
发布 2021-05-06 15:41:28 阅读 6253

一. professional terms and expression 专业词汇及表达。

一) 问候语。

1. good morning!早上好 good afternoon !下午好。

good evening ! 晚上好。

2. welcome to china/ beijing / the bcia

beijing capital international airport)

欢迎来到中国/ 北京/北京首都国际机场。

3. nice to meet you! 很高兴见到你。

4. h**e a nice trip/journey! 祝您旅途愉快!

5. wish you a happy stay in china! 祝您在中国过得愉快!

二) 感谢语。

1. thank you /thanks 谢谢。

2. thank you very much 非常感谢。

3. thank you for cooperation 谢谢你的合作。

4. you are welcome/it’s my pleasure/don’t mention it


5. no sweat! i’d (would) be happy to help. 不费力,我愿意效劳

三) 公共服务设施名称。

1. information desk 问询台。

2. washroom/bathroom/restroom 厕所 water fountain 饮水机。

3. medical center 医务室。

4. post office 邮局。

5. waiting lounge 候机室 boarding gate 登机口。

6. check-in hall 值机大厅departure hall 出去大厅。

arrival hall 到达大厅 (国内 domestic 国际 international)

7. elevator 升降式电梯 escalator 自动扶梯moving walkway 水平步道。

8. vending machine 自动贩卖机。

9. business center 商务中心tr**eling information center 旅游信息中心hotel booking office 酒店房间预订处。

10. left luggage 行李寄存baggage packing 行李封包。

baggage check 行李托运baggage claiming 行李提取。

11. bank of china 中国银行 construction bank of china 中国建设银行 cbc

industrial and commercial bank of bank中国工商银行 icbc

agricultural bank of china 中国农业银行 abc

12. the first /second / third /fourth / fifth floor

一/二/三/四/五楼 (用序数次表达)

13. one hundred and sixty eight 168

tow thousand nine hundred thirty 2,930

twenty six thousand nine hundred 26,900

14. sub-level one/two/three 。basement level one/two/three

地下一/二/三层 (用基数词表示)

四) 指引方位。

1. go upstairs 上楼 go downstairs 下楼。

along this way 沿着这条路一直往前走。

3. turn left 左转 turn right 右转。

4. at the crossroad 在十字路口。

at the turning 在转弯处。

round the corner 在拐角处。

5. beside/ next to 在……旁边 opposite 在……对面。

6. on the both ends of the hall 在大厅的两边。

at the other end of the hall 在大厅的另一边。

7. on the east/south /west /north end of the hall


8. to the left /right of … 在……的左/右边。

9. on your left /right side 在您的左/右手边。

10. enter 进入(动词)— entrance 入口(名词) exit 出来(动词)— exit 出口(名词)

五)应用。is post office on the first floor / the sub-level /basement level one.

…….在一层 /地下一层。

2. there’s a coffee bar at the other end of the hall. 咖啡吧在大厅的另一边。

3. bathrooms are on the both ends of the hall. 大厅两边都有洗手间。

4. the water fountain is beside the washrooms. 饮水机在洗手间旁边。

5. go along this way and turn right at the first turning.沿着这条路往前走,然后坐在第一个拐弯处右拐。

6. just over there ,opposite the store


7. the bank is next to the book store.


8. go upstairs and the coffee bar is to the right of the elevators.


9. where is the food court ?take the elevator down to basement level one and it’s right there.


10. every way /passage is ok。每条通道都可以。

11. please inquire at the information desk . 请到问询台咨询。

12. you can get the airport leaflet there.


13. let me show you./i’ll take you there. 我带您去吧。

14. follow me please.请跟我走。

二. 对话。

dialogue 1 (指引方向)

p: could you please tell me where the restaurant is located?


s: certainly. take the elevator down to basement level one and it’s right there.


p: where are the elevators?


s: the elevators are beside the escalators over there.自动扶梯在那边,电梯在自动附体旁边。

p: got it .thank you very much .


s:you are welcome.

不客气。dialogue 2 (提供紧急服务)

s: excuse me , are you feeling all right ?


p: my stomach is a little uneasy. is there a medical center here ?


s: yes , in the domestic arrival hall. let me take you there.


p: thank you .谢谢。

s: you are welcome . 不客气。



1. hello! welcome to our shop. 您好!欢迎光临!

2. thank for your coming. 谢谢光临。

3. welcome to our shop again. 欢迎再次光临。

(二) 了解顾客要求。

can i do for you ? can i help you? /how may i help you ?


s: i’m just locking. 我只是看看)

2. please take your time.请您慢慢看。

3. i’m willing to get you suggestion/advice.


三) 提供商品及服务信息。

1. how much is it ?这个多少钱。

it’s 550 rmb……这是…..人民币。

do you h**e any cheaper ones? 你这里有更便宜的吗?

2. what price range do you h**e in mind?


3. i’ll show you a sample. 我拿一件样品给您看看。

4. please take a look at this.请看看这个。

5. how about that one , sir/madam?


6. this is our newest product.


7. i’m sorry. i will change it for a new one .


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