
发布 2021-05-07 22:31:28 阅读 4653

unit8 考点汇总。

1. pack sth 把…打包;把…装箱 out清除,把…打扫干净。

3. at once = right mow = in a minute 4. not yet 还没有。

5. feed the cat喂猫 a dog for a walk 遛狗

plants 浇植物 with sb 与某人交谈

wood 砍柴;劈柴 10. light the fire for breakfast 点火做早饭。

11. collect water from the village well 从乡村的井里打水。

12. win an award 获奖 13. be on tv 上电视。

14. lock the door 锁门 15. the last / first (one) to do sth 最后一个做某事的人。

16. not anymore = no more = no longer 不再…

17. say goodbye to sb 和某人说再见 18. it’s your turn! 轮到你了!/ 该到你了!

19. it’s one’s turn to do sth. 该轮到某人做某事的时候了。

20. on the music scene 在**舞台上

21. in the last/past twelve months 在过去的12个月里(现在完成时的标志)

22. make a hit cd 出了一张轰动一时的cd

23. go on a world tour 做一次全球巡回演出。

24. be sure to do sth 一定/务必要做某事 (否定:be sure not to do sth)

25. in the top 10 在前10位 26. so far到目前为止(现在完成时的标志词)

27. between…and… 在两者之间 28. thanks to 幸亏;由于;因为

29. the purpose of …的目的。

30. look forward to doing sth 盼望 / 期待做某事。

1. 你打包好了吗?(你收拾好了吗。

2. 你喂猫了吗。

3. 你已经浇花草了吗。

4. 但是我还没有锁车库。 but ithe garage yet.

5. 你把照相机打包了吗?是的,我已经把它们放到我的包里了。

___you __the camera __

yes. iit __my suitcase.

6. 我不能尽快的给你回复邮件。i couldn’tyou sooner

7. 我有很多的家务要做。

8. 他们必须在早上5点砍柴,并且点火做早饭。


10. **舞台上(**界)最好的乐队之一就是yu quan.

11. 我们已经有几首歌排名前十了。

12. 你知道他们把挣的一半的钱捐给慈善事业来帮助那些无家可归的儿童吗?

13. 你曾经在其他人面前唱过歌吗?

___you everpeople.

14. 刷碗是你的工作。

15. 你喂狗并且打扫房间了吗。

16. 如果你最后离开的话,不要忘记锁门。

17. 我盼望收到你的来信。i’m

18. 多亏你的帮助,我才通过英语考试your help, i __

19. 我坚定的相信这次活动的目的是给你一个机会来学习。

i believe __that thethe activity is to give you a

20. 他的家族就像有着很大根基的一棵参天大树。

his familya tall tree, ,


1. linda___change) a lot since she entered harvard university.

i___return) the book to the library already.

b: how long___you___keep) it?

3. -you __an e-mail to him yet? -yes. -when __you __it?

;sent; h**e; sent send; did; send

sent; did; send send; h**e; sent

4. has he everride) a motorbike?

5. my brother __justfinish) doing his homework, but i did mine hours ago.

6. tina __h**e) the camera for about two years., 瞬间性动词与延续性动词。

buy---h**e; borrow---keep; le**e---be away; die---be dead;

begin---be on; join---be in;

1. tom __the cd player for two weeks.

a. has lent b. has borrowed c. has bought d. has had

2. the students are sorry to hear that the famous singer___for half an hour.

a. has left b. has gone c. has been away d. has gone away

3. the film __for 10 minutes when we got there.

a. h**e began b. had began c. had begun d. had been on

4. a: who___the dictionary? i want to use it.

b: zhang ming. he___it for a week.

a. borrowed; has borrowed b. has borrowed; bought

c. has borrowed; has kept d. bought; has borrowed

5. his father __the army since 1978.

a. joined b. has joined c.

was in d. has been in, ,h**e/ has been to ; h**e/ has gone to 的用法:

1. mr black isn’t here. he __the library.

a. has been to b. has gone to c. went to d. goes to

2. -is that lucy speaking? -sorry,she isn’t in right now,she __the park with her mother.

gone to gone to been to been to

3. -i __fujian museum about you? hope to visit it soon.


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