添加列:alter table table_name
add column_name column_properties;
查询表结构:desc table_name; 新建—窗口—命令窗口。
删除列:alter table table_name
drop column column_name;
修改列属性:alter table table_name
modify column_name column_properties;
删除表:drop table table_name;
添加数据:insert into table_name (column1,column2...values(value1,value2...
修改表时添加非空约束alter table table_name
modify column_name [constraint constraint_name] not null;
修改表时添加主键约束:alter table table_name
add [constraint constraint_name] primary key (column_name);
修改表时添加检查性约束:alter table table_name
add [constraint constriant_name] check(expression);
修改表时添加唯一约束:alter table table_name
add [constraint constraint_name] unique(column_name);
修改表时添加默认约束:alter table table_name
modify column_name default(default_value);
修改表时添加外键约束:alter table table_name
add [condition condition_name] foreign key(column_name)references
删除约束语法:alter table table_name
drop constraint constraint_name;
检索(查询)语法:select select_list from table_name where condition_expression
加别名:select name1,stock [as]……
取括号任意一个值:where column_name in(value1,value2...
在两者之间:where column_name between...and...
模糊查询:where column_name like’…’
is null用法:where column_name is null
返回表中的行数:select count(*)column_name…….
去掉完全重复的记录:select distinct column_name…….
自然连接(内连接):select select_list from table1 join table2 on
做降序或升序排序:select select_list from table_name where condition order by colunm_name
左外连接:select select_list from table1 left join table2 on
右外连接:select select_list from table1 right join table2 on
全外连接:select select_list from table1 full join table2 on
自连接:select distinct select_list from table1 a join table1 b on and <>
嵌套:select select_list from table_name where column_name in(select column_name from table_name where condition)
查询结果创建成新表:create table table_name
asselect select_list from table_name where condition
测试条件是否存在:select select_list from table_name where exists(select select_list from
table_name where condition);
group by分组:select column1,集合函数(column2) from table_name [where condition] group by
column1[order by column_name]
h**ing:select select_list from table_name where codition group by column h**ing condition
[order by column]
集合操作符:select columun_name1,……from…….
集合操作符(union、union all、intersert、minus)
select columun_name2,……from…….
序列语法:create sequence sequence_name
increment by n] 递增值。
start with n] 起始值。
maxvalue] 最大值。
minvalue] 最小值。
cache cache_value] 缓冲。
cycle] 循环。
更新数据update语法:update table_name set column_name=new_value[,column_name2=
new_value2…..where condition
删除delete:delete from table_name[where condition]
删除truncate:truncate table table_name
创建保存点:s**epoint s**epoint_name
回滚:rollback to s**epoint_name
创建索引:create [unique]index index_name on table_name(column_name[asc/desc]
删除索引:drop index index_name
视图创建:create [or replace][force|noforce] view view_name[(column_name,….
删除视图:drop view view_name;
声明变量:variable_name data_type:=value;
variable_name date_type default value;
while..loop:while expression loop statement;
end loop;
for..loop:for i in [reverse] lb..hb loop statements;
end loop;
case..when: case expression
when expression_value1 then statements;
when expression_value2 then statements;
else statements;]
end case;
if..else:if expression1 then statement_a;
elsif expression2 then statement_b;
elsif expression3 then statement_c;
else statement_n;
变量定义和赋值。全局变量 只读,由系统维护,作用域是单个连接。常见全局变量。error 返回执行的上一个语句的错误号,如果出错,错误号是大于0的整数,不出错则为0 print error select fro stuinfo print error select from stuinfo print...
语法 insert into 表名 列名 values 列值 例 insert into strdents 姓名,性别,出生日期 values 开心朋朋 男 1980 6 15 注意 into可以省略 列名列值用逗号分开 列值用单引号因上 如果省略表名,将依次插入所有列。语法 insert into...
数据库 altertable语法
一 修改表 增加,删除,修改类型 1 如需在表中添加列,请使用下列语法 alter table add datatype 2 要删除表中的列,请使用下列语法 alter table drop column 某些数据库系统不允许这种在数据库表中删除列的方式 drop column column nam...