
发布 2020-01-02 09:25:28 阅读 6622





print @@error

select * fro stuinfo

print @@error

select * from stuinfo

print @@error

-@@identity:在insert或select into语句执行后,返回最后一行的标识值,若无标识列,则为null

insert into [user] values('lisi','123456')

print @@identity


select * from [user]

print @@rowcount

insert into [user]

select 'wangwu','123456' union all

select 'wangwu1','123456'

print @@rowcount


-定义。declare @i varchar(10)

declare @x varchar(10),@y int


declare @i varchar(20),@j int

-set @i='abc'

-set @j=10

-print @i

select @i='def',@j=11

select @i,@j


-当可以使用唯一确定行时,带上where(不带where默认取得第一行);当数据结果为多条时,使用top 1;或者、判断、提出警告、抛出异常(rainserror)

truncate table [user]

goinsert into [user]

select 'zhangsan','123456' union all

select 'lisi','123456' union all

select 'wangwu','123456'

godeclare @name varchar(20)

select @name=username

from [user]

--where userid=2

print @name

declare @name varchar(20)

select @name=username from [user]

if @@rowcount >=2

print 'error'

elseprint @name

declare @name varchar(20)

select @name=username

from [user]

where userid=13

print @name




print '1'+'2'

or and





beginprint 'hello'


declare @name varchar(20)

select @name=username from [user]

if @@rowcount >=2

print 'error'

elseprint @name



declare @i int=1

while(@i < 10)

beginprint @i

set @i=@i+1


beginprint 'hello'


print 'world'


print 'aaa'

print 'bbb'

a:print 'ccc'

goto a


waitfor time '10:50:50'

print 'ok'

waitfor delay '00:00:10'

print 'ok'


create table booktype

btid int identity(1,1) primary key,btname varchar(20) not null

goinsert into booktype values('.net')

insert into booktype values('j**e')

insert into booktype values('sql')

gocreate table book

bid int identity(1,1) primary key,btitle varchar(20),bprice money,btid int references booktype(btid)

goinsert into book

select 'j**a核心技术',75,2 union all

select '数据库概论',37,3 union all

select 'j**a编程思想',60,2 union all

select 'sql高级应用',45,3 union all

select 'c#编程宝典',98,1



select btitle,bprice,'低' as classfication from book where bprice < 40

select btitle,bprice,'中' as classfication from book where bprice between 40 and 80

select btitle,bprice,'高' as classfication from book where bprice >80


select btitle,bprice,classfication=case

when bprice< 40 then '低'

when bprice between 40 and 80 then '中'

when bprice >80 then '高'

endfrom book


select bid,btitle,bprice,btype=case btname

when 'j**e' then 'j**a方向'

when '.net' then '.net方向'

when 'sql' then '数据库方向'

else '未知'

endfrom book a

inner join booktype b on


update [user] set userpwd=case userid

when 1 then 'abcdef'

when 2 then 'helloworld'

endwhere userid in (1,2)

select * from [user]


if exists(select 1 from where name='databasename')

drop database databasename存储过程。


create database studb

gouse studb

gocreate table department

depid int identity(1,1) primary key,depname varchar(20)

gocreate table students

stuno int identity(1,1) primary key,stuname varchar(20),sdep int references department(depid),stusex varchar(2)

gocreate table cource

cid int identity(1,1) primary key,cname varchar(20)

gocreate table score

[sid] int identity(1,1) primary key,stuno int references students(stuno),cid int references cource(cid),sscore int

goinsert into department values('计算机科学系')

insert into department values('生物工程系')

insert into students values('李家',1,'男')

insert into students values('王明',2,'男')

insert into students values('何艳',1,'女')

insert into students values('黄涛',2,'男')

insert into cource values('计算机基础')

insert into cource values('微生物学')

insert into score values(1,1,70)

insert into score values(1,2,80)

insert into score values(2,1,60)

insert into score values(2,2,50)

insert into score values(3,1,80)

insert into score values(3,2,90)


from students as a

inner join department as bon


添加列 alter table table name add column name column properties 查询表结构 desc table name 新建 窗口 命令窗口。删除列 alter table table name drop column column name 修改列属性...


语法 insert into 表名 列名 values 列值 例 insert into strdents 姓名,性别,出生日期 values 开心朋朋 男 1980 6 15 注意 into可以省略 列名列值用逗号分开 列值用单引号因上 如果省略表名,将依次插入所有列。语法 insert into...

数据库 altertable语法

一 修改表 增加,删除,修改类型 1 如需在表中添加列,请使用下列语法 alter table add datatype 2 要删除表中的列,请使用下列语法 alter table drop column 某些数据库系统不允许这种在数据库表中删除列的方式 drop column column nam...