
发布 2021-05-08 08:40:28 阅读 1720

中考训练之代词(pron) 2019-04-14knowledge is boundless.

一人称代词1 人称代词分两格,分为主格和宾格。


2 人称顺序要记得,单数就是。

二、三、一(you ,he/she ,i),复数就是。


3 it虽小却常考 ,9上unit1 语法要知道。



2 形容词性做形容,名词性就是一名词。做题有一小技巧,形物加名变名性。形容词形能力差,自己不能来当家。名性能力强,爱独来独往。


1 指示代词有4个,这(this),这些(these),那(that),那些(those),远近距离分得清,启下(this/these)承上(that/those)也要分,**用语要区分,完型单选常会考。eg :1 he felt ill,that is why he didn’t come.

2 this is sally speaking. is that linda?

2 难点区分在它三,it ,one 和 that。it 代指前出现,one(ones)代指同一类,that (those)只能代替物。几个例子来体会。

a she enjoyed the story because __is very moved.

b this dress is too large ,can you give me a smaller __

c the green pencils are yours and the redare mine.

d the weather here is different fromin shanghai.

e the apples in the box are the same as __on the table.


1 反身代词有8个,5个单的(myself,yourself,himself,herself,itself),三个复(ourselves,yourselves,themselves)。

2 啥时用反身,这点要明了,主宾同一人,反身逃不了。

3 一些词可加反身,你必须牢记在心。take good care of/look after/ dress/say to/enjoy/help/teach/by/of/for..

he called himself a writer 翻译。


1 不定代词有点多,以下都是表肯定both, all/many, much/one, other, each, another,either/a few, a little, some (someone, somebody, something, somewhere), any(anyone, anybody, anything, anywhere), every (everyone, everybody, everything, everywhere),只有几个表否定no, neither, none, nobody, nothing, few, little

2 不定代词考的多,具体分析看题目。

3 some1)一般用于肯定句中,表示“一些,某些;某个”


any1)一般用于否定句、疑问句及条件句中,表示“任何一个/ 一些”


a would you like___coffee? b you can ask me __question

4a few 和a little a the problem is too difficult, few students can work it out.

b she saysbut does much. 她说得少,做得多。

c he has几个)friends,but he has___good friends.

d there’s still __一些)meat in the fridge,but there’s __bread.

5 each≥2;either指两者中的任何一个;both两者都;all≥3,neither两者都不;none(≥3)都不。

a lucy and lily __都)agree with us .

)b the professor answered the question one afterafter the lecture.

a the other b another c the others d others

六疑问代词 (who/whom/which/what/whose)

1. the twin sisters often feel the same way,but___of them h**e their own ideas now and then.(

2. the math problem is too difficult for___to work out.(

3. the schools in new york are different fromin shanghai.(

4. don’t give up. h**e___try.(


young people find___convenient to own a car.(

this 6.__of the managers has his own car.(

you like to show me your___hand?(

other others

smile costs___but it gives so much,so we should learn to smile.(

knows canada is the second largest country in the is,it is larger than___country in asia.(


began to teach___english last year.(

brown will teach___english next term.(

12.—when shall we meet again next timeday is ok.(

a. either

13.—which of the two english dictionaries will you buy? (

i’ll buy___of them,so i can give one to my friend helen.

a. either

14. —the exam was very easy,wasn’t it? —i don’t think___could pass it.(

a. somebody


代词专项 1.人称代词 物主代词 反身代词。2.指示代词 1 this,these往往指时间或空间上较近的人或物that,those可指时间或空间上较远的人或物 this gift is for you and that one is for your brother.这件礼物是你的,那件是你弟弟的...


知识点总结 代词是代替名词的一种词类。英语中的代词,按其意义 特征及在句中的作用分为 人称代词 物主代词 指示代词 反身代词 相互代词 疑问代词 关系代词和不定代词八种。一 人称代词是表示 我 你 他 她 它 我们 你们 他们 的词。人称代词有人称 数和格的变化,主格在句中作主语 宾格作宾语,用在动...


中考代词知识点。1 人称代词。2 人称代词的用法 主格人称代词在句中作主语。she is as intelligent as he is 宾格人称代词在句中作动词的宾语或介词的宾语。we often go to see her on saturdays.人称代词作表语时一般用宾格,但在比较正式的场合...