
发布 2021-05-07 13:45:28 阅读 8135

现代英语的特色之一,是力求以简单的结构,表达复杂的思维。以名词作修饰语,简称“名词定语”(attributive nouns),便是朝向这目标的手段之一。

所谓名词修饰名词,就是以名词直接修饰另一名词,其作用和形容词相似。例如:science students; the clinton administration; dinner-time; oil industry; christmas party等。


代替形容词(或形容词短语)或分词(或分词短语),如:● country life→rural life

relations→sino-american relations● a launch pad→a launching pad

cube sugar→sugar formed in the shape of a cube.


goodrapportbetweenconsumerandproducercountries→goodrapportbetweenconsumers' and producers' countries.

aproposalforaceilingonaseancommodityimports→aproposalforaceilingonasean's commodity imports.

代替介词短语,如:● a tool box→a box for tools.

a television programme→ a programme on television.● apple seeds →the seeds of an apple.


his bank manager son→his son,(who is)a bank manager.

an asean joint conference report→a report to be jointly made by asean(members).



a. labour intensity(劳工密集)b. labouring people(劳动的人民)

a. a space rocket(宇宙火箭)b. a spacious room(宽敞的房间)a. an art gallery(艺术馆)

b. artistic effects(艺术的效果)

a. a history department(历史系)b. a historic relic(历史遗迹)

a. riot police(防暴警察)

b. riotous police(**的/暴动的警。


一 名词作定语的基本原则。名词作定语原则上用单数,不用复数。如 a stone bridge石桥 不能说a stones bridge a meeting room会议室 不能说a meetings room morning exercise早操 不能说a mornings exercise a s...


初中英语课本对名词复数的构成方式已做了较为详细的说明,如在第 册第 至 页中,对其中的读音规则及构成方法,已作了简单的归纳,并对其中的不规则变化的名词也进行了举例说明。这对初中学生在掌握这方面的知识过程中起了基础教育的作用。但在以后几册的课本中,对少数几个具有特殊情况的名词,没有作单独的说明。为了在...

中考英语语法 名词的常用修饰语

键入文字 中考英语语法 名词的常用修饰语。一 修饰可数名词的常用修饰语。有 these,those,few,a few,many,a good great many,a great good number of 等 few people would agree with this.很少人会同意这种看...