这几个词或短语都有 参加 的意思但用法不同 1 join 只加入某个党派,团体组织等,成为其中的一员。2 join in 多只参加小规模的活动 进行中的 可和take part in互换。3 attend 是正式用语,只参加会议,婚葬礼,去...


new words and expressions style n.行为方式,风格 classical in the style of in style out of style bustling a.繁忙的,熙攘的 kindergarten n.幼儿园 go to kindergarten at ...