
发布 2021-05-11 20:04:28 阅读 8515

they are far from our country.不,他们离我们国家很远。

1)far from除了表示距离的“远离”之外,还有“远远不,完全不,决非”之意,后接名词、动名词或形容词。如:

far from reading his letter, she didn't open it.别说看他的信了,她连信都没打开。he is far from (being) rich.

他一点也不富有。2)far away用作表语或状语,away可以省去。因此,far away = far;far away from= far from。

far(away)后不接宾语;far(away)from后一定要接宾语。如:the do not live far away.他们住得并不远。

3)away from与far from的区别主要在于far与away的区别:far是表示较笼统、模糊概念的“远”,而away是表示具体的“远”。如:

very far很远;quite far相当远;500 meters away 500米远;2 kilometers away2公里远。

my home is very far from the hospital.我家离医院非常远。

my home is 20 kilometers away from the hospital.我家离医院有20公里。

2. look at the map.看地图。


i looked but saw nothing.我看了,但什么也没看见。look!

here comes the bus.瞧!汽车来了。

look before you leap.三思而后行。2)和at连用。

如:the teacher is looking seriously at us.老师正严肃地看着我们。

look at these pictures. how beautiful they are!看这些画,它们是多么漂亮啊!

3)和其他某些介词或副词连用。a、look after照看,照料。如:

he is old enough to look after himself.他年龄足够大,能照看自己。b、look for寻找。如:

i looked for you just now, but i didn’t find you.刚才我到处找你,但没有找到。c、look around四下环顾,到处寻找。如:

he looked around but he saw nobody.他四下环顾,但什么人也没看到。d、look back on回想,回顾。如:

they often look back on the days they spent together.他们常回顾他们在一起度过的日子。

e、look down on看不起。如:

don’t look down on others.不要看不起别人。f、look forward to盼望。如:

we are looking forward to seeing you again.我们盼望再见到你。g、look into朝里面看。如:

he looked into the box, but he saw nothing.他朝箱子里面看了看,但没看到什么。h、look on...as把某人看做。如:

we look on him as our friends.我们把他看做我们的朋友。

i、look out当心。如:

look out! don’t hit the tree.当心!不要撞了树。j、look over仔细检查,翻阅。如:

the doctor is looking him over.医生正在给他做仔细检查。k、look through浏览;仔细检查;看穿。如:

i h**e looked it through.我已把它仔细地看了一遍。l、look up抬头看;查;找出。如:

he looked up and smiled at me.他抬起头,对我笑了笑。

if there are words you don’t understand, look them up in the dictionary.如果你有不认识的单词可以查词典。二、用作连系动词,意为“看起来”。


you look well/fine/healthy.你看起来很健康。the teacher looks happy.

老师看上去很高兴。she looks pale.她面色苍白。


you look tired; you’d better h**e a rest.你看上去很累,你最好休息一下。3)后跟名词。如:

he looks a nice, honest man.他看上去是个诚实的好人。4)后跟介词短语等。如:

he looks in good health.他看来十分健康。

3. she doesn’t go to work by bus.她不是坐公共汽车去上班。如何将一般现在时的肯定句改成否定句。

不含有“be”动词的一般现在时的肯定句,在改成否定句时,首先要想到助动词“do”或“does”,构成“do not / don’t ”或“does not / doesn’t”否定结构。其中,“does”只能用在主语是第三人称单数时,还要记得把动词的第三人称形式改为原形;“do”用在主语不是第三人称单数时。如:

1、、he writes the new words every evening.(肯定句)he doesn’t write the new words every evening.(否定句)2、we go to school on sundays.

(肯定句)we don’t go to school on sundays.(否定句)3、xiao li reads news***** every day.(肯定句)xiao li doesn’t read news***** every day.

(否定句)4、the blue bird sings every morning.(肯定句)the blue bird doesn’t sing every morning.(否定句)

4. what is it?这是什么?what引导的疑问句。


1).对主语提问,如:what is in your pocket?你口袋里有什么?☆这个问题可以有两种回答:

a. there is an egg in it.在口袋里有一个蛋。b. an egg is(in it).一个蛋(在里面)。

what's in the room?屋子里有什么?

there are a lot of chairs in it.

a lot of chairs are in it.有许多椅子。注意。


what did you buy?你买了什么?i bought a bike.


3).对表语提问,如:what is this?

这是什么?it's a bench.这是一条长凳。

what is your mother?你妈妈是干什么的?注意。

what is+人?此句型是问人的职业,一般译为“是干什么的?”she is a teacher.她是个老师。

5. how does she go to work?她怎样去上班?how是疑问副词,表“如何,怎样”。how引导的问句属于特殊疑问句,以下的情况可以用how来提问:

1)询问身体状况,用how。如:how are you?

你(身体)怎么样?2)询问年龄,用how old。如:

how old is jack?杰克多大了?3)询问身高,用how tall。

如:how tall are you ?你多高?

4)询问**,用how much。如:how much is the skirt?这条裙子多少钱?

5)询问数量时,对可数名词提问用how many,对不可数名词提问用how much。如:how many books are there in your bag?

在你的书包里有几本书?how much milk do you want?你想要多少牛奶?

6)询问距离,用how far。如:how far is it?

有多远?7)表示时间上要多久,长度上有多长,用how long。如:

how long will it take to get here?到这里要多长时间?8)询问如何到达某地,用how。

如:how can we get to the amusement park?我们怎样能到达游乐园?

初中英语语法 中考英语语法

首先从几个简单的句子来分析什么是主谓宾定状补。请看下面句子。a 主语。1.his father works in a factory.2.seeing a film is better than listening to the radio.it s no use telling him the n...




英语语法 part i 词法。part ii 句法。part i 词法。一 实词 6类 动词 v表示动作或状态。名词 n表示人或事物。代词 pron.代替名词或数词。数词 num.表示数量或顺序。形容词 a.adj.主要修饰名词,表示人或物的特征。副词 ad.adv.主要修饰v.a.adv.表示动作...