
发布 2021-05-11 16:41:28 阅读 7079

1. li fang usually __school.

a. walked b. went c. walks to d. went to

这导体除了正确选项c外,其余语法都与主语不符。有可能给学生提示正确答案。a可改为walks , b改为walk, d改为walk to.

2. we left___

a. at once b. by bike c. on foot d. after a few minutes

此题bc选项属于交通工具,ad选项属于时间状语。一道题一个考点。ad项可改为交通工具。a. by plane d. by car.

3. our teacher made us __a lot of homework after school.

a. to do b. doing c. do d. to h**e done until seven o’clock

此题备选项的长度或词数相差较大,d项可改为 did

4. how about going for a walk after supper? _

a. no, i’m busy b. why do that? c. yes, let’s do d. good idea

备选项的内容不合乎逻辑或清理,选项b似乎显得不太礼貌,可改为thanks,a可改为sorry, i’m busy.

5. he is under___because his wife is ill.

a. stress b. successful c. bless d. press


6. i __him to give up smoking, but failed.

a. persuaded b. managed to advise c. tried to persuade d. tried to suggest

题中不止有一个答案,选项a、c都正确。a项可改为succeeded in advising

7. the plane __at 10:00

a. le**es b. left c. is going to le**e d. le**e

此题a、c均为正确答案。c项可改为is being left.

8. if you don’t take more___you’ll get fat.

a. medicines b. lessons c. photos d. exercise


9. is that __eraser? -yes, it is.

a. he b. you c. your d. an


10. this is the hotel __last month.

a. which they stayed b. at that they stayed

c. where they stayed d. in which they stayed

四个选项均有相同内容,不够简洁,应将“they stayed”放回题干中。


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